Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Evolix/chexpire.git synced 2024-04-25 21:40:49 +02:00

Notifications grouped of checks in error to user email.

This is not dependent of Notificatioon model.
This commit is contained in:
Colin Darie 2018-08-01 17:06:20 +02:00
parent d61b6d9c8a
commit ea610ee185
No known key found for this signature in database
51 changed files with 451 additions and 512 deletions

View file

@ -1,34 +1,38 @@
class NotificationsMailer < ApplicationMailer
helper :application
before_action do
before_action except: :recurrent_failures do
@notification = params.fetch(:notification)
@check = @notification.check
default to: -> { @notification.recipient }
def domain_expires_soon
@expire_in_days = Integer(@check.domain_expires_at.to_date - Date.today)
subject = t(".subject", domain: @check.domain, count: @expire_in_days)
mail subject: subject
def domain_recurrent_failures
subject = t(".subject", domain: @check.domain)
mail subject: subject
I18n.with_locale params&.fetch(:locale) { @check.user.locale } do
subject = t(".subject", domain: @check.domain, count: @expire_in_days)
mail subject: subject, to: @notification.recipient
def ssl_expires_soon
@expire_in_days = Integer(@check.domain_expires_at.to_date - Date.today)
subject = t(".subject", domain: @check.domain, count: @expire_in_days)
mail subject: subject
I18n.with_locale params&.fetch(:locale) { @check.user.locale } do
subject = t(".subject", domain: @check.domain, count: @expire_in_days)
mail subject: subject, to: @notification.recipient
def ssl_recurrent_failures
subject = t(".subject", domain: @check.domain)
mail subject: subject
def recurrent_failures(user, checks)
@checks = checks
# params generally not set, except for preview mailer
params_locale = (params[:locale] if params.present?)
I18n.with_locale params_locale || user.locale do
subject = t(".subject", count: checks.count, domain: checks.first.domain)
mail subject: subject, to: user.email

View file

@ -1,39 +1,33 @@
module Notifier
module Channels
class Base
def notify(reason, notification) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
return unless supports?(reason, notification)
def notify(notification) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
return unless supports?(notification)
case [notification.check.kind.to_sym, reason]
when [:domain, :expires_soon]
case notification.check.kind.to_sym
when :domain
when [:domain, :recurrent_failures]
when [:ssl, :expires_soon]
when :ssl
when [:ssl, :recurrent_failures]
fail ArgumentError,
"Invalid notification reason `#{reason}` for check kind `#{notification.check.kind}`."
"Invalid notification for check kind `#{notification.check.kind}`."
# :nocov:
def supports?(_reason, _notification)
def supports?(_notification)
fail NotImplementedError,
"#{self.class.name} channel did not implemented method #{__callee__}"
].each do |method|
define_method(method) do
fail NotImplementedError,

View file

@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
module Notifier
module Channels
class Email < Base
REASONS = %i[expires_soon recurrent_failures].freeze
# Error notifications - all checks grouped by user
def notify_recurrent_failures(user, checks)
NotificationsMailer.recurrent_failures(user, checks).deliver_now
def supports?(reason, _notification)
def supports?(_notification)
# Expiration notifications
def domain_notify_expires_soon(notification)
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_expires_soon.deliver_now
def domain_notify_recurrent_failures(notification)
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_recurrent_failures.deliver_now
def ssl_notify_expires_soon(notification)
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).ssl_expires_soon.deliver_now
def ssl_notify_recurrent_failures(notification)
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).ssl_recurrent_failures.deliver_now

