William Hirigoyen 5f03bf99d0 Commit
2024-05-03 10:08:21 +02:00

255 lines
7.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Location of disable files
readonly var_dir="/var/lib/monitoringctl"
readonly log_file="/var/log/monitoringctl.log"
readonly nrpe_conf_path="/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg"
debian_major_version="$(cut -d "." -f 1 < /etc/debian_version)"
readonly debian_major_version
# If no time limit is provided in CLI or found in file, this value is used
readonly default_disabled_time="1h"
function error() {
# $1: error message
>&2 echo "${1}"
exit 1
function usage_error() {
# $1: error message
>&2 echo "${1}"
>&2 echo "Execute \"${PROGNAME} --help\" for information on usage."
exit 1
function log() {
# $1: message
echo "$(now_iso) - ${PROGNAME}: ${1}" >> "${log_file}"
function show_version() {
cat <<END
${PROGNAME} version ${VERSION}.
Copyright 2018-2024 Evolix <>,
Jérémy Lecour <>
and others.
${PROGNAME} comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
See the GNU General Public License v3.0 for details.
# Fail if argument does not respect format: XwXdXhXmXs, XhX, XmX
function filter_duration() {
# $1: duration in format specified above
if [[ "${1}" =~ ${time_regex} ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Convert human writable duration into seconds
function time_to_seconds() {
# $1: formated time string
if echo "${1}" | grep -E -q '^([0-9]+[wdhms])+$'; then
echo "${1}" | sed 's/w/ * 604800 + /g; s/d/ * 86400 + /g; s/h/ * 3600 + /g; s/m/ * 60 + /g; s/s/ + /g; s/+ $//' | xargs expr
elif echo "${1}" | grep -E -q '^([0-9]+h[0-9]+$)'; then
echo "${1}" | sed 's/h/ * 3600 + /g; s/$/ * 60/' | xargs expr
elif echo "${1}" | grep -E -q '^([0-9]+m[0-9]+$)'; then
echo "${1}" | sed 's/m/ * 60 + /g' | xargs expr
error "Invalid duration: '${1}'."
# Print re-enable time in secs
function get_enable_time() {
# $1: wrapper name
disable_file_path="$(get_disable_file_path "${1}")"
enable_secs="$(grep -v -E "^\s*#" "${disable_file_path}" | grep -E "^[0-9]+$" | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}')"
# If file is empty, use file last change date plus default disabled time
if [ -z "${enable_secs}" ]; then
file_last_change_secs="$(stat -c %Z "${disable_file_path}")"
default_disabled_time_secs="$(time_to_seconds "${default_disabled_time}")"
enable_secs="$(( file_last_change_secs + default_disabled_time_secs ))"
echo "${enable_secs}"
function now_secs() {
date +"%s"
function now_iso() {
date --iso-8601=seconds
# Print delay before re-enable in secs
function enable_delay() {
# $1: re-enable time in secs
#now_secs=$(date +"%s")
echo $(( ${1} - $(now_secs) ))
# Converts delay (in seconds) into human readable duration
function delay_to_string() {
# $1: delay in secs
delay_days="$(( ${1} /86400 ))"
if [ "${delay_days}" -eq 0 ]; then delay_days=""
else delay_days="${delay_days}d"; fi
delay_hours="$(( (${1} %86400) /3600 ))"
if [ "${delay_hours}" -eq 0 ]; then delay_hours=""
else delay_hours="${delay_hours}h"; fi
delay_minutes="$(( ((${1} %86400) %3600) /60 ))"
if [ "${delay_minutes}" -eq 0 ]; then delay_minutes=""
else delay_minutes="${delay_minutes}m"; fi
delay_seconds="$(( ((${1} %86400) %3600) %60 ))"
if [ "${delay_seconds}" -eq 0 ]; then delay_seconds=""
else delay_seconds="${delay_seconds}s"; fi
echo "${delay_days}${delay_hours}${delay_minutes}${delay_seconds}"
function is_disabled() {
# $1: wrapper name
disable_file_path="$(get_disable_file_path "${1}")"
if [ -e "${disable_file_path}" ]; then
enable_time="$(get_enable_time "${1}")"
enable_delay="$(enable_delay "${enable_time}")"
if [ "${enable_delay}" -le "0" ]; then
echo "False"
echo "True"
echo False
function get_disable_file_path() {
# $1: wrapper name
echo "${var_dir}/${1}_alerts_disabled"
### Nagios configuration functions ####################
# Print NRPE configuration, with includes, without comments
# and in the same order than NRPE does (taking account that
# order changes from Deb10)
function get_nrpe_conf() {
_get_conf_from_file "${nrpe_conf_path}"
# Private function to recursively get NRPE conf from file
function _get_conf_from_file() {
# $1: NRPE conf file (.cfg)
if [ ! -f "${1}" ]; then return; fi
conf_lines=$(grep -E -R -v --no-filename "^\s*(#.*|)$" "${1}")
while read -r line; do
if [[ "${line}" =~ .*'include='.* ]]; then
conf_file=$(echo "${line}" | cut -d= -f2)
_get_conf_from_file "${conf_file}"
elif [[ "${line}" =~ .*'include_dir='.* ]]; then
conf_dir=$(echo "${line}" | cut -d= -f2)
_get_conf_from_dir "${conf_dir}"
echo "${line}"
done <<< "${conf_lines}"
# Private function to recursively get NRPE conf from directory
function _get_conf_from_dir() {
# $1: NRPE conf dir
if [ ! -d "${1}" ]; then return; fi
if [ "${debian_major_version}" -ge 10 ]; then
# From Deb10, NRPE use scandir() with alphasort() function
# Before Deb10, NRPE use loaddir(), like find utility
sort_command="cat -"
# Add conf files in dir to be processed recursively
for file in $(find "${1}" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.cfg" | ${sort_command}); do
if [ -f "${file}" ]; then
_get_conf_from_file "${file}"
elif [ -d "${file}" ]; then
_get_conf_from_dir "${file}"
# Print the checks that are configured in NRPE
function get_checks_names() {
conf_lines="$(get_nrpe_conf "${nrpe_conf_path}")"
echo "${conf_lines}" | grep -E "command\[check_.*\]=" | awk -F"[\\\[\\\]=]" '{sub("check_", "", $2); print $2}' | sort | uniq
# Print the commands defined for check $1 in NRPE configuration
function get_check_commands() {
# $1: check name
conf_lines="$(get_nrpe_conf "${nrpe_conf_path}")"
echo "${conf_lines}" | grep -E "command\[check_${1}\]" | cut -d'=' -f2-
# Print the checks that have no alerts_wrapper in NRPE configuration
function not_wrapped_checks() {
for check in $(get_checks_names); do
if ! is_wrapped "${check}"; then
echo "${check}"
# Fail if check is mot wrapped
function is_wrapped() {
# $1: check name
cmd=$(get_check_commands "${1}" | tail -n1)
if echo "${cmd}" | grep --quiet --no-messages alerts_wrapper; then
return 0
return 1
# Print the names that are defined in the wrappers of the checks
function get_wrappers_names() {
conf_lines="$(get_nrpe_conf "${nrpe_conf_path}")"
echo "${conf_lines}" | grep -s "alerts_wrapper" | awk '{ for (i=1 ; i<=NF; i++) { if ($i ~ /^(-n|--name)$/) { print $(i+1); break } } }' | tr ',' '\n' | sort | uniq
function is_check() {
# $1: check name
if echo "${checks}" | grep --quiet -E "^${1}$"; then
return 0
return 1
function is_wrapper() {
# $1: wrapper name
if echo "${wrappers}" | grep --quiet -E "^${1}$"; then
return 0
return 1