#!/bin/bash # # Gestion des comptes web et des hôtes virtuels pour Apache et Nginx # # Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Evolix - Tous droits reserves # # TODO # - Gestion des quota # - Possibilité de créer un compte FTP-only # - Pouvoir spécifier le CONTACT_MAIL dans un fichier de conf # - Traduire usage() en francais, ou l'inverse ?? set -e HOME="/root" CONTACT_MAIL="jdoe@example.org" WWWBOUNCE_MAIL="jdoe@example.org" SCRIPTS_PATH="/usr/share/scripts/evoadmin" LOCAL_SCRIPT="$SCRIPTS_PATH/web-add.local.sh" PRE_LOCAL_SCRIPT="$SCRIPTS_PATH/web-add.pre-local.sh" TPL_AWSTATS="$SCRIPTS_PATH/awstats.XXX.conf" SSH_GROUP="evolinux-ssh" # Set to nginx if you use nginx and not apache WEB_SERVER="apache" if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then VHOST_PATH="/etc/apache2/sites-available" TPL_VHOST="$SCRIPTS_PATH/vhost" TPL_MAIL="$SCRIPTS_PATH/web-mail.tpl" elif [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "nginx" ]; then VHOST_PATH="/etc/nginx/sites-available" TPL_VHOST="$SCRIPTS_PATH/vhost-nginx.tpl" TPL_MAIL="$SCRIPTS_PATH/web-mail-nginx.tpl" else echo "$WEB_SERVER is not apache nor nginx, exiting..." exit 1 fi # FPM FPM_PATH="/etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d" FPM_SERVICE_NAME="php7.0-fpm" TPL_FPM="$SCRIPTS_PATH/fpm.conf.tpl" MAX_LOGIN_CHAR=16 HOME_DIR="/home" MYSQL_CREATE_DB_OPTS="" MYSQL_OPTS="" PHP_VERSIONS=() # Utiliser ce fichier pour redefinir la valeur des variables ci-dessus config_file="/etc/evolinux/web-add.conf" # shellcheck source=/etc/evolinux/web-add.conf [ -r $config_file ] && . $config_file usage() { cat <&2 Usage: $0 COMMAND [ARG] add [ [OPTIONS] LOGIN WWWDOMAIN ] Create web account LOGIN. No arguments starts interactive mode. -p PASSWD FTP and SFTP password (default : random) -m DBNAME Name of MySQL database (default : same as account) -P DBPASSWD MySQL password (default : random) -l MAIL Send summary email to MAIL -k SSHKEY Use this SSH key -u UID Force account UID (only in command line) -g GID Force account GID (only in command line) -U UID Force www-account UID (only in command line) -y Don't ask for confirmation -r PHP version (without dot) -q Filesystem quota in GiB, in the form : Example : web-add.sh add -m testdb -r 56 testlogin testdomain.com del LOGIN [DBNAME] Delete account and all files related (Apache, Awstats, etc) Archive home directory. Remove MySQL database only if DBNAME is specified. list-vhost LOGIN List Apache vhost for user LOGIN check-vhosts -f List suggested changes to vhosts, apply fixes with -f add-alias VHOST ALIAS Add a ServerAlias to an Apache vhost del-alias VHOST ALIAS Del a ServerAlias from an Apache vhost list-servername LOGIN List ServerName(s) for user LOGIN update-servername VHOST SERVERNAME OLD_SERVERNAME Replace the OLD_SERVERNAME with the SERVERNAME for an Apache vhost Also apply to rules check-occurence NAME List all occurences of NAME in vhosts list-user-itk DOMAIN LOGIN List the assigned ITK user for the DOMAIN specified enable-user-itk DOMAIN LOGIN Enable the assigned ITK user for the DOMAIN specified disable-user-itk DOMAIN LOGIN Disable the assigned ITK user for the DOMAIN specified setphpversion LOGIN VERSION Change PHP version for LOGIN setquota LOGIN QUOTA_SOFT:QUOTA_HARD Change quotas for LOGIN EOT } # # Affiche un message d'erreur de validation # in_error() { msg=$1 cat >&2 </dev/null; then in_error "Base de données déjà existante" return 1 fi } validate_wwwdomain() { wwwdomain=$1 if [ -z "$wwwdomain" ]; then in_error "Le nom de domaine est obligatoire" return 1 fi return 0 } validate_mail() { return 0 } validate_phpversion() { php_version="$1" if [[ ! " ${PHP_VERSIONS[*]} " =~ ${php_version} ]]; then in_error "Version de PHP incorrecte." return 1 fi } validate_quota() { quota_soft=$(echo "$1" |cut -f 1 -d:) quota_hard=$(echo "$1" |cut -f 2 -d:) if [ -z "$quota_soft" ] || [ -z "$quota_hard" ]; then in_error "Le quota soft et le quota hard doivent être spécifiés sous la forme :." return 1 elif [ "$quota_soft" -gt "$quota_hard" ]; then in_error "Le quota hard doit être plus grand que le quota soft." return 1 fi } step_ok() { msg=$1 echo "[OK] $msg" } create_www_account() { # Vérifications for filetocheck in $TPL_VHOST $TPL_AWSTATS $TPL_MAIL; do if [ ! -f $filetocheck ]; then in_error "Fichier inexistant : $filetocheck" exit 1 fi done ############################################################################ if [ -f $PRE_LOCAL_SCRIPT ]; then # shellcheck source=/usr/share/scripts/evoadmin/web-add.pre-local.sh source $PRE_LOCAL_SCRIPT fi step_ok "Exécution du pre-script spécifique" ############################################################################ if [ -z "$HOME_DIR_USER" ]; then HOME_DIR_USER="$HOME_DIR/$in_login" fi ############################################################################ if [ -d "$HOME_DIR_USER" ]; then in_error "Ce compte existe deja (ou il a mal été effacé)" return 1 fi # Create user and force UID / GID if specified /usr/sbin/adduser \ --gecos "User $in_login" \ --disabled-password \ "$in_login" \ --shell /bin/bash \ ${in_uid:+'--uid' "$in_uid"} \ ${in_gid:+'--gid' "$in_gid"} \ --force-badname \ --home "$HOME_DIR_USER" >/dev/null [ -z "$in_sshkey" ] \ && echo "$in_login:$in_passwd" | chpasswd [ -z "$in_sshkey" ] \ || [ -n "$HOME_DIR_USER" ] \ && mkdir "$HOME_DIR_USER/.ssh" \ && echo "$in_sshkey" > "$HOME_DIR_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" \ && chmod -R u=rwX,g=,o= "$HOME_DIR_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" \ && chown -R "$in_login":"$in_login" "$HOME_DIR_USER/.ssh" if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then # Create www user and force UID if specified /usr/sbin/adduser \ --gecos "WWW $in_login" \ --disabled-password \ www-"$in_login" \ --shell /bin/false \ ${in_wwwuid:+'--uid' "$in_wwwuid"} \ --ingroup "$in_login" \ --force-badname \ --home "$HOME_DIR_USER"/www \ --no-create-home > /dev/null elif [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "nginx" ]; then # Adding user www-data to group $in_login. # And primary group www-data for $in_login. adduser www-data "$in_login" usermod -g www-data "$in_login" fi # Get uid/gid for newly created accounts uid=$(id -u "$in_login") gid=$(id -g "$in_login") www_uid=$(id -u www-"$in_login") # Create users inside all containers for php_version in "${PHP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- /usr/sbin/addgroup "$in_login" --gid "$gid" --force-badname >/dev/null lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- /usr/sbin/adduser --gecos "User $in_login" --disabled-password "$in_login" --shell /bin/bash --uid "$uid" --gid "$gid" --force-badname --home "$HOME_DIR_USER" >/dev/null lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- [ -z "$in_sshkey" ] && echo "$in_login:$in_passwd" | chpasswd lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- /usr/sbin/adduser --disabled-password --home "$HOME_DIR_USER"/www --no-create-home --shell /bin/false --gecos "WWW $in_login" www-"$in_login" --uid "$www_uid" --ingroup "$in_login" --force-badname >/dev/null done if grep -qE '^AllowGroups' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; then if ! grep -qE "^AllowGroups(\\s+\\S+)*(\\s+$SSH_GROUP)" /etc/ssh/sshd_config; then sed -i "s/^AllowGroups .*/& $SSH_GROUP/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config groupadd --force $SSH_GROUP fi usermod -a -G $SSH_GROUP "$in_login" elif grep -qE '^AllowUsers' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; then sed -i "s/^AllowUsers .