* @author Thomas Martin * @author Sebastien Palma * * Fonctions utiles pour la creation de formulaires * * v 1.0 */ class FormPageController { private $pages = array(); private $current_page = NULL; /* Affiche la page de formulaire in-line */ public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out = $this->pages[$this->current_page]; $out .= "\n\n"; return $out; } /* Vérifie les champs et redirige vers la dernière page valide. Retourne TRUE si le formulaire est entièrement valide. Retourne FALSE en cas d'erreur sur la page courante. */ public function verify($set_error=TRUE) { $valid = TRUE; foreach($this->pages as $pagenum => $page) { if(!$page->verify($set_error)) { $valid = FALSE; } } if($valid) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } public function setCurrentPage($current_page) { $this->current_page = $current_page; $this->pages[$current_page]->isCurrentPage(TRUE); } public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->pages[$this->current_page]; } public function addPage($pagenum, $obj) { $this->pages[$pagenum] = $obj; } /* Doit être appelé après les addField() */ public function init() { foreach($this->pages as $pagenum=>$page) { $page->initFields(); } } /* Retourne le numéro de page suivant, ou FALSE si on est à la fin */ public function getNextPage() { $numpage = count($this->pages); if($this->current_page == $numpage) { return FALSE; } else { return $this->current_page+1; } } /* Retourne des infos sur les pages du formulaire, pour construire un fil d'ariane par exemple */ public function getPagesList() { return $this->pages; } public function getPage($num = null) { if($num) { return $this->pages[$num]; } else { return $this->pages[$this->current_page]; } } /* Renvoie une collection d'objets "Field" */ public function getFieldsList() { $fields = array(); foreach($this->pages as $page) { foreach($page->getFieldsList() as $field) { $fields[$field[0]] = $field[1]; } } return $fields; } /* Renvoie une structure de données injectable dans ldap_add() ou ldap_modify() */ public function toLDAP() { $info = array(); foreach($this->getFieldsList() as $name=>$obj) { if(is_array($obj->getValue()) && count($obj->getValue()) == 1) { $tmp = $obj->getValue(); $value = $tmp[0]; } else { $value = $obj->getValue(); } if(!empty($value)) { $info[strtolower($name)] = $value; } } return $info; } /* Permet de définir à posteriori une liste de champs obligatoires */ public function setMandatoryFields($list) { foreach($this->getFieldsList() as $fname=>$fobj) { if(in_array($fname, $list)) { $fobj->setMandatory(TRUE); } } } /* Permet d'utiliser un stockage différent de celui par défaut * ($_SESSION) pour tous les FormFields déjà ajouté au controlleur. Prend * en paramètre la référence d'un tableau */ public function setSessionStorage(& $storage) { foreach($this->getFieldsList() as $fname=>$fobj) { $fobj->setSessionStorage($storage); } } } class FormPage { private $fields = array(); private $label = NULL; private $is_current_page = FALSE; private $use_session = NULL; public function __construct($label, $use_session=TRUE) { $this->label = $label; $this->use_session = $use_session; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; foreach($this->fields as $field) { $obj = $field[1]; $out .= "$obj\n\n"; } return $out; } public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } public function verify($set_error) { $num_error = 0; foreach($this->fields as $field) { $obj = $field[1]; if($obj->verify($set_error)) { $this->use_session && $obj->storeSession(); } else { $num_error++; $this->use_session && $obj->deleteSession(); } } if($num_error > 0) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } public function addField($name, $obj, $default_value="") { $obj->setName($name); if ($default_value != "") $obj->setValue($default_value); array_push($this->fields, array($name, $obj)); } public function addFieldsArray($array) { foreach($array as $name=>$obj) { $this->addField($name, $obj); } } /* Petit hack : la page doit savoir si c'est elle qui est affiché, pour gérer le cas des checkbox */ public function initFields($is_current_page=FALSE) { foreach($this->fields as $field) { $name = $field[0]; $obj = $field[1]; if((is_a($obj, 'CheckBoxInputFormField') || is_a($obj, 'MultipleCheckBoxInputFormField')) && $this->is_current_page && !empty($_POST) && !array_key_exists($name, $_POST)) { $obj->setValue(0); } else if(is_a($obj, 'UploadFileInputFormField') && $this->is_current_page && array_key_exists($name, $_FILES) && $_FILES[$name]['error']==0) { $obj->saveTmpFile($_FILES[$name]); } else if(array_key_exists($name, $_POST)) { $obj->setValue($_POST[$name]); } else if($this->use_session && $obj->sessionKeyExist($name)) { $obj->setSessionValue($name); } } } public function isCurrentPage($is=NULL) { if(is_bool($is)) { $this->is_current_page = $is; } return $this->is_current_page; } /* Renvoie la liste des objets Fields de la page */ public function getFieldsList() { return $this->fields; } /* Renvoie la liste des objets Fields de la page */ public function getFieldsName() { $ret = array(); foreach($this->fields as $field) { $ret[] = $field[0]; } return $ret; } public function getField($name) { foreach($this->fields as $f) { if($f[0] == $name) { return $f[1]; } } } } class FormField { protected $value = null; protected $error = null; /** @var string|null $label */ protected $label = null; /** @var string|null $name */ protected $name = null; /** @var string|null $css_class */ protected $css_class = null; /** @var bool|null $read_only */ protected $read_only = null; /** @var bool|null $disabled True if the field is supposed to be disabled */ protected $disabled = null; /** @var array|null $storage */ private $storage = NULL; protected function __construct($label) { $this->storage = & $_SESSION; $this->label = $label; } public function storeSession() { if(strlen($this->value) > 0) { $this->storage[$this->name] = $this->value; } } public function deleteSession() { unset($this->storage[$this->name]); } public function setSessionValue($name) { $this->setValue($this->storage[$name]); } public function sessionKeyExist($name) { #echo "$name ".