View file

@ -16,16 +16,19 @@ module Notifier
def process_expires_soon
resolver.resolve_expires_soon.find_each do |notification|
notifier_channel_for(notification).notify(:expires_soon, notification)
resolver.notifications_expiring_soon.find_each do |notification|
sleep configuration.interval
# Notify checks in error by email to the check owner adress email.
# A single email contains all checks for a same user.
def process_recurrent_failures
resolver.resolve_check_failed(configuration.consecutive_failures).find_each do |notification|
notifier_channel_for(notification).notify(:recurrent_failures, notification)
failed_checks = resolver.checks_recurrent_failures(configuration.consecutive_failures)
failed_checks.group_by(&:user).each_pair do |user, checks|
channels[:email].notify_recurrent_failures(user, checks)
sleep configuration.interval
@ -34,12 +37,7 @@ module Notifier
def default_configuration
config = Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("notifier", {})
config.fetch("interval") { 0.00 },
config.fetch("consecutive_failures") { 3 },
def notifier_channel_for(notification)

View file

@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
module Notifier
class Resolver
def resolve_expires_soon
def notifications_expiring_soon
.where("checks.domain_expires_at >= CURDATE()")
<= DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL notifications.interval DAY)")
def resolve_check_failed
# Only gets here the checks having its last run in error
# Logical rules are in plain ruby inside processor
.includes(check: :logs)
def checks_recurrent_failures(min_consecutive)
.where.not(user: ignore_users)

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<%- if @check.comment.present? -%>
<%- if check.comment.present? -%>
You wrote the following comment with this domain:
<%= @check.comment -%>
<%= check.comment -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @check.vendor.present? -%>
Vendor: <%= @check.vendor %>
<%- if check.vendor.present? -%>
Vendor: <%= check.vendor %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
<%- if @check.comment.present? -%>
<%- if check.comment.present? -%>
You wrote the following comment with this domain:
<%= @check.comment -%>
<%= check.comment -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @check.vendor.present? -%>
Vendor: <%= @check.vendor %>
<%- if check.vendor.present? -%>
Vendor: <%= check.vendor %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<%- if @check.comment.present? -%>
<%- if check.comment.present? -%>
Vous avez saisi le commentaire suivant pour ce domaine :
<%= @check.comment -%>
<%= check.comment -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @check.vendor.present? -%>
Fournisseur : <%= @check.vendor %>
<%- if check.vendor.present? -%>
Fournisseur : <%= check.vendor %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
<%- if @check.comment.present? -%>
<%- if check.comment.present? -%>
Vous avez saisi le commentaire suivant pour ce domaine :
<%= @check.comment -%>
<%= check.comment -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- if @check.vendor.present? -%>
Fournisseur : <%= @check.vendor %>
<%- if check.vendor.present? -%>
Fournisseur : <%= check.vendor %>
<% end %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<strong>Domain: <%= check.domain %></strong> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> consecutive errors)
<br />
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Last known expiry date : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Last successful check occured : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<p>If you have deleted your domain or have not renewed it, please disable
or delete the check by following this link: <br />
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Domain: <%= check.domain %> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> consecutive errors)
<%= "-" * (check.domain.length + "Domain: ".length) %>
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Last known expiry date : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<% end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Last successful check occured : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
If you have deleted your domain or have not renewed it, please disable
or delete the check by following this link:
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<strong>Domaine: <%= check.domain %></strong> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> erreurs consécutives)
<br />
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Dernière date d'expiration connue : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Dernière vérification réussie : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
Si vous avez supprimé le domaine ou ne l'avez pas renouvellé, merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :<br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Domaine: <%= check.domain %> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> erreurs consécutives)
<%= "-" * (check.domain.length + "Domaine: ".length) %>
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Dernière date d'expiration connue : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<% end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Dernière vérification réussie : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
Si vous avez supprimé le domaine ou ne l'avez pas renouvellé,
merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
<br />
<br />
<p>You received this email because of the notification <%= interval %> days before
the last known expiry date.<br />
You can handle the check by following this link: <br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(check) %>
<p>You can handle all your checks by following this link:<br />
<%= link_to nil, checks_url %>
<p>The Chexpire Team</p>

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
You received this email because of the notification <%= interval %> days before
the last known expiry date.
You can handle the check by following this link:
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
You can handle all your checks by following this link:
<%= checks_url %>
The Chexpire Team

