# Copyright (C) 2018 Colin Darie , 2018 Jeremy Lecour , 2018 Evolix # License: GNU AGPL-3+ (see full text in LICENSE file) # == Schema Information # # Table name: checks # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # active :boolean default(TRUE), not null # comment :string(255) # consecutive_failures :integer default(0), not null # domain :string(255) not null # domain_created_at :datetime # domain_expires_at :datetime # domain_updated_at :datetime # kind :integer not null # last_run_at :datetime # last_success_at :datetime # mode :integer default("auto"), not null # round_robin :boolean default(TRUE) # vendor :string(255) # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # user_id :bigint(8) # # Indexes # # index_checks_on_user_id (user_id) # # Foreign Keys # # fk_rails_... (user_id => users.id) # class Check < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user has_many :logs, class_name: "CheckLog", dependent: :destroy has_many :check_notifications, dependent: :destroy has_many :notifications, -> { order(checks_count: :desc) }, through: :check_notifications, validate: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :notifications, reject_if: lambda { |att| att["interval"].blank? } enum kind: [:domain, :ssl] enum mode: [:auto, :manual] self.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes = [ :domain_created_at, :domain_updated_at, :domain_expires_at, ] validates :kind, presence: true validates :domain, presence: true validate :domain_created_at_past validate :domain_updated_at_past validates :domain_expires_at, presence: true, unless: :supported? validates :comment, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :vendor, length: { maximum: 255 } before_save :reset_consecutive_failures before_save :set_mode after_update :reset_check_notifications after_save :enqueue_sync scope :active, -> { where(active: true) } scope :last_run_failed, -> { where("(last_success_at IS NULL AND last_run_at IS NOT NULL) OR (last_success_at <= DATE_SUB(last_run_at, INTERVAL 5 MINUTE))") } scope :kind, ->(kind) { where(kind: kind) } scope :by_domain, ->(domain) { where("domain LIKE ?", "%#{domain}%") } scope :consecutive_failures, ->(consecutive) { where("consecutive_failures >= ?", consecutive) } def self.default_sort [:domain_expires_at, :asc] end def days_from_last_success return unless last_success_at.present? # return the number of whole days ((Time.now - last_success_at) / (24 * 3600)).to_i end def increment_consecutive_failures! self.consecutive_failures += 1 save!(validate: false) end def supported? return true unless domain? return true if domain.blank? begin Whois::Parser.for(domain) true rescue Whois::UnsupportedDomainError false rescue StandardError false end end def domain_expires_in_days Integer(domain_expires_at.to_date - Time.now.utc.to_date) end private def domain_created_at_past errors.add(:domain_created_at, :past) if domain_created_at.present? && domain_created_at.future? end def domain_updated_at_past errors.add(:domain_updated_at, :past) if domain_updated_at.present? && domain_updated_at.future? end def enqueue_sync return unless active? return unless saved_changes.key?("domain") ResyncJob.perform_later(id) end def reset_check_notifications return unless (saved_changes.keys & %w[domain domain_expires_at]).present? check_notifications.each(&:reset!) end def reset_consecutive_failures return unless last_success_at_changed? || mode_changed? || domain_changed? return if consecutive_failures_changed? self.consecutive_failures = 0 end def set_mode return unless domain_changed? self.mode = supported? ? :auto : :manual end end