Patrick Marchand 1c6fdbf85a
All checks were successful
gitea/ansible-roles/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Remove warning ignores as they are depreciated
Will cause a hard fail in ansible 2.14, so better get rid of them now.
There is no alternative, but the ansible warnings for those modules
are not hard failures anyways.
2022-12-22 11:32:32 -05:00
defaults rbenv: install Ruby 3.1.0 by default 2022-01-28 16:27:20 +01:00
files rbenv: switch from copy to lineinfile for default gems 2018-05-23 16:20:46 +02:00
meta Update Galaxy metadata (company, platforms and galaxy_tags) 2021-06-28 15:26:28 +02:00
tasks Remove warning ignores as they are depreciated 2022-12-22 11:32:32 -05:00 Improve documentation 2017-01-05 18:22:06 +01:00


Installation of Rbenv, Ruby and some default gems.


Everything is in the tasks/main.yml file.

Available variables

  • rbenv_version: Rbenv version to install ;
  • rbenv_ruby_version: Ruby version to install ;
  • rbenv_root: install path for Rbenv ;
  • rbenv_repo: repository location ;
  • rbenv_plugins: list of Rbenv plugins to install.

The role must be specified with a username variable :

- { role: rbenv, username: 'johndoe' }