View file

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
<br />
<br />
<p>Vous avez reçu ce courriel à <%= pluralize(interval, "jour", "jours") %> avant la dernière date d'expiration connue.<br />
Vous pouvez gérer les notifications pour cette vérification à ce adresse :
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(check) %>
<p>Vous pouvez gérer l'ensemble de vos vérifications à cette adresse : <br />
<%= link_to nil, checks_url %>
<p>L'équipe Chexpire</p>

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
Vous avez reçu ce courriel à <%= pluralize(interval, "jour", "jours") %>
avant la dernière date d'expiration connue.
Vous pouvez gérer les notifications pour cette vérification à ce adresse :
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
Vous pouvez gérer l'ensemble de vos vérifications à cette adresse :
<%= checks_url %>
L'équipe Chexpire

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<strong>SSL: <%= check.domain %></strong> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> erreurs consécutives)
<br />
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Last known expiry date : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<%- end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Last successful check : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<br />
<%- end %>
If there is no more SSL endpoint for this domain, please disable
or delete the check by following this link: <br />
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
SSL: <%= check.domain %> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> erreurs consécutives)
<%= "-" * (check.domain.length + "SSL: ".length) %>
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Last known expiry date : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<%- end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Last successful check : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<%- end %>
If there is no more SSL endpoint for this domain, please disable
or delete the check by following this link:
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<strong>SSL: <%= check.domain %></strong> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> erreurs consécutives)
<br />
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Dernière date d'expiration connue : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Dernière vérification réussie : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
S'il n'y a plus de terminaison SSL pour ce site ou s'il n'existe plus,
merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :<br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
SSL: <%= check.domain %> (<%= check.consecutive_failures %> erreurs consécutives)
<%= "-" * (check.domain.length + "SSL: ".length) %>
<%- if check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Dernière date d'expiration connue : <%= format_utc(check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<% end %>
<%- if check.last_success_at.present? %>
Dernière vérification réussie : <%= format_utc(check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
S'il n'y a plus de terminaison SSL pour ce site ou s'il n'existe plus,
merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :
<%= edit_check_url(check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: check %>

View file

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Hi,
the domain <%= @check.domain %> will expire <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Salut,
le domaine <%= @check.domain %> va expirer le <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
<br />
<br />
We had <strong>recurrent failures</strong> while checking the whois database for domain
<strong><%= @check.domain %></strong>. As of today, we can't anymore verify the expiry date.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Our last known expiry date is <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
Our last successful check occured <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
If you have deleted the domain or have not renewed it, please disable
or delete the check by following this link: <br /><br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(@check) %>
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
We had recurrent failures while checking the whois database for domain
<%= @check.domain %>. As of today, we can't anymore verify the expiry date.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
The last known expiry date is <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<% end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
The last successful check occured <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
If you have deleted your domain or have not renewed it, please disable
or delete the check by following this link:
<%= edit_check_url(@check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
<br />
<br />
Nous avons rencontré de <strong>multiples erreurs</strong> pendant l'exécution des vérifications du domaine <strong><%= @check.domain %></strong>.
Nous ne pouvons plus interroger la base Whois pour vérifier la date d'expiration.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
La dernière date d'expiration connue est le <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
Notre dernière vérification réussie a eu lieu le <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
Si vous avez supprimé le domaine ou ne l'avez pas renouvellé, merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :<br /><br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(@check) %>
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
Nous avons rencontré de multiples erreurs pendant l'exécution des vérifications
du domaine <strong><%= @check.domain %></strong>.
Nous ne pouvons plus interroger la base Whois pour vérifier la date d'expiration.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
La dernière date d'expiration connue est le <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<% end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
Notre dernière vérification réussie a eu lieu le <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
Si vous avez supprimé le domaine ou ne l'avez pas renouvellé,
merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :
<%= edit_check_url(@check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<br />
<br />
<%= t(".header", count: @checks.count) %>
<%- @checks.each_with_index do |check, index| %>
<%- if index > 0 -%>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<%- end -%>
<%= render "#{check.kind}_recurrent_failure", check: check %>
<%- end -%>
<br />
<br />
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures" %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<%= t(".header", count: @checks.count) %>
<%- @checks.each_with_index do |check, index| %>
<%- if index > 0 -%>
<%- end -%>
<%= render "#{check.kind}_recurrent_failure", check: check %>
<%- end -%>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures" %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<br />
<br />
<%= t(".header", count: @checks.count) %>
<%- @checks.each_with_index do |check, index| %>
<%- if index > 0 -%>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<%- end -%>
<%= render "#{check.kind}_recurrent_failure", check: check %>
<%- end -%>
<br />
<br />
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures" %>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<%= t(".header", count: @checks.count) %>
<%- @checks.each_with_index do |check, index| %>
<%- if index > 0 -%>
<%- end -%>
<%= render "#{check.kind}_recurrent_failure", check: check %>
<%- end -%>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures" %>

