# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Jeremy Lecour , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) en: activerecord: attributes: check: domain_created_at: "Creation date" domain_updated_at: "Update date" user: tos_accepted: "Terms of service" notifications_enabled: "Notifications enabled" errors: models: check: past: "can't be in the future" date: formats: short: "%-d, %b %Y" long: "%A, %B %-d, %Y" devise: registrations: new: tos_acceptance_html: "You must accept our Terms of service" edit: title: Update your profile change_password_title: "Want to change your password?" simple_form: placeholders: notifications: recipient: john@example.com helpers: submit: check: create: "Create Check" update: "Update Check" delete: "Destroy Check" notification: create: "Create Notification" update: "Update Notification" delete: "Destroy Notification" flashes: user_not_authorized: "You are not authorized to access to this resource." checks: create: The check has been saved. updated: The check has been updated. invalid: Please check the form. destroyed: The check has been destroyed. notifications: created: The notification has been created. updated: The notification has been updated." destroyed: The notification has been destroyed. invalid: Please check the form. notifications_mailer: domain_expires_soon: subject: zero: "Domain %{domain} expires TODAY!" one: "Domain %{domain} expires TOMORROW!" other: "Domain %{domain} expires in %{count} days" recurrent_failures: subject: one: "Recurrent failures for %{domain} expiry check" other: "%{count} checks in error" header: one: "We had recurrent failures during excution of the following check:" other: "We had recurrent failures during excution of the %{count} following checks:" ssl_expires_soon: subject: zero: "SSL certificate for %{domain} expires TODAY!" one: "SSL certificate for %{domain} expires TOMORROW!" other: "SSL certificate for %{domain} expires in %{count} days" ssl_recurrent_failures: subject: "Recurrent failures in %{domain} SSL certificate expiry check" shared: locales: en: English fr: French navbar: my_checks: "My checks" new_domain_check: "New domain check" new_ssl_check: "New SSL check" my_notifications: "My notifications" sign_up: "Sign up" sign_in: "Log in" sign_out: "Log out" profile: "Profile" home_header: welcome: "Chexpire" intro: "Never forget to renew a domain name or SSL certificate." beta_banner: beta_info: "Chexpire is in \"beta\" release: only few TLD (.com/.net/.org/.fr) are verified for domain name checks and TLS 1.2 is not supported for SSL checks." issue_link: "Please report issues." pages: home: why: "Why Chexpire?" description: "Chexpire is a Free Software (AGPLv3 license) to manage the expiration of domain names and SSL certificates. It is primarily an ergonomic web interface that allows you easily to add new domain names/SSL certificates to monitor, and custom/unlimited notifications to be notified before expiration." centralization: "Centralize all your expiry dates" centralization-details: "Do you have domain names at different registrars? many Let's Encrypt SSL certificates with automatic renewal? You will enjoy everything centralized in a web interface: adding a domain name/SSL certificate in two clicks, sorted list, search bar etc." customised: "Custom and unlimited notifications" customised-details: "Want to send an email 42 days before expiration? to multiple email addresses? receive 10 days before expiration on an emergency address? Chexpire allows you to define an unlimited number of personalized notifications (choice of the number of days and the email address) to be warned in a uniform way and adapted to your needs." checks: index: title: List of your checks no_matching_check: "No checks match your filters." no_check_yet_html: | You have not set up a check yet. Please add a domain name or a SSL certificate! new: title: New check domain: title: New domain check ssl: title: New SSL check edit: title: Check edition destroy_confirmation: Are you sure to destroy this check ? create: saved: "Your check has been saved." invalid: "Please check the form." filters: kind_domain: Domain kind_ssl: SSL with_error: With error form: generic: domain: Domain domain: domain: Domain name unsupported: | This top-level domain isn't currently automatically supported. You'll have to fill and maintain yourself the expiry date. domain_expires_at_placeholder: YYYY-MM-DD. ssl: domain: Hostname notifications_hint: | Receive notifications to warn you when our system detects that the expiration date is coming. table: th: domain: Name expiry_date: "Expiration date" expiry_date_short: "Exp." edit: Edit kind_labels: domain: Domain ssl: SSL never_succeeded: "Chexpire has never been able to perform a check." days_from_last_success: zero: "Last check successful: today" one: "Last check successful: yesterday" other: "Last check successful %{count} days ago" notifications: index: title: "List of your notifications" no_notification_yet_html: | You have not set up a notification yet. Create your first notification. explanation: | For each of your checks, you can associate one or more notifications that you will receive by email at the interval of your choice before the expiration date. table: th: edit: Edit interval_in_days: one: 1 day other: "%{count} days" edit: title: "Edit the notification" checks: zero: No check associated check. one: Check associated other: Checks associated destroy_confirmation: zero: "Are you sure ?" one: | Are you sure ? You won't receive this notification for the associated check. other: | Are you sure ? You won't receive this notification for the associated checks. form: label_hint: This label allows you to identify this notification and associate it with a check.