*/& $in_login/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config fi /etc/init.d/ssh reload step_ok "Création des utilisateurs" ############################################################################ if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then echo "www-$login: $login" >> /etc/aliases echo "$login: $WWWBOUNCE_MAIL" >> /etc/aliases elif [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "nginx" ]; then echo "$login: $WWWBOUNCE_MAIL" >> /etc/aliases fi newaliases step_ok "Alias mail" ############################################################################ chmod 750 "$HOME_DIR_USER"/ # Répertoires par défaut mkdir -p "$HOME_DIR_USER"/{log,www,awstats} chown "$in_login":"$in_login" "$HOME_DIR_USER"/www chgrp "$in_login" "$HOME_DIR_USER"/{log,awstats} chmod 750 "$HOME_DIR_USER"/{log,www,awstats} # Ajout des logs par defaut touch "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/access.log touch "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/error.log touch "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/php.log chgrp "$in_login" "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/access.log chgrp "$in_login" "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/error.log if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then chown www-"$in_login":"$in_login" "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/php.log fi # There is no php.log for nginx ATM, it will go in error.log. chmod 640 "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/access.log chmod 640 "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/error.log chmod 640 "$HOME_DIR_USER"/log/php.log step_ok "Création du répertoire personnel" ############################################################################ if [ -n "$in_quota" ]; then quota_soft=$(($(echo "$in_quota" |cut -f 1 -d:) * 1024 * 1024)) quota_hard=$(($(echo "$in_quota" |cut -f 2 -d:) * 1024 * 1024)) setquota --remote --user "$in_login" $quota_soft $quota_hard 0 0 /home fi ############################################################################ # Create FPM pool on all containers. for php_version in "${PHP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do if [ "$php_version" = "70" ]; then pool_path="/etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/" elif [ "$php_version" = "73" ]; then pool_path="/etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/" else pool_path="/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/" fi phpfpm_socket_path="/home/${in_login}/php-fpm${php_version}.sock" cat </var/lib/lxc/php"${php_version}"/rootfs/${pool_path}/"${in_login}".conf [${in_login}] user = www-${in_login} group = ${in_login} listen = ${phpfpm_socket_path} listen.owner = ${in_login} listen.group = ${in_login} pm = ondemand pm.max_children = 10 pm.process_idle_timeout = 10s php_admin_value[error_log] = /home/${in_login}/log/php.log EOT step_ok "Création du pool FPM ${php_version}" done ############################################################################ random=$RANDOM if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then vhostfile="/etc/apache2/sites-available/${in_login}.conf" sed -e "s/XXX/$in_login/g ; s/SERVERNAME/$in_wwwdomain/ ; s/RANDOM/$random/ ; s#HOME_DIR#$HOME_DIR#" < $TPL_VHOST > "$vhostfile" if [ ${#PHP_VERSIONS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then phpfpm_socket_path="/home/${in_login}/php-fpm${in_phpversion}.sock" cat <>"$vhostfile" SetHandler proxy:unix:${phpfpm_socket_path}|fcgi://localhost/ EOT else cat <>"$vhostfile" EOT fi # On active aussi example.com si domaine commence par "www." comme www.example if echo "$in_wwwdomain" | grep '^www.' > /dev/null; then subweb="${in_wwwdomain#www.}" sed -i -e "s/^\\(.*\\)#\\(ServerAlias\\).