# Debian Package The **bkctld** package can be built from the **debian** branch of this git repository with git-buildpackage and sbuild. ## Dependencies Install Debian dependencies : ~~~ apt install git-buildpackage sbuild dh-exec ~~~ Add your user to sbuild : ~~~ sbuild-adduser ~~~ *You must logout and re-login or use `newgrp sbuild` in your current shell* You need a schroot definition in */etc/schroot/schroot.conf*, eg : ~~~ [sid] description=Debian sid (unstable) directory=/srv/chroot/sid groups=root,sbuild root-groups=root,sbuild aliases=unstable,default ~~~ Build the sbuild chroot : ~~~ sbuild-createchroot --include=eatmydata,ccache,gnupg unstable /srv/chroot/sid http://deb.debian.org/debian ~~~ ## Build You must be in the **debian** branch : ~~~ git checkout debian ~~~ Launch git-buildpackage : ~~~ gbp buildpackage ~~~ To update the debian changelog, use the command `debchange`