Jérémy Lecour 70c93310f9
All checks were successful
Ansible Lint |Total|New|Outstanding|Fixed|Trend |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: |2768|3|2765|12|:+1: Reference build: <a href="">Evolix » ansible-roles » unstable #224</a>
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Fix ansible-lint violations
2023-03-20 23:48:40 +01:00
defaults varnish: add variable varnish_update_config to disable configuration update 2023-02-28 15:24:18 +01:00
files/munin varnish: update munin plugin to work with recent varnish versions 2022-02-08 16:16:24 +01:00
handlers Use FQCN 2023-03-20 23:33:19 +01:00
meta Update Galaxy metadata (company, platforms and galaxy_tags) 2021-06-28 15:26:28 +02:00
tasks Fix ansible-lint violations 2023-03-20 23:48:40 +01:00
templates varnish: systemd override depends on Varnish 2022-11-02 13:55:03 +01:00
tests Add tests for many roles 2017-05-18 15:44:21 +02:00
.kitchen.yml Kitchen: Change base image to evolix/ansible 2017-06-02 08:38:08 -04:00 Improve documentation 2017-01-05 18:22:06 +01:00


Installation and basic configuration of Varnish


Everything is in the tasks/main.yml file.


  • thread_pools : number of thread to use (default to number of vCPU)
  • malloc : amount of memory to allocate (default: 2G)