Patrick Marchand 598cee764f Replication should set a binlog format
This could possible be better served in the base config file, but
for now I'll keep it here.
2020-01-13 17:22:16 +01:00

52 lines
1.3 KiB

general_alert_email: "root@localhost"
log2mail_alert_email: Null
general_scripts_dir: "/usr/share/scripts"
mysql_scripts_dir: Null
mysql_variant: oracle
mysql_install_libclient: False
mysql_replace_root_with_mysqladmin: True
mysql_custom_datadir: ''
mysql_custom_tmpdir: ''
mysql_custom_logdir: ''
mysql_thread_cache_size: '{{ ansible_processor_cores }}'
mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size: '{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.3) | int }}M'
# If these variables are changed to non-Null values,
# they will be added in the zzz-evolinux-custom.cnf file.
# Otherwise, the value from de the z-evolinux-defaults.cnf file will preveil.
mysql_max_connections: Null
mysql_max_connect_errors: Null
mysql_table_cache: Null
mysql_tmp_table_size: Null
mysql_max_heap_table_size: Null
mysql_query_cache_limit: Null
mysql_query_cache_size: Null
mysql_cron_optimize: True
mysql_cron_optimize_frequency: weekly
mysql_cron_mysqltuner: True
mysql_cron_mysqltuner_frequency: monthly
mysql_force_new_nrpe_password: False
mysql_evolinux_defaults_file: z-evolinux-defaults.cnf
mysql_evolinux_custom_file: zzz-evolinux-custom.cnf
mysql_restart_if_needed: True
# replication variables:
mysql_replication: false
mysql_log_bin: null
mysql_binlog_format: mixed
mysql_server_id: null
mysql_bind_address: null
mysql_repl_password: ''