# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) language: - ruby rvm: ### Zeitwerk is not fully compatible with < 2.5.4 ### cf. https://github.com/Evolix/chexpire/pull/104 - 2.5 - 2.6 cache: - bundler - yarn node_js: 9 sudo: required # required with chrome addon addons: chrome: stable services: - mysql before_install: - mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE chexpire_test;' - cp config/database.travis.yml config/database.yml - cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml # Test configuration loaded from chexpire.defaults.yml, # but chexpire.yml file is required - touch config/chexpire.yml install: - bundle install - yarn install - rails db:create db:migrate script: - bundle exec rubocop - bundle exec rails test NO_COVERAGE=1 - bundle exec rails test:system NO_COVERAGE=1