#!/bin/sh set -e set -u export LC_ALL=C full_path=`echo $(dirname $(readlink -f $0))` . $full_path/evolistrano.conf tmp_dir=`mktemp -p $tmpdir -d` dir_export=$tmp_dir/export time_stamp=`date +%s` usage() { cat <$tmpfile Date : `date` User : $LOGNAME Revision : $revnum EOT # Send email notification [ $prod -eq 1 ] && [ "$mailnotif" != "" ] && ( cat $tmpfile | mail -s "[Evolistrano] Mise en prod" $mailnotif ) cat $tmpfile >>$log_file rm $tmpfile # umask 022 svn export -r $revnum -q $svnpath $dir_export echo echo "SVN export to $dir_export" echo #set +e # Deploy on WWW servers for remote in $wwwlist; do # Be sure to have space for deploying local_space=`du -sm $dir_export/ | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\)\t.*$/\1/'` remote_space=`ssh -p $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote df -lPm $subdocroot | grep ^/ | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f4` if [ $local_space -ge $remote_space ]; then echo "WARNING... $remote has only $remote_space Mo while you want upload $local_space Mo. Do you want stop ? [y/N]"; read_confirm; fi echo "sending code on $remote" if [ "$usehardlinks" = "true" ]; then rsync -rlptq --link-dest=../current -e "ssh -p $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey" $dir_export/ --delete $excludelist $sshuser@$remote:$subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp else rsync -rlptq -e "ssh -p $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey" $dir_export/ --delete $excludelist $sshuser@$remote:$subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp fi # Deploy conf files => UNCOMMENT AND ADJUST LINES #scp -q -P $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $full_path/conf-$destdir/foo-global.ini $sshuser@$remote:$subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp/config/config/foo/global.ini #scp -q -P $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $full_path/conf-$destdir/foo-database.ini $sshuser@$remote:$subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp/config/config/foo/database.ini #scp -q -P $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $full_path/conf-$destdir/bar-config.ini $sshuser@$remote:$subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp/config/config/bar/config.ini # UNIX rights => ADJUST ALL RIGHTS, PARTICULARLY FOR ADDING WRITE PERMISSIONS ssh -p $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote chmod -R g+rX,o+rX $subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp #ssh -p $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote chmod -R g+w $subdocroot/$destdir/$time_stamp/cache # ADD SPECIFIC ACTIONS ON WWW SERVERS done for remote in $staticlist; do #TODO: calculer la taille de la destination (df $subdocroot) && pas de deploiement si cela depasse !! # Be sure to have space for deploying local_space=`du -sm $dir_export/www/static/ | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\)\t.*$/\1/'` remote_space=`ssh -p $sshport -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote df -lPm /var/www/$staticdestdir | grep ^/ | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f4` if [ $local_s -ge $remote_s ]; then echo "WARNING... $remote has only $remote_s Mo while you want upload $local_s Mo : stop deploy now with Ctrl+C"; read enter; fi echo "sending static on $remote" rsync -rlptq -e "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey" $dir_export/$staticfilesdir --delete $excludelist $sshuser@$remote:$subdocroot/static ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote chmod -R g+rX,o+rX $subdocroot/static done # Enable new code last_frontal=`echo -n $wwwlist | sed 's/.* \+\([^ ]\+ *\)$/\1/'` for remote in `echo -n $wwwlist | sed "s/$last_frontal//"`; do if [ $prod -eq 1 ]; then echo "stopping Apache on $remote" ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop fi # Change symlink current to new code ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote "rm $subdocroot/$destdir/current && cd $subdocroot/$destdir && ln -s $time_stamp current" if [ $prod -eq 1 ] && [ "$veryhighcritical" != "true" ]; then echo "starting Apache on $remote" sleep 3 && ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start fi done for remote in $last_frontal; do ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote "rm $subdocroot/$destdir/current && cd $subdocroot/$destdir && ln -s $time_stamp current" done if [ "$veryhighcritical" = "true" ]; then for remote in `echo -n $wwwlist | sed "s/$last_frontal//"`; do echo "starting Apache on $remote" ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=$full_path/known_hosts -i $full_path/$sshkey $sshuser@$remote sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start done fi # ADD SPECIFIC ACTIONS (SQL DEPLOYMENT, etc.) rm -rf $tmp_dir