View file

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Hi,
the SSL certificate for <%= @check.domain %> will expire <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Salut,
le certificat SSL pour <%= @check.domain %> va expirer le <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor", check: @check %>
<%= render "footer_expires_soon", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<br />
<br />
We had <strong>recurrent failures</strong> while checking the SSL certificate for
<strong><%= @check.domain %></strong>. As of today, we can no longer verify the certificate
expiry date.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
Our last known expiry date is <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<%- end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
Our last successful check occured <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<%- end %>
If there is no more SSL endpoint for this domain, please disable
or delete the check by following this link: <br /><br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(@check) %>
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
We had recurrent failures while checking the SSL certificate for
<%= @check.domain %>. As of today, we can no longer verify the certificate
expiry date.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
The last known expiry date is <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<%- end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
The last successful check occured <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<%- end %>
If there is no more SSL endpoint for this domain, please disable
or delete the check by following this link:
<%= edit_check_url(@check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
<br />
<br />
Nous avons rencontré de <strong>multiples erreurs</strong>
pendant l'exécution des vérifications du certificat SSL
du site <strong><%= @check.domain %></strong>.
Nous ne pouvons plus vérifier la date d'expiration du certificat
en nous connectant au site.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
La dernière date d'expiration connue est le <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<br />
<% end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
Notre dernière vérification réussie a eu lieu le <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
S'il n'y a plus de terminaison SSL pour ce site ou s'il n'existe plus,
merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :
<br />
<br />
<%= link_to nil, edit_check_url(@check) %>
<br />
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Nous avons rencontré de multiples erreurs pendant l'exécution des vérifications
du certificat SSL pour le site <strong><%= @check.domain %></strong>.
Nous ne pouvons plus vérifier la date d'expiration du certificat
en nous connectant au site.
<%- if @check.domain_expires_at.present? %>
La dernière date d'expiration connue est le <%= format_utc(@check.domain_expires_at) %>.
<% end %>
<%- if @check.last_success_at.present? %>
Notre dernière vérification réussie a eu lieu le <%= format_utc(@check.last_success_at) %>.
<% end %>
S'il n'y a plus de terminaison SSL pour ce site ou s'il n'existe plus,
merci de désactiver la vérification associée, avec ce lien :
<%= edit_check_url(@check) %>
<%= render "check_comment_vendor" %>
<%= render "footer_recurrent_failures", interval: @notification.interval, check: @check %>

View file

@ -40,8 +40,13 @@ en:
one: "Domain %{domain} expires TOMORROW!"
other: "Domain %{domain} expires in %{count} days"
subject: "Recurrent failures in %{domain} domain expiry check"
one: "Recurrent failures for %{domain} expiry check"
other: "%{count} checks in error"
one: "We had recurrent failures during excution of the following check:"
other: "We had recurrent failures during excution of the %{count} following checks:"

