William Hirigoyen c27c4b1698
All checks were successful
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head This commit looks good
evodomains: implement config files include and exclude domains, and config file to allow external IPs
2022-09-16 15:02:00 +02:00

44 lines
1.7 KiB

- name: Copy evodomains script to local sbin
dest: /usr/local/sbin/evodomains
mode: '0700'
- name: Create config file 'evodomains_exclude.list'
path: /etc/evolinux/evodomains_exclude.list
create: true
marker: "### {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED HEADER"
insertbefore: BOF
block: |
# Domains present in vhosts or SSL certificates whose DNS records should
# not be checked by 'evodomains --check-dns'.
# Note: custom record IPs can also be added to /etc/evolinux/evodomains_allowed_ips.list,
# this is useful for load-balanced domains or NAT.
# Format: one domain per line, regex and wildcards not supported.
- name: Create config file 'evodomains_include.list'
path: /etc/evolinux/evodomains_include.list
create: true
marker: "### {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED HEADER"
insertbefore: BOF
block: |
# Domains absent from vhosts or SSL certificates whose DNS records must
# be checked by 'evodomains --check-dns'.
# Format: one domain per line, regex and wildcards not supported.
- name: Create config file 'evodomains_allowed_ips.list'
path: /etc/evolinux/evodomains_allowed_ips.list
create: true
marker: "### {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED HEADER"
insertbefore: BOF
block: |
# External IPs the domains of this server are allowed to point for
# 'evodomains --check-dns'.
# This is useful for load-balanced domains or NAT.
# Note: the network interfaces IPs of the server are allowed by default.
# Format: one IP per line, regex and wildcards not supported.