Ludovic Poujol 929f258bf8
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
nextcloud: New role
2020-10-02 16:51:05 +02:00
evoadmin-mail evoadmin-mail: complete refactoring, use Debian Package 2018-12-07 15:26:08 +01:00
evoadmin-web packweb-apache: Do the install & conffigure phpContainer script (instead of evoadmin-web role) 2020-04-08 17:54:43 +02:00
nextcloud nextcloud: New role 2020-10-02 16:51:05 +02:00
roundcube replace "with_items" in apt modules 2019-12-31 16:18:56 +01:00
wordpress change repositories URL 2019-03-21 15:31:58 +01:00