# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Jeremy Lecour , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) require "application_system_test_case" class ChecksTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase setup do @user = create(:user) login_as(@user) end test "create a check and a new notification without kind" do visit new_check_path choose "domain" fill_and_valid_new_check end test "create a predefined domain check" do visit new_check_path(kind: :domain) refute page.has_css? "domain[kind]" fill_and_valid_new_check end test "create a manual domain check" do visit new_check_path(kind: :domain) domain = "unsupported.wxyz" fill_in("check[domain]", with: domain) page.find("body").click # simulate blur fill_in("check[domain_expires_at]", with: "2022-04-05") click_button assert_equal checks_path, page.current_path assert page.has_css?(".alert-success") assert page.has_content?(domain) check = Check.last assert_equal Date.new(2022, 4, 5), check.domain_expires_at end test "create a predefined ssl check" do visit new_check_path(kind: :ssl) refute page.has_css? "domain[kind]" fill_and_valid_new_check end test "dettach a notification from a check" do initial_notifications_count = 2 check = create(:check, user: @user) existing_notifications = create_list(:notification, initial_notifications_count, user: @user) check.notifications << existing_notifications notification = create(:notification, label: "label-notification", user: @user) check.notifications << notification visit edit_check_path(check) uncheck notification.label click_button "Update Check" notification.reload check.reload assert_equal 0, notification.checks_count assert_equal initial_notifications_count, check.notifications.count end test "attach a notification to a check" do check = create(:check, user: @user) notification = create(:notification, label: "label-notification", user: @user) visit edit_check_path(check) check notification.label click_button "Update Check" notification.reload check.reload assert_equal 1, notification.checks_count assert_equal 1, check.check_notifications.count end test "update a check" do check = create(:check, domain: "dom-with-notif.net", user: @user) check.notifications << create_list(:notification, 2, user: @user) visit edit_check_path(check) fill_in "check[comment]", with: "My comment" click_button "Update Check" assert_equal checks_path, page.current_path assert page.has_css?(".alert-success") check.reload assert_equal "My comment", check.comment end test "list my checks" do create(:check, :domain, domain: "dom.com", domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 7, 5, 12), user: @user) # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength create(:check, :ssl, domain: "ssldom.com", user: @user) create(:check, :ssl, domain: "ssldom2.com", user: @user) visit checks_path within ".checks-table" do assert page.has_content?("SSL", count: 2) assert page.has_content?("Domain", count: 1) end within ".check-row:first-of-type" do assert page.has_content?("Domain") assert page.has_content?("dom.com") assert page.has_content?("Thursday, July 5, 2018") end end test "list filterable by domain and ssl" do create_list(:check, 2, :domain, domain: "mydom.fr", user: @user) create_list(:check, 1, :ssl, domain: "ssl.com", user: @user) visit checks_path assert page.has_css?(".check-row", count: 3) within ".checks-filters" do click_on "Domain" assert find_link("Domain").matches_css? ".active" assert find_link("SSL").not_matches_css? ".active" end within ".checks-table" do assert page.has_css?(".check-row", count: 2) assert page.has_content?("Domain", count: 2) end within ".checks-filters" do click_on "SSL" assert find_link("SSL").matches_css? ".active" assert find_link("Domain").not_matches_css? ".active" end within ".checks-table" do assert page.has_css?(".check-row", count: 1) assert page.has_content?("SSL", count: 1) assert page.has_content?("ssl.com") end end test "list filterable by check in error" do create(:check, user: @user) create(:check, :last_runs_failed, created_at: 1.week.ago, user: @user) visit checks_path within ".checks-table" do assert page.has_css?(".check-row", count: 2) assert page.has_css?(".in-error", count: 1) end within ".checks-filters" do click_on(I18n.t("checks.filters.with_error")) end within ".checks-table" do assert page.has_css?(".check-row", count: 1) assert page.has_css?(".in-error", count: 1) end end test "list filterable by name string" do create(:check, user: @user) create(:check, domain: "chexpire.org", user: @user) create(:check, domain: "chexpire.net", user: @user) visit checks_path within ".checks-filters" do fill_in("by_domain", with: "chex") click_button end within ".checks-table" do assert page.has_css?(".check-row", count: 2) assert page.has_content?("chexpire.", count: 2) end end test "list is paginated" do create(:check, user: @user) visit checks_path assert page.has_no_css?("ul.pagination") create_list(:check, 50, user: @user) visit checks_path assert page.has_css?("ul.pagination") end test "list is sortable by name" do visit checks_path create(:check, domain: "a.org", user: @user) create(:check, domain: "b.org", user: @user) visit checks_path within ".checks-table thead th:nth-of-type(2)" do find(".sort-links:first-child").click end within ".check-row:first-of-type" do page.has_content? "a.org" end within ".checks-table thead th:nth-of-type(2)" do find(".sort-links:last-child").click end within ".check-row:first-of-type" do page.has_content? "b.org" end end test "list is sorted by expiration date by default" do visit checks_path create(:check, domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 7, 6, 12), user: @user) create(:check, domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 7, 5, 12), user: @user) visit checks_path within ".check-row:first-of-type" do page.has_content? "Thursday, July 5, 2018" end end test "list is sortable by expiration date" do visit checks_path create(:check, domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 7, 5, 12), user: @user) create(:check, domain_expires_at: Time.new(2018, 7, 6, 12), user: @user) visit checks_path within ".check-row:first-of-type" do page.has_content? "Thursday, July 5, 2018" end # only a desc link because of default sort within ".checks-table thead th:nth-of-type(3)" do find(".sort-links a").click end within ".check-row:first-of-type" do page.has_content? "Friday, July 6, 2018" end within ".checks-table thead th:nth-of-type(3)" do find(".sort-links a").click end within ".check-row:first-of-type" do page.has_content? "Thursday, July 5, 2018" end end private # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def fill_and_valid_new_check domain = "domain-test.fr" fill_in("check[domain]", with: domain) recipient = "recipient@example.org" label = "my new notificatiion" fill_in("check[notifications_attributes][0][label]", with: label) fill_in("check[notifications_attributes][0][recipient]", with: recipient) fill_in("check[notifications_attributes][0][interval]", with: 30) click_button assert_equal checks_path, page.current_path assert page.has_css?(".alert-success") assert page.has_content?(domain) notification = Notification.last assert_equal label, notification.label assert_equal recipient, notification.recipient assert_equal 30, notification.interval assert notification.email? check_notification = CheckNotification.last assert check_notification.pending? assert_nil check_notification.sent_at end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength end