Brice Waegeneire ac70793ad6 Add pki role.
2023-09-13 11:35:37 +02:00

16 lines
710 B

pki_dir: /etc/pki # Where to store PKI files
pki_ca_cn: Null # Certificate Authority Commmon Name
pki_ca_host: Null # Host where the CA is located
pki_ca_filename: Null # Filename used to created CA related file
pki_ca_password: Null # Password for the key of the CA
# Private variable, please don't customize them
pki_ca_key: "{{ pki_dir }}/private/{{ pki_ca_filename | mandatory }}.key"
# pki_ca_csr: "{{ pki_dir }}/certs/{{ pki_ca_filename | mandatory }}.crt"
pki_ca_crt: "{{ pki_dir }}/certs/{{ pki_ca_filename | mandatory }}.crt"
pki_certificate_crt: "{{ pki_dir }}/certs/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.crt"
pki_certificate_key: "{{ pki_dir }}/private/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.key"