View file

@ -75,8 +75,13 @@ fr:
one: "Le domaine %{domain} expire DEMAIN !"
other: "Le domaine %{domain} expire dans %{count} jours"
subject: "Erreurs dans la vérification d'expiration du domaine %{domain}"
one: "Erreurs de vérification d'expiration pour %{domain}"
other: "%{count} vérifications en erreur"
one: "Nous avons rencontré des erreurs pendant l'exécution d'une de vos vérifications :"
other: "Nous avons rencontré des erreurs pendant l'exécution des %{count} vérifications suivantes :"
@ -84,10 +89,6 @@ fr:
one: "Le certificat SSL pour %{domain} expire DEMAIN !"
other: "Le certificat SSL pour %{domain} expire dans %{count} jours"
subject: "Erreurs dans la vérification d'expiration du certificat SSL %{domain}"
en: Anglais

View file

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ check_chexpire_org_error = Check.create!(
vendor: "Some random registrar",
last_run_at: 20.minutes.ago,
created_at: 3.weeks.ago,
consecutive_failures: 4,
ssl_check_chexpire_org = Check.create!(
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ ssl_check_chexpire_org_error = Check.create!(
vendor: "Some random registrar",
last_run_at: 20.minutes.ago,
last_success_at: 4.days.ago,
consecutive_failures: 8,

View file

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ FactoryBot.define do
trait :last_runs_failed do
consecutive_failures 4
consecutive_failures 5
last_run_at 3.days.ago - 90.minutes
last_success_at 7.days.ago - 2.hours

View file

@ -40,5 +40,9 @@ FactoryBot.define do
notifications_enabled true
locale "en"
tos_accepted true
trait :fr do
locale "fr"

View file

@ -31,32 +31,32 @@ class NotificationsMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase # rubocop:disable Metrics
test "domain_expires_soon FR" do
check = create(:check, domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 6, 10, 12, 0, 5, "+02:00"))
check = create(:check,
domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 6, 10, 12, 0, 5, "+02:00"),
user: build(:user, :fr))
notification = build(:notification, interval: 10, check: check, recipient: "colin@example.org")
I18n.with_locale :fr do
Date.stub :today, Date.new(2018, 6, 2) do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_expires_soon
Date.stub :today, Date.new(2018, 6, 2) do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_expires_soon
assert_emails 1 do
assert_emails 1 do
assert_match "domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_match "dans 8 jours", mail.subject
assert_equal ["colin@example.org"], mail.to
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
assert_match "domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_match "dans 8 jours", mail.subject
assert_equal ["colin@example.org"], mail.to
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "domain.fr", part
assert_match "dim 10 juin 2018 10:00:05 +0000", part
assert_match "10 jours", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
assert_no_match "commentaire", part
assert_no_match "fournisseur", part
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "domain.fr", part
assert_match "dim 10 juin 2018 10:00:05 +0000", part
assert_match "10 jours", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
assert_no_match "commentaire", part
assert_no_match "fournisseur", part
@ -82,36 +82,34 @@ class NotificationsMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase # rubocop:disable Metrics
check = create(:check,
domain_expires_at: 1.week.from_now,
comment: "My comment",
vendor: "The vendor")
vendor: "The vendor",
user: build(:user, :fr))
notification = build(:notification, check: check)
I18n.with_locale :fr do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_expires_soon
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_expires_soon
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "commentaire", part
assert_match "Fournisseur", part
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "commentaire", part
assert_match "Fournisseur", part
test "domain_recurrent_failures" do
test "recurrent_failures" do
last_success_at = Time.new(2018, 5, 30, 6, 10, 0, "+00:00")
domain_expires_at = Time.new(2018, 10, 10, 7, 20, 0, "+04:00")
check = build(:check, :last_runs_failed,
domain: "invalid-domain.fr",
last_success_at: last_success_at,
domain_expires_at: domain_expires_at,
comment: "My comment")
notification = create(:notification, check: check)
check = create(:check, :last_runs_failed,
domain: "invalid-domain.fr",
last_success_at: last_success_at,
domain_expires_at: domain_expires_at,
comment: "My comment")
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_recurrent_failures
mail = NotificationsMailer.recurrent_failures(check.user, [check])
assert_match "failures", mail.subject
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_equal ["recipient@domain.fr"], mail.to
assert_match(/user-\d+@chexpire.org/, mail.to.first)
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
@ -119,41 +117,39 @@ class NotificationsMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase # rubocop:disable Metrics
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", part
assert_match "recurrent failures", part
assert_match(/success[a-z ]+ Wed, 30 May 2018 06:10:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/expiry[a-z ]+ Wed, 10 Oct 2018 03:20:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/success[a-z: ]+ Wed, 30 May 2018 06:10:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/expiry[a-z: ]+ Wed, 10 Oct 2018 03:20:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match "My comment", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
test "domain_recurrent_failures - FR" do
test "recurrent_failures - FR" do
last_success_at = Time.new(2018, 5, 30, 6, 10, 0, "+00:00")
domain_expires_at = Time.new(2018, 10, 10, 7, 20, 0, "+04:00")
check = build(:check, :last_runs_failed,
domain: "invalid-domain.fr",
last_success_at: last_success_at,
domain_expires_at: domain_expires_at,
comment: "My comment")
notification = create(:notification, check: check)
check = create(:check, :last_runs_failed,
domain: "invalid-domain.fr",
last_success_at: last_success_at,
domain_expires_at: domain_expires_at,
comment: "My comment",
user: build(:user, :fr))
I18n.with_locale :fr do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).domain_recurrent_failures
assert_match "Erreurs", mail.subject
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", mail.subject
mail = NotificationsMailer.recurrent_failures(check.user, [check])
assert_match "Erreurs", mail.subject
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_equal ["recipient@domain.fr"], mail.to
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
assert_match(/user-\d+@chexpire.org/, mail.to.first)
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", part
assert_match "erreurs", part
assert_match(/réussie[a-z ]+ mer 30 mai 2018 06:10:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/expiration[a-z ]+ mer 10 oct. 2018 03:20:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match "commentaire", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", part
assert_match "erreurs", part
assert_match(/réussie[a-z: ]+ mer 30 mai 2018 06:10:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/expiration[a-z: ]+ mer 10 oct. 2018 03:20:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match "commentaire", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
@ -188,95 +184,33 @@ class NotificationsMailerTest < ActionMailer::TestCase # rubocop:disable Metrics
test "ssl_expires_soon - FR" do
check = create(:check, :ssl, domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 6, 10, 12, 0, 5, "+02:00"))
check = create(:check, :ssl,
domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 6, 10, 12, 0, 5, "+02:00"),
user: build(:user, :fr))
notification = build(:notification, interval: 10, check: check, recipient: "colin@example.org")
I18n.with_locale :fr do
Date.stub :today, Date.new(2018, 6, 2) do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).ssl_expires_soon
Date.stub :today, Date.new(2018, 6, 2) do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).ssl_expires_soon
assert_emails 1 do
assert_match "domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_match "SSL", mail.subject
assert_match "dans 8 jours", mail.subject
assert_equal ["colin@example.org"], mail.to
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "domain.fr", part
assert_match "dim 10 juin 2018 10:00:05 +0000", part
assert_match "10 jours", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
assert_no_match "commentaire", part
assert_no_match "fournisseur", part
assert_emails 1 do
test "ssl_recurrent_failures" do
last_success_at = Time.new(2018, 5, 30, 6, 10, 0, "+00:00")
domain_expires_at = Time.new(2018, 10, 10, 7, 20, 0, "+04:00")
check = build(:check, :ssl, :last_runs_failed,
domain: "invalid-domain.fr",
last_success_at: last_success_at,
domain_expires_at: domain_expires_at,
comment: "My comment")
notification = create(:notification, check: check)
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).ssl_recurrent_failures
assert_match "failures", mail.subject
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_match "SSL", mail.subject
assert_equal ["recipient@domain.fr"], mail.to
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", part
assert_match "recurrent failures", part
assert_match(/success[a-z ]+ Wed, 30 May 2018 06:10:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/expiry[a-z ]+ Wed, 10 Oct 2018 03:20:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match "My comment", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
test "ssl_recurrent_failures - FR" do
last_success_at = Time.new(2018, 5, 30, 6, 10, 0, "+00:00")
domain_expires_at = Time.new(2018, 10, 10, 7, 20, 0, "+04:00")
check = build(:check, :ssl, :last_runs_failed,
domain: "invalid-domain.fr",
last_success_at: last_success_at,
domain_expires_at: domain_expires_at,
comment: "My comment")
notification = create(:notification, check: check)
I18n.with_locale :fr do
mail = NotificationsMailer.with(notification: notification).ssl_recurrent_failures
assert_match "Erreurs", mail.subject
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_match "domain.fr", mail.subject
assert_match "SSL", mail.subject
assert_equal ["recipient@domain.fr"], mail.to
assert_match "dans 8 jours", mail.subject
assert_equal ["colin@example.org"], mail.to
assert_equal [Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("mailer_default_from")], mail.from
parts = [mail.text_part.decode_body, mail.html_part.decode_body]
parts.each do |part|
assert_match "invalid-domain.fr", part
assert_match "erreurs", part
assert_match(/réussie[a-z ]+ mer 30 mai 2018 06:10:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match(/expiration[a-z ]+ mer 10 oct. 2018 03:20:00 \+0000/, part)
assert_match "commentaire", part
assert_match "domain.fr", part
assert_match "dim 10 juin 2018 10:00:05 +0000", part
assert_match "10 jours", part
assert_match "/checks/#{check.id}/edit", part
assert_no_match "commentaire", part
assert_no_match "fournisseur", part

