
24 lines
657 B

# Ansible managed
# Run containers in unprivilegied mode.
# Map both user and group ids in the range 0-9999 in the container to the ids
# 100000-109999 on the host.
# Require lxc >= 1.1 to run jessie or later containers
#lxc.id_map = u 0 100000 10000
#lxc.id_map = g 0 100000 10000
# Set the default network virtualization method: share the host network stack. = none
# Mount /home into containers.
lxc.mount.entry = /home home none bind 0 0
# Only one tty is enough.
# This require that you disabled others tty ([2-6]) in systemd.
lxc.tty = 1
# Run 64bits containers
lxc.arch = x86_64
# Start containers on boot = onboot