Benoît S. 10385ecf4d nagios-nrpe: check_amavis: Update regex
I just installed a Debian Stretch with a pack mail and the check_amavis
was not checking the right regex.

Amavis is returning:
2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=17556-09 - INFECTED: Eicar-Signature
So the regex should be:
-if ($result =~/2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=[^,]+ - INFECTED: Eicar-Test-Signature/) {
+if ($result =~/2.7.0 Ok, discarded, id=\S+ - INFECTED: Eicar-Signature/) {
2020-08-21 14:51:30 +02:00
plugins nagios-nrpe: check_amavis: Update regex 2020-08-21 14:51:30 +02:00