php5 exception in web-add script #100

opened 2024-09-23 09:12:53 +02:00 by dprevot · 0 comments


The current code has to be updated when a new PHP version is available. One need to add a bunch of simple lines in four (or five) different places. If it isn’t one of these documented version, it assumes we’re using php5 that has a different path scheme.

Let’s do it the other way around: handle php5, and otherwise, make a bit more clever path based on the version number provided. It will avoid the mistake of forgetting a patch place when patching the script by hand, and make it future proof.

I intend to propose a PR ASAP, but feel free to beat me to it.

Hi, The current code has to be updated when a new PHP version is available. One need to add a bunch of simple lines in four (or five) different places. If it isn’t one of these documented version, it assumes we’re using php5 that has a different path scheme. Let’s do it the other way around: handle php5, and otherwise, make a bit more clever path based on the version number provided. It will avoid the mistake of forgetting a patch place when patching the script by hand, and make it future proof. I intend to propose a PR ASAP, but feel free to beat me to it.
willh closed this issue 2024-09-23 14:53:53 +02:00
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Reference: evolix/evoadmin-web#100
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