#!/bin/bash BINDROOT="/etc/bind" DBTEMPLATE="$BINDROOT/db.example.com" SLAVE="ns4.evolix.net" LOGFILE="/var/log/bind-add.log" ADD_DOMAIN_SLAVE="/usr/share/scripts/add_domain_slave_ns4.sh" ADD_RELAY_DOMAIN="/usr/share/scripts/add_relay_domains.sh" # Redirect stderr to $LOGFILE since Evoadmin don't catch stderr correctly. #exec 2>>$LOGFILE # Duplicate stderr on $LOGFILE (bashism) exec 2> >(tee -a $LOGFILE >&2) # Create zone file for a new domain. create_domain () { domain="$1" ip="$2" zonefile="$BINDROOT/db.$domain" # Create new zone file cp -p $DBTEMPLATE $zonefile sed -i "s/_IP_/$ip/" $zonefile # Add domain to bind conf sed "s/__DATE__/`date "+%d.%m.%Y"`/; s/example.com/$domain/" \ $BINDROOT/named.conf.single >> $BINDROOT/named.conf.evolix } # Add a MX record to an existing domain. add_mx () { domain="$1" mx="$2" mx_priority="$3" mx_subdomain="$4" zonefile="$BINDROOT/db.$domain" # Quai13 specific. See #8053. if [ "$mx_subdomain" != "@" ]; then log INFO "Not adding MX record for subdomain $mx_subdomain." return 0 fi if ! grep -q -P "^$mx_subdomain[ \t]+IN[ \t]+MX[ \t]+[[:digit:]]+[ \t]+$mx$" $zonefile; then echo "$mx_subdomain IN MX $mx_priority $mx" >>$zonefile else log ERR "MX Record $mx already exists." return 1 fi } # Add a subdomain (CNAME) to an existing domain. add_subdomain () { domain="$1" subdomain="$2" zonefile="$BINDROOT/db.$domain" if ! grep -q -P "^$subdomain[ \t]+IN[ \t]+(CNAME|A)[ \t]+" $zonefile; then echo "$subdomain IN CNAME @" >>$zonefile else log ERR "CNAME or A record for $subdomain already exists." return 1 fi } # Incremente serial number for a domain, check zone, and reload rndc daemon. inc_and_reload () { domain="$1" zonefile="$BINDROOT/db.$domain" # Set the date for serial (only if greater than actual serial) serial=$(grep -P '^[ \t]*[0-9]{10}[ \t]*; serial' $zonefile | sed -r "s/^[ \t]*([0-9]{10})[ \t]*; serial/\1/") if [ `date "+%Y%m%d%H"` -gt $serial ]; then serial=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H"); else serial=$(( $serial + 1 )); fi sed -ri "s/^([ \t]*)[0-9]{10}([ \t]*; serial)/\1$serial\2/" \ $zonefile if stderr=$(named-checkzone $domain $zonefile 2>&1); then rndc reload else log ERR "named-checkzone returns non zero exit code: $stderr" return 1 fi } # Send mail to staff to create domain on the slave server. send_mail () { #addr_master=$(ifconfig eth0 |perl -ne 'print "$1" if /addr:([\d\.]+)/') echo "IP du serveur maitre :" | mail -s "[TAF] Ajouter le domaine $domain sur $SLAVE" tech@evolix.fr } usage () { cat >&2 < [-m ,] [-s subdomain] domain E.g.: $0 -a -m mail,10 -s foo example.net Notes: - -m and -s options can be specified multiple times to add multiple MX records and/or subdomains - you can also create a subdomain "foo" with this syntax (even if example.net is not yet created): $0 foo.example.net EOT } log () { level="$1" message="$2" if [ "$level" = "ERR" ]; then echo -n "$(date +"%b %d %T") " >>$LOGFILE echo "ERROR: $message" |tee -a $LOGFILE >&2 elif [ "$level" = "INFO" ]; then echo -n "$(date +"%b %d %T") " >>$LOGFILE echo "INFO: $message" |tee -a $LOGFILE fi } log INFO "$0 $*" # Options parsing. while getopts 'a:s:m:' opt; do case $opt in a) ip=$OPTARG ;; s) subdomains="$subdomains $OPTARG" ;; m) mxs="$mxs $OPTARG" ;; \?) log ERR "Invalid option -$OPTARG." usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then fqdn=$(echo $1 |tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') else usage exit 1 fi # If the domain contains a subdomain, extracts it. if [ $(echo "$fqdn" |grep -oF '.' |wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then domain=$(echo $fqdn |grep -o '[^\.]\+\.[^\.]\+$') if [ ${fqdn%.$domain} != "www" ]; then # www is already present in the zone template, so skip it. subdomains="$subdomains ${fqdn%.$domain}" fi else domain="$fqdn" fi if [ ! -f $BINDROOT/db.$domain ]; then log INFO "Creating domain $domain." if [ -n "$ip" ]; then create_domain $domain $ip #send_mail $domain $ADD_DOMAIN_SLAVE $domain $ADD_RELAY_DOMAIN $domain else log ERR "Domain $domain does not exist and -a option is not set." log "Could not create domain." exit 1 fi log INFO "domain $domain created successfully." fi if [ -n "$mxs" ]; then for mx in $mxs; do log INFO "Adding MX record $mx to domain $domain." mx_domain=$(echo $mx |cut -d ',' -f '1') mx_priority=$(echo $mx |cut -d ',' -f '2') mx_subdomain="${fqdn%.$domain}" if [ "$mx_subdomain" = "$domain" ] || [ "$mx_subdomain" = "www" ]; then mx_subdomain="@" fi if ! add_mx $domain $mx_domain $mx_priority "$mx_subdomain"; then log ERR "Error: adding MX record failed." exit 1 fi log INFO "MX record $mx added successfully to domain $domain." done fi if [ -n "$subdomains" ]; then for subdomain in $subdomains; do log INFO "Adding CNAME record $subdomain to domain $domain." if ! add_subdomain $domain $subdomain; then log ERR "Error: adding CNAME record failed." exit 1 fi log INFO "CNAME record $subdomain added successfully to domain $domain." done fi log INFO "Reloading rndc." if ! inc_and_reload $domain; then log ERR "Error: zone not loaded due to errors." exit 1 fi log INFO "rndc reloaded successfully."