#!/bin/bash # # Gestion des comptes web et des hôtes virtuels Apache sur un EvoCluster # # Copyright (c) 2009 Evolix - Tous droits reserves # $Id: web-add.sh 221 2012-02-22 15:52:18Z reg $ # # TODO # - Gestion des quota # - Possibilité de créer un compte FTP-only # - Pouvoir spécifier le CONTACT_MAIL dans un fichier de conf # - Traduire usage() en francais, ou l'inverse ?? set -e HOME="/root" CONTACT_MAIL="jdoe@example.org" WWWBOUNCE_MAIL="jdoe@example.org" LOCAL_SCRIPT="/usr/share/scripts/web-add.local.sh" PRE_LOCAL_SCRIPT="/usr/share/scripts/web-add.pre-local.sh" TPL_VHOST="/usr/share/scripts/vhost" TPL_AWSTATS="/usr/share/scripts/awstats.XXX.conf" TPL_MAIL="/usr/share/scripts/web-mail.tpl" VHOST_PATH="/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/" MAX_LOGIN_CHAR=16 HOME_DIR="/home" MYSQL_CREATE_DB_OPTS="" MIN_UID=5000 NOBODY_UID=65534 SSH="/usr/bin/ssh" WEBADD="/usr/share/scripts/web-add.sh" SSH_USER="root" LAST_UID="cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd | grep -v $NOBODY_UID | sort -n | tail -1" VMAIL_USER="vmail" # Utiliser ce fichier pour redefinir la valeur des variables ci-dessus config_file="/etc/evolinux/web-add.conf" [ -r $config_file ] && . $config_file usage() { cat <&2 Usage: $0 COMMAND [ARG] add [[OPTIONS] LOGIN WWWDOMAIN IP_MASTER IP_SLAVE REPLICATION_MODE] Create web account LOGIN on Master and Slave servers, state file in /home/LOGIN and push ssh public key of Master in Slave .ssh/authorized. -p PASSWD FTP and SFTP password (default : random) -m DBNAME Name of MySQL database (default : same as account) -P DBPASSWD MySQL password (default : random) -l MAIL Send summary email to MAIL If REPLICATION_MODE is deferred: -f interval interval between each replication -c min|hour Unit for -f argument Eg.: -f 4 -c hour meens do replication each 4 hours. Example : web-add-cluster.sh add -m testdb -f 4 -c hour testlogin testdomain.com deferred del LOGIN IP_MASTER IP_SLAVE [DBNAME] Delete account and all files related (Apache, Awstats, etc) in Master and Slave server. Archive home directory. Remove MySQL database if DBNAME is specified. add-alias WWWDOMAIN ALIAS IP_MASTER IP_SLAVE Add a ServerAlias to an Apache vhost on Master and Slave del-alias WWWDOMAIN ALIAS IP_MASTER IP_SLAVE Del a ServerAlias from an Apache vhost on Master and Slave NOTE: to create an account or add/del an alias on only one server (without replication to a slave), we must pass "null" keyword instead of IP_SLAVE. EOT } # # Affiche un message d'erreur de validation # in_error() { msg=$1 cat >&2 </dev/null; then # in_error "Base de données déjà existante" # return 1 # fi } validate_wwwdomain() { wwwdomain=$1 if [ -z "$wwwdomain" ]; then in_error "Le nom de domaine est obligatoire" return 1 fi return 0 } validate_mail() { return 0 } validate_replmode() { if [ $in_replmode != "realtime" ] && [ $in_replmode != "deferred" ]; then in_error "Le mode de replication doit etre realtime ou deferred" return 1 fi return 0 } validate_replinterval() { if [ -z "$in_replunit" ]; then in_error "L'unite de l'intervalle de replication doit etre specifiee" return 1 elif [ $in_replunit != "min" ] && [ $in_replunit != "hour" ]; then in_error "L'unite de l'intervalle de replication doit etre min (minute), hour (heure)" return 1 fi if [ -z "$in_replinterval" ]; then in_error "L'intervalle de replication doit etre specifiee" return 1 elif [ $in_replunit = "min" ]; then if [ $in_replinterval -lt 1 ] || [ $in_replinterval -gt 60 ]; then in_error "Valeur incorecte pour l'intervalle en minute" return 1 fi elif [ $in_replunit = "hour" ]; then if [ $in_replinterval -lt 1 ] || [ $in_replinterval -gt 24 ]; then in_error "Valeur incorecte pour l'intervalle en heure" return 1 fi fi return 0 } step_ok() { msg=$1 echo "[OK] $msg" } create_www_accounts() { CMD_MASTER="$SSH -T $SSH_USER@$in_master" CMD_SLAVE="$SSH -T $SSH_USER@$in_slave" # On verifie que le compte n'existe pas sur master et slave if [ -n "$($CMD_MASTER cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd| grep ^$in_login$)" ]; then in_error "Le compte $in_login existe sur $in_master"; exit 1; fi if [ $in_slave != "null" ]; then if [ -n "$($CMD_SLAVE cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd| grep ^$in_login$)" ]; then in_error "Le compte $in_login existe sur $in_slave"; exit 1; fi fi # Trouver un UID valide et commun pour le compte cree sur Master et Slave last_uid_master=$($CMD_MASTER $LAST_UID) if [ -z "$last_uid_master" ]; then echo "error while fetching uid in master"; return 1 fi if [ $in_slave != "null" ]; then last_uid_slave=$($CMD_SLAVE $LAST_UID) if [ -z "$last_uid_slave" ]; then echo "error while fetching uid in slave"; return 1 fi if [ $last_uid_master -ge $last_uid_slave ]; then max_uid=$(($last_uid_master + 1)) else max_uid=$(($last_uid_slave + 1)) fi if [ $max_uid -lt $MIN_UID ]; then uid=$MIN_UID else uid=$max_uid fi else uid=$(($last_uid_master + 1)) fi echo "UID libre: $uid" # options mysql opts_mysql=''; [ -n "$in_dbname" ] && opts_mysql="-m $in_dbname -P '$in_dbpasswd'" # Creation web account on Master echo "MASTER: $CMD_MASTER $WEBADD add -p '$in_passwd' $opts_mysql -l $in_mail -y -u $uid -g $uid -U $(($uid + 1)) $in_login $in_wwwdomain" $CMD_MASTER $WEBADD add -p \'$in_passwd\' $opts_mysql -l $in_mail -y -u $uid -g $uid -U $(($uid + 1)) $in_login $in_wwwdomain || (in_error "creation du compte master sur $in_master: $?" && exit 1) # Creation web account on Slave if [ $in_slave != "null" ]; then if [ "$in_replmode" != "realtime" ]; then echo "SLAVE: $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD add -p '$in_passwd' $opts_mysql -l null@example.org -y -u $uid -g $uid -U $(($uid + 1)) $in_login $in_wwwdomain" $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD add -p \'$in_passwd\' $opts_mysql -l null@example.org -y -u $uid -g $uid -U $(($uid + 1)) $in_login $in_wwwdomain || (in_error "creation du compte slave sur $in_slave: $?" && exit 1) else echo "SLAVE: $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD add -p '$in_passwd' -l null@example.org -y -u $uid -g $uid -U $(($uid + 1)) $in_login $in_wwwdomain" $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD add -p \'$in_passwd\' -l null@example.org -y -u $uid -g $uid -U $(($uid + 1)) $in_login $in_wwwdomain || (in_error "creation du compte slave sur $in_slave: $?" && exit 1) fi # On ne veut pas que le site soit actif sur le serveur slave $CMD_SLAVE a2dissite $in_login $CMD_SLAVE /etc/init.d/apache2 reload fi # Les operation suivantes sont faites uniquement si une replication doit # etre mise en place. if [ $in_slave != "null" ]; then # Creation des fichiers state $CMD_MASTER "echo -e \"STATE=master\nIP=$in_slave\" >> ~$in_login/state" $CMD_SLAVE "echo -e \"STATE=slave\nIP=$in_master\" >> ~$in_login/state" # Create id_dsa.pub on master $CMD_MASTER << ENDSSH mkdir -p ~$in_login/.ssh chown $in_login:$in_login ~$in_login/.ssh chmod 700 ~$in_login/.ssh su $in_login -c "ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~$in_login/.ssh/id_dsa <<<\"\" " ENDSSH # push id_dsa.pub to authorized_keys of slave master_key=$($CMD_MASTER "cat /home/$in_login/.ssh/id_dsa.pub") $CMD_SLAVE << ENDSSH mkdir -p ~$in_login/.ssh chown $in_login:$in_login ~$in_login/.ssh chmod 700 ~$in_login/.ssh su $in_login -c "echo $master_key >> ~$in_login/.ssh/authorized_keys" ENDSSH # create known_hosts $CMD_MASTER << ENDSSH /usr/bin/ssh-keyscan $in_slave > /home/$in_login/.ssh/known_hosts chown $in_login:$in_login /home/$in_login/.ssh/known_hosts ENDSSH $CMD_SLAVE << ENDSSH /usr/bin/ssh-keyscan $in_master > /home/$in_login/.ssh/known_hosts chown $in_login:$in_login /home/$in_login/.ssh/known_hosts ENDSSH echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------" # Mise en place de la methode de replication choisie if [ $in_replmode = "realtime" ]; then # demon lsyncd $CMD_MASTER </dev/null; echo "@reboot lsyncd ~$in_login/www $in_slave:www") |crontab -u $in_login - sudo -u $in_login lsyncd ~$in_login/www $in_slave:www ENDSSH # Pour les mails # La réplication se fait au niveau du domaine (réplication de tout # /home/vmail/example.com/). domain=$(remove_subdomain $wwwdomain) $CMD_MASTER </dev/null; echo '@reboot /opt/evocluster/get-domains.sh $in_login |while read domain; do lsyncd ~$VMAIL_USER/\$domain $VMAIL_USER@$in_slave:\$domain; done'; echo '* * * * * /opt/evocluster/get-domains.sh $in_login |while read domain; do ldapsearch >~/\$domain/dump.sql; done') |crontab -u $VMAIL_USER - sudo -u $VMAIL_USER /opt/evocluster/get-domains.sh $in_login |while read domain; do lsyncd ~$VMAIL_USER/\$domain $VMAIL_USER@$in_slave:\$domain; done fi ENDSSH $CMD_SLAVE <crontab\"") |crontab -u $in_login - ENDSSH elif [ $in_replmode = "deferred" ]; then domain=$(remove_subdomain $wwwdomain) if [ $in_replunit = "min" ]; then cron_line="*/$in_replinterval * * * * /opt/evocluster/sync-master-to-slave.sh" cron_line2="*/$in_replinterval * * * * /opt/evocluster/get-domains.sh $in_login |while read domain; do /opt/evocluster/sync-master-to-slave_mail.sh \$domain $in_login; done" elif [ $in_replunit = "hour" ]; then minute=$(($RANDOM % 54)) offset=5 cron_line="$minute */$in_replinterval * * * /opt/evocluster/sync-master-to-slave.sh" cron_line2="$(($minute+$offset)) */$in_replinterval * * * /opt/evocluster/get-domains.sh $in_login |while read domain; do /opt/evocluster/sync-master-to-slave_mail.sh \$domain $in_login; done" fi $CMD_MASTER "(crontab -lu $in_login; echo -e \"$cron_line\") |crontab -u $in_login -" $CMD_MASTER "(crontab -lu $VMAIL_USER; echo '$cron_line2') |crontab -u $VMAIL_USER -" fi # log DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $in_login added on $in_master and $in_slave" >> /var/log/evolix.log else DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $in_login added on $in_master" >> /var/log/evolix.log fi } op_del() { if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then usage exit 1 else login=$1 master=$2 slave=$3 if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then dbname=$4 fi fi if [ $slave != "null" ]; then echo "Deleting account $login on $master and $slave. Continue ?" else echo "Deleting account $login on $master. Continue ?" fi read CMD_MASTER="$SSH $SSH_USER@$master" CMD_SLAVE="$SSH $SSH_USER@$slave" # check account exist on master and slave if [ -z "$($CMD_MASTER cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd| grep ^$login$)" ]; then echo "Account $login doesn't exist on $master"; exit 1; fi if [ $slave != "null" ]; then if [ -z "$($CMD_SLAVE cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd| grep ^$login$)" ]; then echo "Account $login doesn't exist on $slave"; exit 1; fi fi yes | $CMD_MASTER $WEBADD del $login $dbname if [ $slave != "null" ]; then yes | $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD del $login $dbname fi DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") if [ $slave != "null" ]; then echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $login deleted from $master and $slave" >> /var/log/evolix.log else echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $login deleted from $master" >> /var/log/evolix.log fi } op_aliasadd() { if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then usage exit 1 fi vhost=$1 alias=$2 master=$3 slave=$4 CMD_MASTER="$SSH $SSH_USER@$master" CMD_SLAVE="$SSH $SSH_USER@$slave" $CMD_MASTER $WEBADD add-alias $vhost $alias if [ $slave != "null" ]; then $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD add-alias $vhost $alias fi DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") if [ $slave != "null" ]; then echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $alias added to $vhost on $master and $slave" >> /var/log/evolix.log else echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $login added to $vhost on $master" >> /var/log/evolix.log fi } op_aliasdel() { if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then usage exit 1 fi vhost=$1 alias=$2 master=$3 slave=$4 CMD_MASTER="$SSH $SSH_USER@$master" CMD_SLAVE="$SSH $SSH_USER@$slave" $CMD_MASTER $WEBADD del-alias $vhost $alias if [ $slave != "null" ]; then $CMD_SLAVE $WEBADD del-alias $vhost $alias fi DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") if [ $slave != "null" ]; then echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $alias deleted from $vhost on $master and $slave" >> /var/log/evolix.log else echo "$DATE [web-add-cluster.sh] $login deleted from $vhost on $master" >> /var/log/evolix.log fi } arg_processing() { # Détermination de la commande if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then usage else commandname=$1 shift case "$commandname" in add) op_add $* ;; del) op_del $* ;; list-vhost) op_listvhost $* ;; add-alias) op_aliasadd $* ;; del-alias) op_aliasdel $* ;; *) usage ;; esac fi } op_listvhost() { if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then configlist="$VHOST_PATH/$1"; else configlist="$VHOST_PATH/*"; fi for configfile in $configlist; do if [ -r "$configfile" ]; then servername=`awk '/^[[:space:]]*ServerName (.*)/ { print $2 }' $configfile | head -n 1` serveraliases=`perl -ne 'print $1 if /^[[:space:]]*ServerAlias (.*)/' $configfile | head -n 1` serveraliases=`echo $serveraliases | sed 's/ \+/, /g'` userid=`awk '/^[[:space:]]*AssignUserID.*/ { print $3 }' $configfile | head -n 1` if [ "$servername" ] && [ "$userid" ]; then configid=`basename $configfile` echo "$userid:$configid:$servername:$serveraliases" fi fi done } op_add() { while getopts hyp:m:P:s:l:f:c: opt; do case "$opt" in p) in_passwd=$OPTARG ;; m) in_dbname=$OPTARG ;; P) in_dbpasswd=$OPTARG ;; l) in_mail=$OPTARG ;; f) in_replinterval=$OPTARG ;; c) in_replunit=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 1 ;; ?) usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then usage exit 1 fi in_login=$1 in_wwwdomain=$2 in_master=$3 in_slave=$4 in_replmode=$5 # in_master doit etre different d'in_slave [ "$in_master" = "$in_slave" ] && in_slave="null"; validate_login $in_login || exit 1 [ -z "$in_passwd" ] && in_passwd=`gen_random_passwd` validate_passwd $in_passwd || exit 1 if [ -n "$in_dbname" ]; then validate_dbname $in_dbname || exit 1 if [ -z "$in_dbpasswd" ]; then in_dbpasswd=`gen_random_passwd` validate_passwd $in_dbpasswd || exit 1 echo "validate mysql passwd $in_dbpasswd"; fi echo " ? validate mysql passwd $in_dbpasswd"; fi validate_wwwdomain $in_wwwdomain || exit 1 [ -z "$in_mail" ] && in_mail=$CONTACT_MAIL validate_mail $in_mail || exit 1 validate_replmode $in_replmode || exit 1 if [ $in_replmode = "deferred" ]; then validate_replinterval $in_replinterval $in_replunit || exit 1 fi echo echo "----------------------------------------------" echo "Nom du compte : $in_login" echo "Mot de passe : $in_passwd" if [ -n "$in_dbname" ]; then echo "Base de données MySQL : $in_dbname" echo "Mot de passe MySQL : $in_dbpasswd" fi echo "Nom de domaine : $in_wwwdomain" echo "IP compte master : $in_master" echo "IP compte slave : $in_slave" echo "Mode de replication : $in_replmode" echo "Envoi du mail récapitulatif à : $in_mail" echo "----------------------------------------------" echo create_www_accounts echo echo " => Compte $in_login créé avec succès" echo } remove_subdomain() { #return $(echo $1 |sed 's/\([^\.]\+\.[^\.]\+\)$/\1/') echo $1 |perl -ne 'print $1 if ( /([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/ )' } # Point d'entrée arg_processing $*