*$/\\1\\2 $subweb/" "$vhostfile" fi a2ensite "$in_login" >/dev/null step_ok "Configuration d'Apache" elif [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "nginx" ]; then sed -e \ "s/DOMAIN/${in_wwwdomain}/g; s/LOGIN/${in_login}/g;" \ < "$TPL_VHOST" \ > ${VHOST_PATH}/"$in_login" ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/"$in_login" \ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/"$in_login" /etc/init.d/nginx restart step_ok "Configuration de Nginx + restart" ############################################################################ sed -e "s/SED_LOGIN/${in_login}/g;" \ < $TPL_FPM > ${FPM_PATH}/"${in_login}".conf step_ok "Creation du pool PHP-FPM" ############################################################################ fi sed -e "s/XXX/$in_login/ ; s/SERVERNAME/$in_wwwdomain/ ; s#HOME_DIR#$HOME_DIR#" \ < $TPL_AWSTATS > /etc/awstats/awstats."$in_login".conf chmod 644 /etc/awstats/awstats."$in_login".conf VAR=$(grep -v "^#" /etc/cron.d/awstats |tail -1 | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "$VAR" = "" ] || [ "$VAR" -ge 59 ]; then VAR=1 else VAR=$((VAR +1)) fi echo "$VAR * * * * root umask 033; [ -x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -a -f /etc/awstats/awstats.$in_login.conf -a -r $HOME_DIR_USER/log/access.log ] && /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=$in_login -update >/dev/null" >> /etc/cron.d/awstats step_ok "Activation d'Awstats" ############################################################################ if [ "$in_dbname" ]; then echo "CREATE DATABASE \`$in_dbname\` $MYSQL_CREATE_DB_OPTS;" | mysql $MYSQL_OPTS echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`$in_dbname\`.* TO \`$in_login\`@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '$in_dbpasswd';" | mysql $MYSQL_OPTS echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql $MYSQL_OPTS my_cnf_file="$HOME_DIR_USER/.my.cnf" cat > "$my_cnf_file" <<-EOT [client] user = $in_login password = "$in_dbpasswd" [mysql] database = $in_dbname EOT chown "$in_login" "$my_cnf_file" chmod 600 "$my_cnf_file" step_ok "Création base de données et compte MySQL" fi ############################################################################ if [ "$in_dbname" ]; then sed -e " s/LOGIN/$in_login/g ; s/SERVERNAME/$in_wwwdomain/ ; s/PASSE1/$in_passwd/ ; s/PASSE2/$in_dbpasswd/ ; s/RANDOM/$random/ ; s/QUOTA/$quota/ ; s/RCPTTO/$in_mail/ ; s/DBNAME/$in_dbname/ ; s#HOME_DIR#$HOME_DIR#" \ < $TPL_MAIL | /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -f "$CONTACT_MAIL" else sed -e " s/LOGIN/$in_login/g ; s/SERVERNAME/$in_wwwdomain/ ; s/PASSE1/$in_passwd/ ; s/RANDOM/$random/ ; s/QUOTA/$quota/ ; s/RCPTTO/$in_mail/ ; s#HOME_DIR#$HOME_DIR# ; 39,58d" \ < $TPL_MAIL | /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -f "$CONTACT_MAIL" fi step_ok "Envoi du mail récapitulatif" ############################################################################ if [ -f $LOCAL_SCRIPT ]; then # shellcheck source=/usr/share/scripts/evoadmin/web-add.local.sh source $LOCAL_SCRIPT fi step_ok "Exécution du script spécifique" ############################################################################ if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then apache2ctl configtest 2>/dev/null /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload >/dev/null for php_version in "${PHP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do if [ "$php_version" = "70" ]; then initscript_path="/etc/init.d/php7.0-fpm" binary="php-fpm7.0" elif [ "$php_version" = "73" ]; then initscript_path="/etc/init.d/php7.3-fpm" binary="php-fpm7.3" else initscript_path="/etc/init.d/php5-fpm" binary="php5-fpm" fi lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- $binary --test >/dev/null lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- $initscript_path restart >/dev/null step_ok "Rechargement de