Fix quoting and escaping shellcheck errors #38

Manually merged
Ghost merged 2 commits from shellcheck-escapes into master 2020-04-21 15:05:13 +02:00

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ test_server() {
# SSH connection failed
new_error=$(printf "Failed to connect to \`%s' within %s seconds" "${item}" "${SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}")
SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS=$(printf "%s\n%s" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" "${new_error}" | sed -e '/^$/d')
SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS=$(printf "%s\\n%s" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" "${new_error}" | sed -e '/^$/d')

I'm not sure printf likes to see escaped line breaks. Did you test this? Did it work?

I'm not sure printf likes to see escaped line breaks. Did you test this? Did it work?

I've just tested manually and it worked, we will see tomorrow if it worked when run from cron.

I've just tested manually and it worked, we will see tomorrow if it worked when run from cron.
return 1
@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ pick_server() {
if [ "${increment}" -ge "${list_length}" ]; then
# We've reached the end of the list
new_error="No more server available"
SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS=$(printf "%s\n%s" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" "${new_error}" | sed -e '/^$/d')
SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS=$(printf "%s\\n%s" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" "${new_error}" | sed -e '/^$/d')
# Log errors to stderr
printf "%s\n" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" >&2
printf "%s\\n" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" >&2
# Log errors to logfile
printf "%s\n" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" >> $LOGFILE
printf "%s\\n" "${SERVERS_SSH_ERRORS}" >> $LOGFILE
return 1
@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ pick_server() {
if [ -e "${PIDFILE}" ]; then
pid=$(cat "${PIDFILE}")
# Does process still exist ?
if kill -0 ${pid} 2> /dev/null; then
if kill -0 "${pid}" 2> /dev/null; then

AFAIK only a single PID can be in this pidfile, so we can surrounf the variable with double-quotes and not ignore the warning

AFAIK only a single PID can be in this pidfile, so we can surrounf the variable with double-quotes and not ignore the warning


# Killing the childs of evobackup.
for ppid in $(pgrep -P "${pid}"); do
kill -9 "${ppid}";
# Then kill the main PID.
kill -9 "${pid}"
printf "%s is still running (PID %s). Process has been killed" "$0" "${pid}\n" >&2
printf "%s is still running (PID %s). Process has been killed" "$0" "${pid}\\n" >&2
rm -f ${PIDFILE}
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ if [ "${LOCAL_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then
## Dump findmnt(8) output
FINDMNT_BIN=$(command -v findmnt)
if [ -x ${FINDMNT_BIN} ]; then
if [ -x "${FINDMNT_BIN}" ]; then
${FINDMNT_BIN} > ${LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR}/findmnt.txt
@ -366,6 +366,8 @@ if [ "${SYNC_TASKS}" = "1" ]; then
# Remote shell command
RSH_COMMAND="ssh -p ${SSH_PORT} -o 'ConnectTimeout ${SSH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}'"
# ignore check because we want it to split the different arguments to $rep
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
rsync -avzh --stats --delete --delete-excluded --force --ignore-errors --partial \
--exclude "lost+found" \

This one is OK

This one is OK
--exclude ".nfs.*" \
@ -410,11 +412,11 @@ fi
END=$(/bin/date +"%d-%m-%Y ; %H:%M")
printf "EvoBackup - %s - START %s ON %s (LOCAL_TASKS=%s SYNC_TASKS=%s)\n" \
printf "EvoBackup - %s - START %s ON %s (LOCAL_TASKS=%s SYNC_TASKS=%s)\\n" \
printf "EvoBackup - %s - STOP %s ON %s (LOCAL_TASKS=%s SYNC_TASKS=%s)\n" \
printf "EvoBackup - %s - STOP %s ON %s (LOCAL_TASKS=%s SYNC_TASKS=%s)\\n" \