$this->storage[$name]." "; return array_key_exists($name, $this->storage); } public function setSessionStorage(& $storage) { $this->storage = & $storage; } protected function verify($set_error) { if(empty($this->error)) { return TRUE; } } public function getError() { if(isset($this->value) && !$this->verify(FALSE)) { return $this->error; } } public function getErrorHTML() { return ''.$this->error.''; } public function setError($error) { $this->error = $error; } public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setValue($value) { $this->value = $value; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function getReadableValue() { return $this->getValue(); } public function getLabelHTML() { $label = ''; $label .= '\n"; return $label; } public function setCSSClass($name) { $this->css_class = $name; } public function setReadOnly() { $this->read_only = true; } public function setDisabled($state = TRUE) { $this->disabled = $state; } public function setMandatory($bool) { $this->mandatory = $bool; } } /* $textsize = array( size, maxlength ) */ class TextInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $textsize = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $textsize=array(20, 80)) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->textsize = $textsize; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && (!strlen($this->value))) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= 'name.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->value,ENT_QUOTES).'"'; #$input .= sprintf(' name="%s" value="%s"', $this->name, htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_QUOTES)); $input .= ' maxlength="'.$this->textsize[1].'" size="'.$this->textsize[0].'" '; if($this->read_only) { $input .= 'readonly="readonly="'; } if($this->disabled) { $input .= 'disabled="disabled="'; } $input .= '/>'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class AlphaNumericalTextInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $textsize = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $textsize=array(20, 80)) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->textsize = $textsize; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && (!strlen($this->value))) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } if (!preg_match("/^(?!-)(?!_)[[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*(?value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Seul les caractères a-z A-Z 0-9 sont autorisés (- et _ le sont excepté en début et fin)'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= 'name.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->value,ENT_QUOTES).'"'; #$input .= sprintf(' name="%s" value="%s"', $this->name, htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_QUOTES)); $input .= ' maxlength="'.$this->textsize[1].'" size="'.$this->textsize[0].'" '; if($this->read_only) { $input .= 'readonly="readonly="'; } if($this->disabled) { $input .= 'disabled="disabled="'; } $input .= '/>'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class DomainInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; //protected $textsize = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $hidden=FALSE) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->hidden = $hidden; //$this->textsize = $textsize; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && (!strlen($this->value))) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9-.]+\.[a-z0-9-]{2,}$/i", $this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Ceci n\'est pas un nom de domaine'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; if ($this->hidden) $input .= 'name.'"'; $input .= ' name="'.$this->name.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->value,ENT_QUOTES).'"'; //$input .= ' maxlength="'.$this->textsize[1].'" size="'.$this->textsize[0].'" '; if($this->read_only) { $input .= 'readonly="readonly="'; } if($this->disabled) { $input .= 'disabled="disabled="'; } $input .= '/>'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; if ($this->hidden) { $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); } else { $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); } $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class DomainListInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; //protected $textsize = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; //$this->textsize = $textsize; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && (!strlen($this->value))) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } if(strlen($this->value)){ $list = explode(',', $this->value); foreach ($list as $value) { if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9-.]+\.