Eric Morino 8dca949564
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Add *xml to crontab for sync libvirt xml file
2021-11-22 11:44:07 +01:00

51 lines
1.4 KiB

- name: Generate root ssh_key
name: root
generate_ssh_key: yes
ssh_key_bits: 2048
- name: Fetch ssh public keys
command: cat /root/.ssh/
register: ssh_keys
check_mode: no
changed_when: false
- name: Print ssh public keys
msg: "{{ ssh_keys.stdout }}"
#- name: Autorize other kvm ssh key
# authorized_key:
# user: root
# state: present
# key: "{{ item[0] }}"
# delegate_to: "{{ item[1] }}"
# loop: "{{ _keys | product(_servers) | list }}"
# vars:
# _keys: ssh_keys.stdout
# _servers: groups['hypervisors']
# when: item[1] != inventory_hostname
- name: Crontab for sync libvirt xml file
name: "sync libvirt xml on {{ item }}"
state: present
special_time: "hourly"
user: root
job: "rsync -a --delete /etc/libvirt/qemu/*xml {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_pair'] }}:/root/libvirt-{{ inventory_hostname }}/"
loop: "{{ groups['hypervisors'] }}"
when: item != inventory_hostname
tags: crontab
- name: Crontab for sync list of running vm
name: "sync list of libvirt running vm on {{ item }}"
state: present
special_time: "daily"
user: root
job: "virsh list --all | tee /root/virsh-list.txt | ssh {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_pair'] }} 'cat >/root/libvirt-{{ inventory_hostname }}/virsh-list.txt'"
loop: "{{ groups['hypervisors'] }}"
when: item != inventory_hostname
tags: crontab