# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) require "test_helper" require "ssl" # require "system_command" module SSL class ServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "should run the command, return the result" do result = OpenStruct.new(exit_status: 0) mock_system_klass("check_http", standard_args, result) do |system_klass| service = SSL::Service.new("example.org", system_klass: system_klass) assert_equal result, service.run_command end end test "should raise an exception if exit status > 0" do result = OpenStruct.new(exit_status: 1) mock_system_klass("check_http", standard_args, result) do |system_klass| service = SSL::Service.new("example.org", system_klass: system_klass) assert_raises SSL::CommandError do service.run_command end end end test "should parse from a command result" do result = OpenStruct.new( exit_status: 0, stdout: file_fixture("ssl/ssl0.domain.org.txt").read, ) service = SSL::Service.new("ssl0.domain.org") assert_kind_of SSL::Response, service.parse(result) end test "should uses the command line arguments of the configuration" do result = OpenStruct.new(exit_status: 0) config = OpenStruct.new(check_http_args: ["-f", "-I"]) expected_args = standard_args.concat ["-f", "-I"] mock_system_klass("check_http", expected_args, result) do |system_klass| service = SSL::Service.new("example.org", configuration: config, system_klass: system_klass) assert_equal result, service.run_command end end test "should raise an error when check_http_args is not an array" do black_hole = Naught.build(&:black_hole) config = OpenStruct.new(check_http_args: "-f") assert_raises SSL::ConfigurationError do service = SSL::Service.new("example.org", configuration: config, system_klass: black_hole) service.run_command end end test "should uses the program path from the configuration" do result = OpenStruct.new(exit_status: 0) config = OpenStruct.new(check_http_path: "/usr/local/custom/path") mock_system_klass("/usr/local/custom/path", standard_args, result) do |sys| service = SSL::Service.new("example.org", configuration: config, system_klass: sys) assert_equal result, service.run_command end end private def standard_args ["-C 0", "--sni", "-H", "example.org"] end def mock_system_klass(program, command_args, result) system_klass = Minitest::Mock.new system_command = Minitest::Mock.new.expect(:execute, result) system_klass.expect(:new, system_command) do |arg1, arg2, logger:| arg1 == program && arg2 == command_args && logger.class == NullLogger end yield system_klass system_klass.verify system_command.verify end end end