[a-z0-9-]{2,}$/i", $value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Ceci n\'est pas un nom de domaine'; return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= 'name.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->value,ENT_QUOTES).'"'; //$input .= ' maxlength="'.$this->textsize[1].'" size="'.$this->textsize[0].'" '; if($this->read_only) { $input .= 'readonly="readonly="'; } if($this->disabled) { $input .= 'disabled="disabled="'; } $input .= '/>'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class DateInputFormField extends TextInputFormField { public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE) { parent::__construct($label, $mandatory, array(7, 10)); } public function verify($set_error) { if(!parent::verify($set_error)) return FALSE; if(!empty($this->value) && !preg_match('#^\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}$#', $this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Format de date non valide'; return FALSE; } $arr_date = explode('/', $this->value); if(!empty($this->value) && !checkdate($arr_date[1],$arr_date[0],$arr_date[2])) { if($set_error) $this->error = "La date saisie n'existe pas"; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } class YearDateInputFormField extends TextInputFormField { public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE) { parent::__construct($label, $mandatory, array(4, 4)); } public function verify($set_error) { if(!parent::verify($set_error)) return FALSE; if(!empty($this->value) && (!ctype_digit($this->value) || $this->value < 1900)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Vous devez saisir une année valide'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } class TelephoneInputFormField extends TextInputFormField { public function setValue($value) { $value = preg_replace('/[^\d -\.\(\)\+]/', '-', $value); parent::setValue($value); } } class IntegerInputFormField extends TextInputFormField { public function verify($set_error) { if(!parent::verify($set_error)) return FALSE; if(!empty($this->value) && !is_numeric($this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Vous devez saisir un chiffre'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } class FloatInputFormField extends TextInputFormField { public function verify($set_error) { if(!parent::verify($set_error)) return FALSE; if(!empty($this->value) && !is_numeric($this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Vous devez saisir un chiffre'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } class EmailInputFormField extends TextInputFormField { public function verify($set_error) { if(!parent::verify($set_error)) { return FALSE; } if(!empty($this->value) && !eregi('^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$',$this->value)){ if($set_error) $this->error = 'Adresse email invalide'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } class TextareaFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $cols = NULL; protected $rows = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $cols=45, $rows=5) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->rows = $rows; $this->cols = $cols; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && empty($this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= ''; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class PasswordInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; } public function verify($set_error) { if(empty($this->value)) { if($this->mandatory) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } if(strlen($this->value) < 8) { if($set_error) $this->error = '8 caracteres minimum'; return FALSE; } #if(preg_match('#.*[A-Z]+.*$#',$this->value)==0){ # if($set_error) $this->error = 'Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins une majuscule'; # return FALSE; # } if(preg_match('#.*[0-9]+.*#',$this->value)==0){ if($set_error) $this->error = 'Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins un chiffre'; return FALSE; } if(!preg_match('#.*[/]+.*#',$this->value)==0){ if($set_error) $this->error = 'Votre mot de passe doit contenir le caractère \'/\''; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = sprintf('name, $this->name, htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_QUOTES)); if($this->read_only) $input .= ' readonly="readonly"'; if($this->disabled) { $input .= 'disabled="disabled="'; } $input .= '/>'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class CheckBoxInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; } public function verify($set_error) { if(!parent::verify($set_error)) return FALSE; if($this->mandatory && empty($this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = sprintf('name, $this->name); if($this->value) $input .= ' checked="checked"'; if($this->disabled) $input .= ' disabled="disabled"'; $input .= ' value="1" />'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class MultipleCheckBoxInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $list = array(); public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $list) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->list = $list; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && empty($this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Vous devez faire au moins un choix'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $n = 0; foreach ($this->list as $value => $label) { $input .= 'value) && in_array($value, $this->value)) { $input.=' checked="checked"'; } if($this->read_only) { $input .= 'readonly="readonly="'; } $input .= "/>$label"; $n++; if($n < count($this->list)) $input .= "
