en: activerecord: attributes: check: domain_created_at: "Creation date" domain_updated_at: "Update date" user: tos_accepted: "Terms of service" notifications_enabled: "Notifications enabled" errors: models: check: past: "can't be in the future" devise: registrations: new: tos_acceptance_html: "You must accept our Terms of service" edit: title: Update your profile change_password_title: "Want to change your password?" simple_form: placeholders: notifications: recipient: john@example.org flashes: user_not_authorized: "You are not authorized to access to this resource." notifications_mailer: domain_expires_soon: subject: zero: "Domain %{domain} expires TODAY!" one: "Domain %{domain} expires TOMORROW!" other: "Domain %{domain} expires in %{count} days" domain_recurrent_failures: subject: "Recurrent failures in %{domain} domain expiry check" ssl_expires_soon: subject: zero: "SSL certificate for %{domain} expires TODAY!" one: "SSL certificate for %{domain} expires TOMORROW!" other: "SSL certificate for %{domain} expires in %{count} days" ssl_recurrent_failures: subject: "Recurrent failures in %{domain} SSL certificate expiry check" shared: locales: en: English fr: French navbar: my_checks: "My checks" new_domain_check: "New domain check" new_ssl_check: "New SSL check" sign_up: "Sign up" sign_in: "Sign in" sign_out: "Sign out" profile: "Profile" checks: index: title: List of your checks no_check_yet_html: | You have not set up a check yet. Please add a domain or a ssl ! new: title: New check domain: title: New domain check ssl: title: New SSL check create: saved: "Your check has been saved." invalid: "Please check the form." form: generic: domain: Domain domain: domain: Domain name ssl: domain: Hostname notifications_hint: | Receive notifications to warn you when our system detects that the expiration date is coming. The time is set in number of days.