View file

@ -6,21 +6,16 @@ class NotificationsMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: check.notifications.first).domain_expires_soon
# Preview this email at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifications_mailer/domain_recurrent_failures
def domain_recurrent_failures
check = Check.domain.where("last_run_at != last_success_at").first
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: check.notifications.first).domain_recurrent_failures
# Preview this email at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifications_mailer/ssl_expires_soon
def ssl_expires_soon
check = Check.ssl.first
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: check.notifications.first).ssl_expires_soon
# Preview this email at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifications_mailer/ssl_recurrent_failures
def ssl_recurrent_failures
check = Check.ssl.where("last_run_at != last_success_at").first
NotificationsMailer.with(notification: check.notifications.first).ssl_recurrent_failures
# Preview this email at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifications_mailer/recurrent_failures
def recurrent_failures
user = User.first
checks = Check.consecutive_failures(2).where(user: user)
NotificationsMailer.recurrent_failures(user, checks)

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ module Notifier
class BaseTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
setup do
class FakeChannel < Base
def supports?(reason, _notification)
reason != :unsupported
def supports?(notification)
notification.interval < 1_000
def domain_notify_expires_soon(*); end
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Notifier
test "#notify change the status of the notification" do
notification = create(:notification)
@channel.notify(:expires_soon, notification)
@ -26,18 +26,30 @@ module Notifier
assert_just_now notification.sent_at
test "#notify raises an exception for a invalid reason" do
notification = build(:notification)
test "#notify raises an exception for a non supported check kind" do
notification = Minitest::Mock.new
notification.expect :ongoing!, true
notification.expect :interval, 10
check = Minitest::Mock.new
check.expect(:kind, :invalid_kind)
check.expect(:kind, :invalid_kind) # twice (second call for exception message)
notification.expect :check, check
notification.expect :check, check
assert_raises ArgumentError do
@channel.notify(:unknown, notification)
test "#notify does nothing when channel does not support a reason" do
notification = create(:notification)
test "#notify does nothing when channel doesn't support a notification whatever the reason" do
notification = create(:notification, interval: 10_000)
@channel.notify(:unsupported, notification)

View file

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ module Notifier
test "#process_recurrent_failures respects the interval configuration between sends" do
create_list(:notification, 3, :email, check: build(:check, :last_runs_failed))
create_list(:check, 3, :last_runs_failed)
test_interval_respected(:process_recurrent_failures, 3) do |configuration|
configuration.expect(:consecutive_failures, 4)
configuration.expect(:consecutive_failures, 4.2)

