Patrick Marchand b80f3993ae Added some mysql variables and allowed forcing config update
The default behaviour is kept, but this way we can manage a mysql
installation from ansible.
2020-06-01 12:01:01 -04:00

40 lines
1.1 KiB

{% if mysql_bind_address %}
bind-address = {{ mysql_bind_address }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_thread_cache_size %}
thread_cache_size = {{ mysql_thread_cache_size }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size %}
innodb_buffer_pool_size = {{ mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_max_connections %}
max_connections = {{ mysql_max_connections }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_max_connect_errors %}
max_connect_errors = {{ mysql_max_connect_errors }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_table_cache %}
table_cache = {{ mysql_table_cache }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_tmp_table_size %}
tmp_table_size = {{ mysql_tmp_table_size }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_max_heap_table_size %}
max_heap_table_size = {{ mysql_max_heap_table_size }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_query_cache_limit %}
query_cache_limit = {{ mysql_query_cache_limit }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_query_cache_limit %}
query_cache_size = {{ mysql_query_cache_size }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_max_allowed_packet %}
max_allowed_packet = {{ mysql_max_allowed_packet }}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_lower_case_table_names %}
lower_case_table_names = {{ mysql_lower_case_table_names }}
{% endif %}