Jérémy Lecour 8920ff1ee4 Add "always_run: yes" where it's pertinent
There is also the "check_mode: no", but commented,
for when we switch to Ansible 2.2
2017-01-31 11:45:35 +01:00

35 lines
1.2 KiB

- name: evomaintenance is installed
command: "apt-get install -yq --allow-unauthenticated evomaintenance"
register: installed_evomaintenance
changed_when: not (installed_evomaintenance.stdout | search("0 upgraded") and installed_evomaintenance.stdout | search("0 newly installed"))
- name: configuration is applied
src: evomaintenance.j2
dest: /etc/
- name: list users with a shell
shell: "cat /etc/passwd | grep -vE \"^root:\" | grep -E \":/[^:]+sh$\" | cut -d: -f6"
changed_when: False
#check_mode: no (for migration to Ansible 2.2)
always_run: yes
register: home_of_shell_users
- include: trap.yml home={{ item }}
with_items: "{{ home_of_shell_users.stdout_lines }}"
- name: minifirewall section for evomaintenance
dest: /etc/default/minifirewall
line: "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 5432 --dport 1024:65535 -s {{ item }} -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT"
insertafter: "^# EvoMaintenance"
with_items: "{{ evomaintenance_hosts }}"
- name: remove minifirewall example rule for the proxy
dest: /etc/default/minifirewall
regexp: '^#.*(--sport 5432).*(-s X\.X\.X\.X)'
state: absent