View file

@ -6,58 +6,58 @@ module Notifier
@resolver = Notifier::Resolver.new
test "#resolve_expires_soon ignores user having notification disabled" do
test "#notifications_expiring_soon ignores user having notification disabled" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week))
n1.check.user.update_attribute(:notifications_enabled, false)
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week))
notifications = @resolver.resolve_expires_soon
notifications = @resolver.notifications_expiring_soon
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
test "#resolve_expires_soon ignores inactive checks" do
test "#notifications_expiring_soon ignores inactive checks" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week, :inactive))
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week))
notifications = @resolver.resolve_expires_soon
notifications = @resolver.notifications_expiring_soon
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
test "#resolve_expires_soon gets only checks inside interval" do
test "#notifications_expiring_soon gets only checks inside interval" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week), interval: 6)
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week), interval: 7)
notifications = @resolver.resolve_expires_soon
notifications = @resolver.notifications_expiring_soon
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
test "#resolve_expires_soon can gets several notifications for a same check" do
test "#notifications_expiring_soon can gets several notifications for a same check" do
check = create(:check, :expires_next_week)
n1 = create(:notification, check: check, interval: 3)
n2 = create(:notification, check: check, interval: 10)
n3 = create(:notification, check: check, interval: 30)
notifications = @resolver.resolve_expires_soon
notifications = @resolver.notifications_expiring_soon
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
assert_includes notifications, n3
test "#resolve_expires_soon takes care of the status" do
test "#notifications_expiring_soon takes care of the status" do
check = create(:check, :expires_next_week)
n1 = create(:notification, check: check)
n2 = create(:notification, :failed, check: check)
n3 = create(:notification, :ongoing, check: check)
n4 = create(:notification, :succeed, check: check)
notifications = @resolver.resolve_expires_soon
notifications = @resolver.notifications_expiring_soon
assert_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
@ -65,49 +65,51 @@ module Notifier
assert_not_includes notifications, n4
test "#resolve_expires_soon ignores checks expired and without date" do
test "#notifications_expiring_soon ignores checks expired and without date" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :expires_next_week))
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, domain_expires_at: 1.week.ago))
n3 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :nil_dates))
notifications = @resolver.resolve_expires_soon
notifications = @resolver.notifications_expiring_soon
assert_includes notifications, n1
assert_not_includes notifications, n2
assert_not_includes notifications, n3
test "#resolve_check_failed ignores inactive checks" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :last_runs_failed, :inactive))
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :last_runs_failed))
test "#checks_recurrent_failures ignores inactive checks" do
c1 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed, :inactive)
c2 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed)
notifications = @resolver.resolve_check_failed
checks = @resolver.checks_recurrent_failures(4)
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
assert_not_includes checks, c1
assert_includes checks, c2
test "#resolve_check_failed ignores user having notification disabled" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :last_runs_failed))
n1.check.user.update_attribute(:notifications_enabled, false)
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :last_runs_failed))
test "#checks_recurrent_failures ignores user having notification disabled" do
c1 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed)
c1.user.update_attribute(:notifications_enabled, false)
c2 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed)
notifications = @resolver.resolve_check_failed
checks = @resolver.checks_recurrent_failures(4)
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_includes notifications, n2
assert_not_includes checks, c1
assert_includes checks, c2
test "#resolve_check_failed gets only checks having last run in error" do
n1 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :nil_dates))
n2 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :last_run_succeed))
n3 = create(:notification, check: build(:check, :last_runs_failed))
test "#checks_recurrent_failures gets only checks having consecutive failures" do
c1 = create(:check, :nil_dates)
c2 = create(:check, :last_run_succeed)
c3 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed, consecutive_failures: 5)
c4 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed, consecutive_failures: 3)
notifications = @resolver.resolve_check_failed
checks = @resolver.checks_recurrent_failures(4)
assert_not_includes notifications, n1
assert_not_includes notifications, n2
assert_includes notifications, n3
assert_not_includes checks, c1
assert_not_includes checks, c2
assert_not_includes checks, c4
assert_includes checks, c3