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2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
require_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../lib/letsencrypt.php';
use lib\LetsEncrypt as letsencryt;
// store domain and aliases in session
if (!isset($_SESSION['lestencrypt-domains']) || empty($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'])) {
$domain = $params[1];
$cmd = 'web-add.sh list-vhost ' . $domain;
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
sudoexec($cmd, $data_output, $exec_return);
$data_split = explode(':', $data_output[0]);
$aliases = explode(',', $data_split[3]);
$domains = array();
// store domain and aliases
array_push($domains, $data_split[2]);
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
array_push($domains, $alias);
$_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'] = array_filter($domains);
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
2019-06-07 11:49:11 +02:00
include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/header.tpl.php';
include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/menu.tpl.php';
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
2019-06-07 11:49:11 +02:00
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
$letsencrypt = new letsencryt();
$errorMessage = '';
$warningMessage = '';
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
while (true) {
// check domains list
if (empty($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'])) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : la liste des domaines est vide.";
// check if evoacme is installed
$binaries_installed = $letsencrypt->isEvoacmeInstalled();
if (!$binaries_installed) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : les binaires Evoacme ne sont pas installés.
Veuillez contacter un administrateur.";
// Check existing SSL certificate
$domainsIncluded = array();
foreach ($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'] as $domain) {
$existingSSLCertificate = $letsencrypt->getCertificate($domain);
// if no certificate is present (false returned) for this domain, go to the next domain
if (is_bool($existingSSLCertificate)) {
$parsedCertificate = $letsencrypt->parseCertificate($existingSSLCertificate);
// check if LE is the certificate issuer
$isIssuerValid = $letsencrypt->isCertIssuedByLetsEncrypt($parsedCertificate["issuer"]);
if (!$isIssuerValid) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : le certificat existant n'est pas géré par Let's Encrypt.";
break 2; // break the foreach and the while
// check if the domain is already in the certificate
$isDomainIncluded = $letsencrypt->isDomainIncludedInCert($domain, $parsedCertificate["includedDomains"]);
if ($isDomainIncluded) {
array_push($domainsIncluded, $domain);
continue; // break only the current foreach iteration
// check wether the certificate is valid or expired
$isCertValid = $letsencrypt->isCertValid($parsedCertificate["validUntil"]);
if (!$îsCertValid && !isset($_POST['force_renew'])) {
$warningMessage = "Attention : le certificat existant n'est plus valide.
Souhaitez-vous le renouveller ?";
break 2;
// contains all the domains included in the existing certificate
if (!empty($domainsIncluded) && !isset($_POST['force_renew'])) {
$domainsNotIncluded = array_diff($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'], $domainsIncluded);
if (empty($domainsNotIncluded)) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : le certificat existant couvre déjà tous les domaines.";
$warningMessage = "Attention : le certificat existant couvre déjà certains domaines.
Souhaitez-vous le renouveller ?";
// check HTTP
$isRemoteResourceAvailable = $letsencrypt->checkRemoteResourceAvailability($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'][0]);
if (!$isRemoteResourceAvailable) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : Le challenge HTTP a échoué.<br>
Merci de vérifier que le dossier <code>/.well-known/evoacme-challenge/</code> est accessible.";
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
2019-06-07 11:49:11 +02:00
// check DNS
$valid_domains = $letsencrypt->checkDNSValidity($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains']);
$failed_domains = array_diff($_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains'], $valid_domains);
if (!empty($failed_domains)) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : La vérification DNS a échoué.<br>
Merci de vérifier les enregistrements de type A et AAAA pour les domaine(s) suivant(s) :";
// make csr
$isCsrGenerated = $letsencrypt->makeCsr($params[1], $_SESSION['letsencrypt-domains']);
if (!$isCsrGenerated) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : La génération de demande de certificat a échoué.<br>
Merci de contacter un administrateur pour continuer.";
// evoacme TEST
$testGenerateCert = $letsencrypt->generateSSLCertificate($params[1]);
if (!$testGenerateCert) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : La génération de certificat en mode TEST a échoué.<br>
Merci de contacter un administrateur pour continuer.";
// evoacme
// $generateCert = $letsencrypt->generateSSLCertificate($params[1], false);
$generateCert = $letsencrypt->generateSSLCertificate($params[1]);
if (!$generateCert) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : La génération de certificat a échoué.<br>
Merci de contacter un administrateur pour continuer.";
$updatedVhostConfig = $letsencrypt->setSSLPortVhost($params[1]);
if (!$updatedVhostConfig) {
$errorMessage = "Erreur : La modification de la configuration de l'hôte virtuel a échoué.<br>
Merci de contacter un administrateur pour continuer.";
2019-06-06 18:16:52 +02:00
2019-06-07 11:49:11 +02:00
include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/webadmin-letsencrypt.tpl.php';
include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/footer.tpl.php';