Patrick Marchand 7da22e243e Changed log directory for bind9
It is now /var/log/named, this is what debian 10 and apparmor expect by default. This fixes the bind9 service crashing at start.
2021-03-09 12:25:15 -05:00

13 lines
474 B

bind_recursive_server: False
bind_authoritative_server: True
bind_chroot_set: True
# Until is migrated to ansible, we hardcode the chroot paths.
#bind_chroot_path: /var/chroot-bind
bind_systemd_service_path: /etc/systemd/system/bind9.service
bind_statistics_file: /var/run/named.stats
bind_log_folder: /var/log/named
bind_log_file: "{{ bind_log_folder }}/bind.log"
bind_query_file: "{{ bind_log_folder }}/bind_queries.log"
bind_cache_dir: /var/cache/bind