Git must know the GIT_DIR and the GIT_WORK_TREE

… otherwise it looks for content in the current working directory (where
the script is executed from) which is catastrophic for the repository.
This commit is contained in:
Jérémy Lecour 2018-09-06 10:46:50 +02:00 committed by Jérémy Lecour
parent 786db8b60b
commit 25d7f786bc

View file

@ -55,22 +55,22 @@ echo "${BLOB}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
GIT_BIN=$(command -v git)
if test -x "${GIT_BIN}"; then
# loop on possible GIT repositories
for dir in /etc/.git /etc/bind/.git; do
# tell Git where to find the repository (no need to `cd …` there)
export GIT_DIR="${dir}"
# If the repository exists, try to commit changes
if test -d "${GIT_DIR}"; then
${GIT_BIN} add .
${GIT_BIN} commit --all --message "${TEXTE}" --author="${USER} <${USER}>" --quiet
# loop on possible directories managed by GIT
for dir in /etc /etc/bind; do
# tell Git where to find the repository and the work tree (no need to `cd …` there)
export GIT_DIR="${dir}/.git" GIT_WORK_TREE="${dir}"
# If the repository and the work tree exist, try to commit changes
if test -d "${GIT_DIR}" && test -d "${GIT_WORK_TREE}"; then
${GIT_BIN} add --all
${GIT_BIN} commit --message "${TEXTE}" --author="${USER} <${USER}>" --quiet
# Add the SHA to the log file if something has been committed
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
SHA=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
echo "${GIT_DIR} : ${SHA}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "${dir} : ${SHA}" >> "${LOGFILE}"
unset GIT_DIR
# unset environment variables to prevent accidental influence on other git commands