# Evoadmin Mail Evoadmin-mail is a web interface to an LDAP directory designed for mail accounts. ## Install Evoadmin-mail requirements are an LDAP server, a web server and PHP. See [INSTALL](docs/install.md) for instructions. Multiples services can be configured to use the LDAP directory managed by Evoadmin-mail: - TODO ## Test You can deploy a test environment with Vagrant: ~~~ vagrant up ~~~ Evoadmin-mail uses the evoadminmail.packmail.example.com domain on localhost, so update your /etc/hosts: ~~~ evoadminmail.packmail.example.com ~~~ Congratulation, Evoadmin mail is now accessible through https://evoadminmail.packmail.example.com:8443 ### Authentication The default admin user is "evoadmin", the password is randomly generated and can be recovered from LDAP: ~~~ vagrant ssh sudo -i ldapvi --ldapsearch "(uid=evoadmin)" | grep userPassword | awk '{ print $2 }' ~~~ ### Deployment Launch rsync-auto in a terminal to automatically synchronise your local code with the Vagrant VM: ~~~ vagrant rsync-auto ~~~ ## License This is an [Evolix](https://evolix.com) project and is licensed under the AGPLv3, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. The Evolix trademark and logo are not freely reusable and are protected by copyright.