# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) require "test_helper" class WhoisSyncJobTest < ActiveJob::TestCase test "calls whois database and update check with the response (domain.fr)" do domain = "domain.fr" check = create(:check, :nil_dates, domain: domain) mock_system_command("whois", domain, stdout: whois_response(domain)) do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now(check.id) end check.reload assert_just_now check.last_run_at assert_just_now check.last_success_at assert_equal Time.new(2019, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0), check.domain_expires_at assert_equal Time.new(2017, 1, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0), check.domain_updated_at assert_equal Time.new(2004, 2, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0), check.domain_created_at assert check.active? end test "ignore invalid response (domain.fr)" do check = create(:check, :nil_dates, domain: "domain.fr") original_updated_at = check.updated_at mock_system_command("whois", "domain.fr", stdout: "not a response") do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now(check.id) end check.reload assert_just_now check.last_run_at assert_nil check.last_success_at assert_equal original_updated_at, check.updated_at assert check.active? assert_equal 1, check.consecutive_failures end test "should ignore not found (removed) checks" do assert_nothing_raised do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now("9999999") end end test "should log and re-raise StandardError" do check = create(:check) assert_raise StandardError do Whois.stub :ask, nil do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now(check.id) end end check.reload assert_equal 1, check.logs.count assert_match(/undefined method \W+valid\?/, check.logs.last.error) assert check.logs.last.failed? assert_equal 1, check.consecutive_failures end test "disable check when whois responds domain not found" do domain = "willneverexist.fr" check = create(:check, :nil_dates, domain: domain) mock_system_command("whois", domain, stdout: whois_response(domain)) do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now(check.id) end check.reload refute check.active? assert_just_now check.last_run_at assert_nil check.last_success_at assert_equal 1, check.consecutive_failures end test "default logger is CheckLogger" do check = create(:check) mock_system_command("whois", check.domain) do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now(check.id) end assert_equal 1, check.logs.count end test "should reset consecutive failures with a valid response" do domain = "domain.fr" check = create(:check, :nil_dates, domain: domain, consecutive_failures: 1) mock_system_command("whois", domain, stdout: whois_response(domain)) do WhoisSyncJob.perform_now(check.id) end check.reload assert_equal 0, check.consecutive_failures end private def whois_response(domain) file_fixture("whois/#{domain}.txt").read end end