Ludovic Poujol e6f2bbb331 lxc-php: An almost complete rewrite ** BREAKING **
This is a breaking change as lxc-php should now be called for *each* php 
containers we want, with the correct lxc_php_version variable.

Current valid values are : 
- php56
- php70
- php73

Other changes includes : 
- LXC Containers are created by calling lxc as a dependency of the role.
- Relying on lxc_container module to do commands into the container 
(instead of the command module)
- PHP 7.3 container is now a Debian Buster container
- All containers will have opensmtpd to relay emails to postfix on the 
host system.
2020-04-01 17:17:00 +02:00

16 lines
361 B

php_conf_short_open_tag: "Off"
php_conf_expose_php: "Off"
php_conf_display_errors: "Off"
php_conf_log_errors: "On"
php_conf_html_errors: "Off"
php_conf_allow_url_fopen: "Off"
php_conf_disable_functions: "exec,shell-exec,system,passthru,putenv,popen"
lxc_php_version: Null
php56: "jessie"
php70: "stretch"
php73: "buster"