Mathieu Trossevin 49b20f9b12 lxc-php: Have mysqld.sock inside of a directory
Bind mount don't seems to work on a file so the default socket is now
always named mysqld.sock and the configurable variable is
php_conf_mysql_socket_dir that define the directory the socket will be
2020-06-17 16:06:54 +02:00

17 lines
514 B

short_open_tag = {{ php_conf_short_open_tag }}
expose_php = {{ php_conf_expose_php }}
display_errors = {{ php_conf_display_errors }}
log_errors = {{ php_conf_log_errors }}
html_errors = {{ php_conf_html_errors }}
allow_url_fopen = {{ php_conf_allow_url_fopen }}
disable_functions = {{ php_conf_disable_functions }}
{% if php_conf_mysql_socket_dir %}
pdo_mysql.default_socket = {{ php_conf_mysql_default_socket }}
mysqli.default_socket = {{ php_conf_mysql_default_socket }}
{% endif %}