# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) require "system_command" module TestMocksHelper # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def mock_system_command(program, args, exit_status: 0, stdout: "", stderr: "") syscmd = "#{program} #{Array.wrap(args).join(' ')}" result = SystemCommandResult.new(syscmd, exit_status, stdout, stderr) mock = Minitest::Mock.new mock.expect :execute, result assert_stub = lambda { |actual_program, actual_args, _logger| assert_equal program, actual_program, "SystemCommand was not initialized with the expected program name" assert_equal args, actual_args, "SystemCommand was not initialized with the expected arguments" mock } SystemCommand.stub :new, assert_stub do yield end mock.verify end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end