php-fpm dans php${php_version}" done step_ok "Rechargement d'Apache" fi ############################################################################ if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "nginx" ]; then fpm_status=$(echo -n "$in_login" | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1) cat < /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/phpfpm_"${in_login}"_ [phpfpm_${in_login}_*] env.url http://munin:%d/fpm_status_$fpm_status env.ports 80 env.phpbin php-fpm env.phppool $in_login EOT for name in average connections memory processes status; do ln -s /usr/local/share/munin/plugins/phpfpm_${name} \ /etc/munin/plugins/phpfpm_"${in_login}"_${name} done cat <> /etc/nginx/evolinux.d/munin-plugins.conf # $in_login FPM Status page. Secret part is md5 of pool name. location ~ ^/fpm_status_${fpm_status}$ { include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm-${in_login}.sock; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME \$fastcgi_script_name; allow; deny all; } EOT sed -i "s#SED_STATUS#/fpm_status_${fpm_status}#" \ ${FPM_PATH}/"${in_login}".conf /etc/init.d/nginx reload /etc/init.d/${FPM_SERVICE_NAME} reload /etc/init.d/munin-node restart step_ok "Configuration plugin php-fpm pour munin" fi ############################################################################ DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "$DATE [web-add.sh] Ajout $in_login" >> /var/log/evolix.log } op_del() { if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then usage exit 1 else login=$1 if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then dbname=$2 fi fi echo "Deleting account $login. Continue ?" read -r set -x if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then userdel www-"$login" fi userdel "$login" for php_version in "${PHP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- userdel -f www-"$login" lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- userdel -f "$login" done sed -i.bak "/^$login:/d" /etc/aliases if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then sed -i.bak "/^www-$login:/d" /etc/aliases fi if grep -qE '^AllowUsers' /etc/ssh/sshd_config; then sed -i "s/^AllowUsers .*/& $in_login/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/init.d/ssh reload fi if [ -d "$HOME_DIR/$login" ]; then mv -i $HOME_DIR/"$login" $HOME_DIR/"$login"."$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')".bak else echo "warning : $HOME_DIR/$login does not exist" fi if [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "apache" ]; then a2dissite "$login" rm /etc/apache2/sites-available/"$login.conf" rm /etc/awstats/awstats."$login.conf" sed -i.bak "/-config=$login /d" /etc/cron.d/awstats apache2ctl configtest for php_version in "${PHP_VERSIONS[@]}"; do if [ "$php_version" = "70" ]; then phpfpm_dir="/etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/" initscript_path="/etc/init.d/php7.0-fpm" elif [ "$php_version" = "73" ]; then phpfpm_dir="/etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/" initscript_path="/etc/init.d/php7.3-fpm" else phpfpm_dir="/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/" initscript_path="/etc/init.d/php5-fpm" fi rm /var/lib/lxc/php"${php_version}"/rootfs/${phpfpm_dir}/"${login}".conf lxc-attach -n php"${php_version}" -- $initscript_path restart >/dev/null done elif [ "$WEB_SERVER" == "nginx" ]; then rm /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}/"$login" rm /etc/awstats/awstats."$login.conf" rm /etc/munin/plugins/phpfpm_"${in_login}"* sed -i.bak "/-config=$login/d" /etc/cron.d/awstats nginx -t fi set +x if [ -n "$dbname" ]; then echo "Deleting mysql DATABASE $dbname and mysql user $login. Continue ?" read -r set -x echo "DROP DATABASE $dbname; delete from mysql.user where user='$login' ; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql $MYSQL_OPTS set +x fi } op_setphpversion() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then usage exit 1 fi login="$1" phpversion="$2" validate_phpversion "$phpversion" sed -i "s#^\\(\s*SetHandler proxy:unix:/home/.