# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) module Notifier Configuration = Struct.new(:interval, :consecutive_failures) class Processor attr_reader :configuration attr_reader :channels attr_reader :resolver def initialize(configuration = nil) @configuration = configuration || default_configuration @resolver = Resolver.new @channels = { email: Channels::Email.new, } end def process_expires_soon resolver.notifications_expiring_soon.find_each do |check_notification| notifier_channel_for(check_notification.notification).notify(check_notification) sleep configuration.interval end end # Notify checks in error by email to the check owner adress email. # A single email contains all checks for a same user. def process_recurrent_failures failed_checks = resolver.checks_recurrent_failures(configuration.consecutive_failures) failed_checks.group_by(&:user).each_pair do |user, checks| channels[:email].notify_recurrent_failures(user, checks) sleep configuration.interval end end private def default_configuration Rails.configuration.chexpire.fetch("notifier") end def notifier_channel_for(notification) channels.fetch(notification.channel.to_sym) end end end