Installing EvoBackup ==================== Backup server side ------------------ 1) Git clone the project (i.e in /root/evobackup). 2) Install configuration files. ``` root@backupserver:~/evobackup# ``` This will create /etc/evobackup and /etc/init.d/evobackup (or /etc/init/evobackup.conf for Ubuntu). 3) Set up the first chroot. ``` root@backupserver:~/evobackup# -n client1 -i -p 2222 -k /path/to/ ``` This will create the OpenSSH chroot for the machine "client1", listening on port 2222 and accepting only connections from using public key Tip: If you have already a chroot, you can commit the port option (-p), it will be incremented from the last chroot. 4) Handle incrementals by modifying /etc/evobackup/conf.d/incs/client1 Syntax of this file is simple: * +%Y-%m-%d.-0day Keep actual day * +%Y-%m-%d.-1day Keep yesterday * +%Y-%m-01.-0month Keep the firt day of the actual month * +%Y-%m-01.-1month Keep the first day of the last month Tip: You can use rdiff-backup in place of rsync, and choose to not use EvoBackup incrementals method. You need to modify the cronjob. 5) Set up the scripts which will handle incrementals. ``` root@backupserver:~/evobackup# mkdir -p /usr/share/scripts root@backupserver:~/evobackup# cp crons/evobackup-{inc,rm}.sh /usr/share/scripts/ root@backupserver:~/evobackup# chmod u+x /usr/share/scripts/evobackup-{inc,rm}.sh root@backupserver:~/evobackup# crontab -e ``` Set this in the root crontab ``` 29 10 * * * pkill && echo "Kill done" | mail -s "[warn] EvoBackup - purge incs interrupted" root 30 10 * * * /usr/share/scripts/ && /usr/share/scripts/ ```` Client side ----------- 1) Git clone the project (i.e in /root/evobackup). 2) Generates OpenSSH key for user root (if user root don't have one already). ``` root@client1:~/evobackup# ssh-keygen ``` Do not set a passphrase, otherwise you will need to enter the passphrase (or store it using an agent) for each backups! 3) Install configuration files. ``` root@client1:~/evobackup# client ``` 4) Add the zzz_evobackup crontab into the daily cronjobs (recommended): ``` root@client1:~/evobackup# cp crons/zzz_evobackup /etc/cron.daily/ root@client1:~/evobackup# chmod 700 /etc/cron.daily/zzz_evobackup ``` Why "zzz"? Because we want the backup cronjob to be the last one. 5) Configure the cronjob. In /etc/evobackup: * What to backup using shell scripts in actions.d. By default all scripts are commented out. Un-comment or write your own code, this will be launched before the rsync, using run-parts. * What to backup using rsync filter rules in conf.d/ * General config in conf.d/ 6) Connect to the OpenSSH chroot for the first time and accept the fingerprint. ``` root@client1:~/evobackup# ssh backupserver.mydomain.tld -p 2222 The authenticity of host 'backupserver.domain.tld (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is a6:da:40:ac:72:f2:41:ec:7f:ca:d3:86:f6:27:19:77. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'backupserver.domain.tld,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. ``` 7) Optional, test with ```sh -x &```, and see if it seems to works. ``` root@client1:~/evobackup# sh -x /etc/cron.daily/zzz_evobackup & root@client1:~/evobackup# tail -f /tmp/evobackup.* ``` If it works, you can wait for it to finish or cancel it. ``` root@client1:~/evobackup# ^C root@client1:~/evobackup# fg root@client1:~/evobackup# ^C ``` Updating OpenSSH chroot ----------------------- When you upgrade you system you may need to upgrade the OpenSSH chroot. To do that launch ``` root@backupserver:~/evobackup# ``` Then reload sshd daemons.