Ludovic Poujol ebffccae59
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
lxc-php: Do --no-install-recommends for ssmtp/opensmtpd
2020-06-05 11:01:22 +02:00
defaults lxc-php: Don't disable putenv() by default in PHP settings 2020-06-04 11:51:25 +02:00
handlers lxc-php: fix php56-fpm handler name 2020-04-01 17:17:00 +02:00
meta lxc-php & webapps/evoadmin-web: Commit missing fixes 2020-04-01 17:17:00 +02:00
tasks lxc-php: Do --no-install-recommends for ssmtp/opensmtpd 2020-06-05 11:01:22 +02:00
templates (change) lxc-php: Use OpenSMTPD for Stretch/Buster containers, and ssmtp for Jessie containers 2020-04-01 17:23:39 +02:00 Add lxc-php README file 2019-06-18 18:19:45 +02:00


Create LXC containers and install all the required PHP packages as a way to use multiple PHP version on Debian.

note : this role depend on the lxc role.


Everything is in the tasks/main.yml file.

Available variables

As this role depend on the lxc role, please refer to it for a variable exhaustive list.

Here is the list of available variables for the PHP part:

  • php_conf_short_open_tag Default: "Off"
  • php_conf_expose_php Default: "Off"
  • php_conf_display_errors Default: "Off"
  • php_conf_log_errors Default: "On"
  • php_conf_html_errors Default: "Off"
  • php_conf_allow_url_fopen Default: "Off"
  • php_conf_disable_functions Default: "exec,shell-exec,system,passthru,putenv,popen"