* @author Thomas Martin * @author Sebastien Palma * @version 1.0 */ /* Appel du script pour récupérer les vhost appartenant à l'utilisateur */ require_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../lib/bdd.php'; global $conf; if (!$conf['cluster']) { $cmd = 'web-add.sh list-vhost'; if(!is_superadmin()) { $cmd = sprintf('%s %s', $cmd, $_SESSION['user']); } sudoexec($cmd, $data_output, $exec_return); /* Récupération de cette liste dans le tableau $vhost_list */ $vhost_list = array(); foreach($data_output as $data_line) { $data_split = explode(':', $data_line); if(isset($conf['quota']) && $conf['quota'] === true) { if (strstr($data_split[4],'K')) { $taille_utilise = number_format(($data_split[4]/1024), 2, '.', '').'M'; $taille_utilise_mo = $taille_utilise; if ($taille_utilise >= 1024) { $taille_utilise = number_format(($taille_utilise/1024), 2, '.', '').'G'; } } else if ($data_split[4] >= 1024) { $taille_utilise_mo = $data_split[4]; $taille_utilise = number_format(($data_split[4]/1024), 2, '.', '').'G'; } else { $taille_utilise_mo = $data_split[4]; $taille_utilise = $data_split[4]; } $quota_bas_mo = $data_split[5]; $quota_bas = number_format(($data_split[5]/1024), 2, '.', '').'G'; $quota_haut = number_format(($data_split[6]/1024), 2, '.', '').'G'; $occupation = number_format((($taille_utilise_mo/$quota_bas_mo)*100), 2, '.', ''); if ($occupation >= 90) { $occupation = ''.$occupation.'%'; } else if ($occupation >= 80) { $occupation = ''.$occupation.'%'; } else if ($occupation >= 70) { $occupation = ''.$occupation.'%'; } else { $occupation = $occupation.'%'; } } else { $taille_utilise =""; $quota_bas = ""; $quota_haut = ""; $occupation = ""; } array_push($vhost_list, array( 'owner' => $data_split[0], 'configid' => $data_split[1], 'server_name' => $data_split[2], 'server_alias' => $data_split[3], 'size' => $taille_utilise, 'quota_soft' => $quota_bas, 'quota_hard' => $quota_haut, 'occupation' => $occupation, 'php_version' => $data_split[7], 'is_enabled' => $data_split[8]) ); } } else { if (is_mcluster_mode()) { // If the user has not yet selected a cluster, redirect-it to home page. if (empty($_SESSION['cluster'])) { http_redirect('/'); } $cache = str_replace('%cluster_name%', $_SESSION['cluster'], $conf['cache']); } else { $cache = $conf['cache']; } $vhost_list = array(); /* parcours de la table account */ $bdd=new bdd(); $bdd->open($cache); $accounts = $bdd->list_accounts(); if (!empty($accounts)) { foreach($accounts as $account) { $master = $bdd->get_server_from_roleid($account['id_master']); $slave = ''; if (!empty($account['id_slave'])) $slave = $bdd->get_server_from_roleid($account['id_slave']); array_push($vhost_list, array( 'owner' => $account['name'], 'server_name'=> $account['domain'], 'bdd' => $account['bdd'], 'mail' => $account['mail'], 'replication' => $account['replication'], 'master' => $master, 'slave' => $slave) ); } } } include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/header.tpl.php'; include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/menu.tpl.php'; include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/webadmin.tpl.php'; include_once EVOADMIN_BASE . '../tpl/footer.tpl.php'; ?>