*/php-fpm\\)..\\(\\.sock\\)#\\1${phpversion}\\2#" /etc/apache2/sites-available/"${login}".conf sed -i "s#^\\(\s*/dev/null DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "$DATE [web-add.sh] PHP version set to $phpversion for $login" >> /var/log/evolix.log } op_setquota() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then usage exit 1 fi login="$1" quota="$2" validate_quota "$quota" quota_soft=$(($(echo "$quota" |cut -f 1 -d:) * 1024 * 1024)) quota_hard=$(($(echo "$quota" |cut -f 2 -d:) * 1024 * 1024)) setquota --remote --user "$login" $quota_soft $quota_hard 0 0 /home DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") echo "$DATE [web-add.sh] quota set to $quota for $login" >> /var/log/evolix.log } arg_processing() { # Détermination de la commande if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then usage else commandname=$1 shift case "$commandname" in add) op_add "$@" ;; del) op_del "$@" ;; list-vhost) op_listvhost "$@" ;; check-vhosts) op_checkvhosts "$@" ;; add-alias) op_aliasadd "$@" ;; del-alias) op_aliasdel "$@" ;; list-servername) op_listservername "$@" ;; update-servername) op_servernameupdate "$@" ;; check-occurence) op_checkoccurencename "$@" ;; list-user-itk) op_listuseritk "$@" ;; enable-user-itk) op_enableuseritk "$@" ;; disable-user-itk) op_disableuseritk "$@" ;; setphpversion) op_setphpversion "$@" ;; setquota) op_setquota "$@" ;; *) usage ;; esac fi } op_listvhost() { if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then configlist="$VHOST_PATH/${1}.conf"; else configlist="$VHOST_PATH/*"; fi for configfile in $configlist; do if [ -r "$configfile" ] && echo "$configfile" |grep -qvE "/(000-default|default-ssl|evoadmin)\\.conf$"; then servername="$(awk '/^[[:space:]]*ServerName (.*)/ { print $2 }' "$configfile" | head -n 1)" serveraliases="$(perl -ne 'print "$1 " if /^[[:space:]]*ServerAlias (.*)/' "$configfile" | head -n 1)" serveraliases="$(echo $serveraliases | sed 's/ \+/,/g')" userid="$(awk '/^[[:space:]]*AssignUserID.*/ { print $3 }' "$configfile" | head -n 1)" if [ -x /usr/bin/quota ]; then size=$(quota --no-wrap --human-readable "$userid" |grep /home |awk '{print $2}') quota_soft=$(quota --no-wrap --human-readable "$userid" |grep /home |awk '{print $3}') quota_hard=$(quota --no-wrap --human-readable "$userid" |grep /home |awk '{print $4}') fi phpversion=$(perl -lne 'print $1 if (m!^\s+SetHandler proxy:unix:/home/.*/php-fpm(\d{2})\.sock!)' "$configfile" | head -n 1) if [ -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/"${userid}".conf ]; then is_enabled=1 else is_enabled=0 fi if [ "$servername" ] && [ "$userid" ]; then configid=$(basename "$configfile") echo "$userid:$configid:$servername:$serveraliases:$size:$quota_soft:$quota_hard:$phpversion:$is_enabled" fi fi done } op_aliasadd() { if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then vhost="${1}.conf" alias=$2 [ -f $VHOST_PATH/"$vhost" ] && sed -i "/ServerName .*/a \\\tServerAlias $alias" "$VHOST_PATH"/"$vhost" --follow-symlinks apache2ctl configtest 2>/dev/null /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload >/dev/null else usage fi } op_aliasdel() { if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then vhost="${1}.conf" alias=$2 vhost_file="${VHOST_PATH}/${vhost}" if [ -f "${vhost_file}" ]; then sed -i -e "/ServerAlias $alias/d" "${vhost_file}" --follow-symlinks else echo "VHost file \`${vhost_file}' not found'" >&2 return 1 fi configtest_out=$(apache2ctl configtest) configtest_rc=$? if [ "$configtest_rc" = "0" ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload >/dev/null else echo $configtest_out >&2 fi else usage fi } op_listservername() { if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then vhost_file="$VHOST_PATH/${1}.conf"; if [ -f "${vhost_file}" ]; then servernames=$(awk '/^[[:space:]]*ServerName (.