require "test_helper" class CheckProcessorTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase setup do @processor = end test "process WhoisSyncJob for domain checks" do domain = "" check = create(:check, :domain, :nil_dates, domain: domain) mock_system_command("whois", domain, stdout: file_fixture("whois/").read) do @processor.send(:process, check) end check.reload assert_equal, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0), check.domain_expires_at end test "raises an error for an unsupported check kind" do check = build(:check) check.stub :kind, :unknown do assert_raises ArgumentError do @processor.send(:process, check) end end end test "resolve_last_run_failed includes already and never succeeded" do c1 = create(:check, :last_runs_failed) c2 = create(:check, :last_run_succeed) c3 = create(:check, last_run_at: 4.days.ago, last_success_at: nil) checks = @processor.resolve_last_run_failed assert_includes checks, c1 assert_not_includes checks, c2 assert_includes checks, c3 end test "resolve_unknown_expiry" do c1 = create(:check, :nil_dates) c2 = create(:check) checks = @processor.resolve_unknown_expiry assert_includes checks, c1 assert_not_includes checks, c2 end test "resolve_expire_short_term" do c1 = create(:check, :expires_next_week) c2 = create(:check, :expires_next_year) checks = @processor.resolve_expire_short_term assert_includes checks, c1 assert_not_includes checks, c2 end test "resolve_expire_long_term returns checks with respect of frequency" do c1 = create(:check, domain_expires_at: 380.days.from_now) c2 = create(:check, domain_expires_at: 390.days.from_now) c3 = create(:check, domain_expires_at: 391.days.from_now) c4 = create(:check, domain_expires_at: 20.days.from_now) checks = @processor.resolve_expire_long_term assert_includes checks, c1 assert_includes checks, c2 assert_not_includes checks, c3 assert_not_includes checks, c4 end test "resolvers does not include checks recently executed" do c1 = create(:check, :expires_next_week) c2 = create(:check, :expires_next_week, last_run_at: 4.hours.ago) checks = @processor.resolve_expire_short_term assert_includes checks, c1 assert_not_includes checks, c2 end test "resolvers include checks never executed" do c1 = create(:check, :expires_next_week, last_run_at: 4.days.ago) checks = @processor.resolve_expire_short_term assert_includes checks, c1 end test "resolvers does not include inactive checks" do c1 = create(:check, :expires_next_week) c2 = create(:check, :expires_next_week, :inactive) checks = @processor.resolve_expire_short_term assert_includes checks, c1 assert_not_includes checks, c2 end test "#sync_dates respects the interval configuration between sends" do create_list(:check, 3, :expires_next_week) configuration = 2.times do configuration.expect(:long_term, 60) end configuration.expect(:long_term_frequency, 10) 3.times do configuration.expect(:interval, 0.000001) end processor = mock = assert_stub = lambda { |actual_time| assert_equal 0.000001, actual_time mock } processor.stub :process, nil do processor.stub :sleep, assert_stub do processor.sync_dates end end configuration.verify mock.verify end end