Missleading help text about --autosysadmin #16

opened 2022-08-02 11:07:15 +02:00 by lpoujol · 0 comments


As of now, the help text of autosysadmin documents a --autosysadmin option, that does not exists.

Instead, we can (curently) force it by setting the variable before (ie AUTOSYSADMIN=1 /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh ...

Would be good to have that command line option working as documented

Hey As of now, the help text of autosysadmin documents a `--autosysadmin` option, that does not exists. Instead, we can (curently) force it by setting the variable before (ie `AUTOSYSADMIN=1 /usr/share/scripts/evomaintenance.sh ...` Would be good to have that command line option working as documented
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Reference: evolix/evomaintenance#16
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