Tristan PILAT f70be6d0df Swith to buster for PHP 7.3
- Amend lxc role default variable examples to include buster
- Include opensmtpd configuration to replace ssmtp into the container
- Delete Sury related tasks
- Change packages names when installing php in the php73 container since
we are not using Sury anymore
2019-09-18 12:21:02 +02:00

21 lines
448 B

# Should LXC containers run in unprivilegied (non root) mode?
lxc_unprivilegied_containers: false
# Network type to use. See lxc.container.conf(5).
lxc_network_type: "none"
# Partition to bind mount into containers.
lxc_mount_part: "/home"
# List of LXC containers to create.
# Eg.:
# lxc_containers:
# - name: php56
# release: jessie
# - name: php70
# release: stretch
# - name: php73
# release: buster
lxc_containers: []