Jérémy Lecour 1f4079b1b3
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
haproxy: possible admin access with login/pass
2021-02-27 18:43:59 +01:00

35 lines
1.4 KiB

# backward compatibility with a previously used variable
haproxy_stats_ssl: True
haproxy_stats_host: "*"
haproxy_stats_port: "8080"
haproxy_stats_path: "/"
haproxy_stats_bind_directive: "{{ haproxy_stats_host }}:{{ haproxy_stats_port }} {% if haproxy_stats_ssl %}ssl crt {{ haproxy_ssl_dir }}{% endif %}"
haproxy_stats_internal_url: "{% if haproxy_stats_ssl %}https:{% else %}http:{% endif %}//{% if haproxy_stats_host == '*' or haproxy_stats_host == '' %}{% else %}{{ haproxy_stats_host }}{% endif %}:{{ haproxy_stats_port }}{{ haproxy_stats_path }}"
haproxy_stats_external_url: "{% if haproxy_stats_ssl %}https:{% else %}http:{% endif %}//{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ haproxy_stats_port }}{{ haproxy_stats_path }}"
haproxy_backports: "{{ haproxy_jessie_backports | default(false, true) }}"
haproxy_update_config: True
haproxy_force_config: True
haproxy_socket: /run/haproxy/admin.sock
haproxy_chroot: /var/lib/haproxy
haproxy_stats_access_ips: []
haproxy_stats_admin_ips: []
haproxy_stats_users: []
## use crypt(8) password encryption
# haproxy_stats_users:
# - { login: "", password: "" }
haproxy_maintenance_ips: []
haproxy_deny_ips: []
haproxy_ssl_dir: "/etc/haproxy/ssl/"
haproxy_stats_enable: False
haproxy_stats_bind: "*:8080 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/"
haproxy_backports_packages_stretch: haproxy libssl1.0.0
haproxy_backports_packages_buster: haproxy