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EvoBackup — the client side
_What you install on the servers you want to backup._
## Design
### backup script
The tip of the iceberg is a script (often called `zzz_evobackup` because it is executed by cron at the very end of the _daily_ tasks list).
This is where you setup **what**, **how** and **where** to backup on remote server(s).
There are 2 main phases in the backup :
1. **local tasks**: everything you want to do locally (save state information, dump databases…).
2. **sync tasks**: which data (including what has been prepared in the local phase) you want to send to remote servers.
### libraries
The vast majority of the logic is in libraries, to help maintaining them without having to modify the backup script.
They contain mostly _dump_ functions that are called from the backup script.
Those functions contain a lot of code for logging, options parsing, error management, and some code specific to the dump task.
### utility script
A scripts named `evobackupctl` helps initializing a backup jail on remote servers or install the backup script where you want.
## Install and update
To install, copy these files :
* `lib/*``/usr/local/lib/evobackup`
* `bin/evobackupctl``/usr/local/bin/evobackupctl`
To update, simply overwrite them, since their content should (must?) not be customized locally.
## Usage
### backup script
#### minimal configuration
##### mail notifications
The absolute minimum you must do is set the `MAIL` variable to the email address you want to be notified at.
##### sync tasks
If you want to sync files to a remote server, you have to set the `SERVERS` variable with at least one host and port.
Beware that the default `evolix-system` _sync_ doesn't sync `/home`, `/srv`
If you want to sync files to multiple groups of servers, you can add as many _sync_ sections as you want.
A _sync_ section must contain something like this :
# The name of the "sync" (visible in logs)
# List of servers
# List of paths to include in the sync
# List of paths to exclude from the sync
# Actual sync command
##### local tasks
By default, the `local_tasks()` function only:
* executes [dump-server-state](https://gitea.evolix.org/evolix/dump-server-state) to put have a saved copy of a lot of information about the server
* saves a traceroute to some key network endpoints (using the `dump_traceroute()` function)
You can enable (by uncommenting) as many _dump_ functions as you want.
### advanced customization
Since this is a shell script, you can add any bash-compatible code you want.
If you do so you should read the libraries code to make sure that you don't overwrite existing functions.
##### sync tasks
If you don't want to sync files to any remote servers, you can simply replace the content of the `sync_tasks()` function by a no-op command (`:`).
`RSYNC_INCLUDES` and `RSYNC_EXCLUDES` refer to `${rsync_default_includes[@]}` and `${rsync_default_excludes[@]}` (defined in the `main.sh` library) to simplify the configuration. If you want to precisely customize the lists you can remove them and add you own.
##### local tasks
Existing _dump_ functions (as defined in libraries) are usable as-is, but you can also create your own local custom functions.
You have to define them in the backup script (or in a file that you source from the backup script).
You should prefix their name with `dump_` base your customization on the `dump_custom()` (documented in the backup script) to keep the boilerplate code (for logging, error management…).
You can customize some values inside the `setup_custom()`, like the server's hostname, the notification mail subject…
If you want to source libraries from a different path, you can change the `LIBDIR` variable at the end of the backup script.
### utility tool
The command is `evobackupctl`.
# evobackupctl --help
evobackupctl helps managing evobackup scripts
-h, --help print this message and exit
-V, --version print version and exit
--jail-init-commands print jail init commands
--copy-template=PATH copy the backup template to PATH
# evobackupctl --version
evobackupctl version 24.04
Copyright 2024 Evolix <info@evolix.fr>,
Jérémy Lecour <jlecour@evolix.fr>.
evobackupctl comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
See the GNU General Public License v3.0 for details.
#### jail init commands
It prints a list of commands you can execute on remote backup servers to configure a backup "jail".
# evobackupctl --jail-init-commands
Copy-paste those lines on backup server(s) :
echo 'ssh-ed25519 xxxxxx root@example-hostname' > /root/${SERVER_NAME}.pub
bkctld init ${SERVER_NAME}
bkctld key ${SERVER_NAME} /root/${SERVER_NAME}.pub
bkctld ip ${SERVER_NAME} ${SERVER_IP}
bkctld start ${SERVER_NAME}
bkctld status ${SERVER_NAME}
grep --quiet --extended-regexp "^\s?NODE=" /etc/default/bkctld && bkctld sync ${SERVER_NAME}
#### copy-template
It copies the backups script template to the path of your choice, nothing more.
# evobackupctl --copy-template /etc/cron.daily/zzz_evobackup
New evobackup script has been saved to '/etc/cron.daily/zzz_evobackup'.
Remember to customize it (mail notifications, backup servers…).