*)/ { print $2 }' "$vhost_file" | uniq) for servername in $servernames; do echo "$servername"; done else echo "VHost file \`${vhost_file}' not found'" >&2 return 1 fi else usage fi } op_servernameupdate() { if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then vhost="${1}.conf" servername=$2 old_servername=$3 vhost_file="${VHOST_PATH}/${vhost}" # Remplacement de toutes les directives ServerName, on assume qu'il s'agit du même pour chaque vhost du fichier if [ -f "${vhost_file}" ]; then sed -i "/^ *ServerName/ s/$old_servername/$servername/g" "${vhost_file}" --follow-symlinks sed -i "/^ *RewriteCond/ s/$old_servername/$servername/g" "${vhost_file}" --follow-symlinks fi configtest_out=$(apache2ctl configtest) configtest_rc=$? if [ "$configtest_rc" = "0" ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload >/dev/null else echo $configtest_out >&2 fi else usage fi } op_checkoccurencename() { if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then name=${1} configlist="$VHOST_PATH/*"; servernames='' aliases='' for configfile in $configlist; do if [ -r "$configfile" ]; then alias=$(perl -ne 'print "$1 " if /^[[:space:]]*ServerAlias (.*)/' "$configfile" | head -n 1) aliases="$aliases $alias" servername=$(awk '/^[[:space:]]*ServerName (.*)/ { print $2 }' "$configfile" | uniq) servernames="$servernames $servername" fi done echo "$servernames" "$aliases" | grep -w "$name" else usage fi } op_listuseritk() { if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then domain=${1} configfile="$VHOST_PATH/${2}.conf" sed -n "/$domain/,/<\/VirtualHost>/p" "$configfile" | awk '/AssignUserID/ {print $2}' | uniq else usage fi } op_enableuseritk() { if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then domain=${1} configfile="$VHOST_PATH/${2}.conf" group=$(sed -n "/$domain/,/<\/VirtualHost>/p" "$configfile" | awk '/AssignUserID/ {print $3}' | uniq) sed -i "/$domain/,/<\/VirtualHost>/ s/^ *AssignUserID $group/ AssignUserID www-$group/" "$configfile" --follow-symlinks configtest_out=$(apache2ctl configtest) configtest_rc=$? if [ "$configtest_rc" = "0" ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload >/dev/null else echo $configtest_out >&2 fi else usage fi } op_disableuseritk() { if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then domain=${1} configfile="$VHOST_PATH"/"${2}".conf group=$(sed -n "/$domain/,/<\/VirtualHost>/p" $configfile | awk '/AssignUserID/ {print $3}' | uniq) sed -i "/$domain/,/<\/VirtualHost>/ s/^ *AssignUserID www-$group/ AssignUserID ${group}/" "$configfile" --follow-symlinks configtest_out=$(apache2ctl configtest) configtest_rc=$? if [ "$configtest_rc" = "0" ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload >/dev/null else echo $configtest_out >&2 fi else usage fi } op_add() { # # Mode interactif # if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "Ajout d'un compte WEB" echo until [ "$in_login" ]; do echo -n "Entrez le login du nouveau compte : " read -r tmp if validate_login "$tmp"; then in_login="$tmp" fi done until [ "$in_passwd" ]; do echo -n "Entrez le mot de passe FTP/SFTP/SSH (ou vide pour aleatoire) : " read -rs tmp echo if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then tmp=$(gen_random_passwd) fi if validate_passwd "$tmp"; then in_passwd="$tmp" fi done echo -n "Voulez-vous aussi un compte/base MySQL ? [Y|n] " read -r confirm if [ "$confirm" != "n" ] && [ "$confirm" != "N" ]; then until [ "$in_dbname" ]; do echo -n "Entrez le nom de la base de