\n"; } return $input; } public function getErrorHTML() { if($this->error) { return "
{$this->error}"; } else { return ""; } } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } public function getValue() { $out = array(); foreach($this->value as $index) { #$out[] = $this->list[$index]; $out[] = $index; } return $out; } public function getReadableValue() { $n = 1; $out = ''; foreach($this->value as $index) { $out .= $this->list[$index]; if($n < count($this->value)) $out .= ', '; $n++; } return $out; } public function setValue($value) { if(!is_array($value)) { $this->value = array($value); } else { parent::setValue($value); } } } class SelectFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $list = array(); public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $list) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->list = $list; } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && strlen($this->value) === 0) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= '\n"; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function getReadableValue() { if(array_key_exists($this->value, $this->list)) { return $this->list[$this->value]; } else { return null; } } } class RadioFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $list = array(); public function __construct($label, $mandatory=TRUE, $list, $default = null) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->list = $list; if($default) { $this->value = $default; } } public function verify($set_error) { if($this->mandatory && empty($this->value)) { if($set_error) $this->error = 'Champ obligatoire'; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= ''; foreach ($this->list as $value => $label) { $input .= 'value == $value) $input.=' checked="checked"'; $input .= "/>$label
"; } $input .= '
'; return $input; } public function getErrorHTML() { return "{$this->error}"; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function getReadableValue() { if(array_key_exists($this->value, $this->list)) { return $this->list[$this->value]; } else { return null; } } } class ButtonInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $event = NULL; protected $action = NULL; public function __construct($label,$mandatory=FALSE, $event, $action) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; $this->event = $event; $this->action = $action; } public function verify($set_error) { return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= 'event) && !empty($this->action)) { $input .= $this->event.'='.$this->action.' '; } $input .= 'value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->label,ENT_QUOTES).'" />'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class SubmitInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $event = NULL; protected $action = NULL; public function __construct($label,$mandatory=FALSE) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; } public function verify($set_error) { return TRUE; } public function getInputHTML() { $input = ''; $input .= 'css_class.'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->label,ENT_QUOTES).'" />'; return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } } class UploadFileInputFormField extends FormField { protected $mandatory = NULL; protected $delete_url = NULL; public function __construct($label,$mandatory=FALSE) { parent::__construct($label); $this->mandatory = $mandatory; } public function verify($set_error) { return TRUE; } public function setDeleteUrl($url) { $this->delete_url = $url; } public function deleteUploadedFile() { if(!is_array($this->value)) { return "Value is not an array"; } if(file_exists('/tmp/'.$this->value['tempname'])) { unlink('/tmp/'.$this->value['tempname']); } $this->value = NULL; return true; } public function saveTmpFile($upload_array) { $this->value['filename'] = $upload_array['name']; $this->value['file_ext'] = end(explode(".", $this->value['filename'])); $this->value['tempname'] = 'tmp_'.time().'.'.$this->value['file_ext']; $up_filename = $upload_array['tmp_name']; if(!move_uploaded_file($up_filename, '/tmp/'.$this->value['tempname'])) { $this->error = $this->value['error']; } } public function moveTmpFile($filename, $dest_path) { $this->value['filename'] = $filename.'.'.$this->value['file_ext']; if(!file_exists('/tmp/'.$this->value['tempname'])) { $this->error = "Impossible de trouver le fichier /tmp/{$this->value['tempname']}"; return ""; } if((rename('/tmp/'.$this->value['tempname'],$dest_path.$this->value['filename']))===FALSE) { $this->error = "Impossible de déplacer le fichier vers $dest_path{$this->value['filename']}"; return ""; } return $dest_path.$this->value['filename']; } public function getInputHTML($delete_url='') { $input = ''; $input .= ''; if(is_array($this->value)) { $filename = $this->value['filename']; } elseif (!empty($this->value)){ $filename = $this->value; } if (!empty($filename)) { $input .= "
Fichier uploadé : "; $input .= "$filename"; if(!empty($this->delete_url)) { $input .= ' X'; } $input .= "
"; } return $input; } public function __toString() { $out = ''; $out .= "

\n"; $out .= $this->getLabelHTML(); $out .= $this->getInputHTML(); $out .= $this->getErrorHTML(); $out .= "

\n\n"; return $out; } public function getReadableValue() { return $this->value['filename']; } } ?>