donnees ($in_login par defaut) : " read -r tmp if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then tmp=$in_login fi if validate_dbname "$tmp"; then in_dbname="$tmp" fi done until [ "$in_dbpasswd" ]; do echo -n "Entrez le mot de passe MySQL (ou vide pour aleatoire) : " read -rs tmp echo if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then tmp=$(gen_random_passwd) fi if validate_passwd "$tmp"; then in_dbpasswd="$tmp" fi done fi until [ "$in_wwwdomain" ]; do echo -n "Entrez le nom de domaine web (ex: foo.example.com) : " read -r tmp if validate_wwwdomain "$tmp"; then in_wwwdomain="$tmp" fi done if [ ${#PHP_VERSIONS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then until [ "$in_phpversion" ]; do echo -n "Entrez la version de PHP désirée parmis ${PHP_VERSIONS[*]} : " read -r tmp if validate_phpversion "$tmp"; then in_phpversion="$tmp" fi done fi until [ "$in_mail" ]; do echo -n "Entrez votre adresse mail pour recevoir le mail de creation ($CONTACT_MAIL par défaut) : " read -r tmp if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then tmp="$CONTACT_MAIL" fi if validate_mail "$tmp"; then in_mail="$tmp" fi done # # Mode non interactif # else while getopts hyp:m:P:w:l:k:u:g:U:r:q: opt; do case "$opt" in p) in_passwd=$OPTARG ;; m) in_dbname=$OPTARG ;; P) in_dbpasswd=$OPTARG ;; l) in_mail=$OPTARG ;; k) in_sshkey=$OPTARG ;; y) force_confirm=1 ;; u) in_uid=$OPTARG ;; g) in_gid=$OPTARG ;; U) in_wwwuid=$OPTARG ;; r) in_phpversion=$OPTARG ;; q) in_quota=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 1 ;; ?) usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then usage exit 1 else in_login=$1 in_wwwdomain=$2 validate_login "$in_login" || exit 1 [ -z "$in_passwd" ] && [ -z "$in_sshkey" ] && in_passwd=$(gen_random_passwd) [ -z "$in_sshkey" ] && ( validate_passwd "$in_passwd" || exit 1 ) [ -n "$in_dbname" ] && ( validate_dbname "$in_dbname" || exit 1 ) [ -z "$in_dbpasswd" ] && [ -n "$in_dbname" ] && in_dbpasswd=$(gen_random_passwd) [ -n "$in_dbname" ] && ( validate_passwd "$in_dbpasswd" || exit 1 ) validate_wwwdomain "$in_wwwdomain" || exit 1 [ -z "$in_mail" ] && in_mail=$CONTACT_MAIL validate_mail $in_mail || exit 1 [ -n "$in_phpversion" ] && (validate_phpversion "$in_phpversion" || exit 1) [ -n "$in_quota" ] && (validate_quota "$in_quota" || exit 1) fi fi echo echo "----------------------------------------------" echo "Nom du compte : $in_login" echo "Mot de passe : $in_passwd" if [ "$in_dbname" ]; then echo "Base de données MySQL : $in_dbname" echo "Mot de passe MySQL : $in_dbpasswd" fi echo "Nom de domaine : $in_wwwdomain" if [ ${#PHP_VERSIONS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "version de PHP : $in_phpversion" fi echo "Quota : $in_quota" echo "Envoi du mail récapitulatif à : $in_mail" echo "----------------------------------------------" echo if [ -z "$force_confirm" ]; then echo -n "Confirmer la création ? [y/N] : " read -r tmp echo if [ "$tmp" != "y" ] && [ "$tmp" != "Y" ]; then echo "Annulation..." echo exit 1 fi fi create_www_account echo echo " => Compte $in_login créé avec succès" echo } # Some people forget to use the --follow-symlinks flag with sed(1), # thus not carrying changes over to /etc/sites-available. op_checkvhosts() { ln_vhosts_dir="$(sed 's/available/enabled/' <<< "$VHOST_PATH")" non_ln_vhosts="$(find "$ln_vhosts_dir"/* ! -type l)" while getopts f opt; do case "$opt" in f) apply=1 ;; ?) usage exit 1 ;; esac done for ln_path in $non_ln_vhosts do vhost_name=$(basename "$ln_path") fix_conf="mv $ln_path $VHOST_PATH/$vhost_name" fix_ln="a2ensite $vhost_name" if [[ -z "$apply" ]]; then echo "Suggested fixes for $vhost_name:" echo "diff $ln_path $VHOST_PATH/$vhost_name" echo "$fix_conf" echo "$fix_ln" else $fix_conf $fix_ln fi done } # Point d'entrée arg_processing "$@"