fileSegment = $fileSegment; parent::__construct($engine); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return NagiosImportFileSegment */ protected function getSegment() { return $this->fileSegment; } abstract function init(); /** * Returns if this importer is valid and able to import. If not, we defer it * */ abstract function valid(); abstract function import(); } class NagiosImportFileSegment { private $values; private $fileName; private $line; public function __construct($fileName) { $this->fileName = $fileName; $this->values = array(); } public function add($lineNum, $key, $value, $line) { if($key === null) { $key = '__nokey__'; // Special key value } if(!isset($this->values[$key])) { $this->values[$key] = array(); } $this->values[$key][] = array( 'value' => $value, 'line' => $lineNum, 'text' => $line ); } public function get($key) { if(isset($this->values[$key])) { return $this->values[$key]; } return null; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return array Copy of lines */ public function getValues() { return $this->values; } public function getFilename() { return $this->fileName; } public function dump() { print("Contents of Values:\n"); var_dump($this->values); } } class NagiosImportEngine extends ImportEngine { private $objectFiles = array(); // Will contain a list of object files to process private $queuedImporters = array(); public function getDisplayName() { return "Nagios Importer"; } public function getDescription() { return "Imports existing configurations from Nagios 2.x and 3.x"; } public function renderConfig() { ?>


File Locations

setVar("overwrite_main", (isset($_POST['overwrite_main']) ? true : false)); $config->setVar("overwrite_cgi", (isset($_POST['overwrite_cgi']) ? true : false)); $config->setVar("overwrite_resources", (isset($_POST['overwrite_resources']) ? true : false)); $config->setVar("continue_error", (isset($_POST['continue_error']) ? true : false)); $config->setVar("delete_existing", (isset($_POST['delete_existing']) ? true : false)); $config->setVar("overwrite_existing", (isset($_POST['overwrite_existing']) ? true : false)); $config->setVar("config_file", $_POST['config_file']); $config->setVar("cgi_file", $_POST['cgi_file']); $config->setVar("resources_file", $_POST['resources_file']); } public function showJobSupplemental() { ?>queuedImporters[] = $importer; } public function init() { $job = $this->getJob(); $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine Starting..."); $config = $this->getConfig(); // Attempt to try and open each config file $job->addNotice("Attempting to open " . $config->GetVar('config_file')); if(!file_exists($config->getVar('config_file')) || !@fopen($config->getVar('config_file'), "r")) { $job->addError("Failed to open " . $config->getVar('config_file')); return false; } $job->addNotice("Attempting to open " . $config->GetVar('cgi_file')); if(!file_exists($config->getVar('cgi_file')) || !@fopen($config->getVar('cgi_file'), "r")) { $job->addError("Failed to open " . $config->getVar('cgi_file')); return false; } $job->addNotice("Attempting to open " . $config->GetVar('resources_file')); if(!file_exists($config->getVar('resources_file')) || !@fopen($config->getVar('resources_file'), "r")) { $job->addError("Failed to open " . $config->getVar('resources_file')); return false; } $job->addNotice("Config passed sanity check for Nagios import. Finished initializing."); if($config->getVar('delete_existing')) { $job->addNotice("Removing existing Nagios objects."); NagiosTimeperiodPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosCommandPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosContactPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosContactGroupPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosHostTemplatePeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosHostPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosHostgroupPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosServiceGroupPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosServiceTemplatePeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosServicePeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosDependencyPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosDependencyTargetPeer::doDeleteAll(); NagiosEscalationPeer::doDeleteAll(); } return true; } public function import() { $job = $this->getJob(); $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine beginning import..."); $config = $this->getConfig(); $fp = fopen($config->getVar('config_file'), 'r'); // We have our file pointer. $segment = $this->buildSegmentFromConfigFile($fp, $config->getVar('config_file')); $importer = new NagiosMainImporter($this, $segment); $importer->init(); if($config->getVar('overwrite_main')) { if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine queueing up Main importer until dependencies are valid."); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) { $job->addError("Failed to import."); return false; } } } } if($config->getVar('overwrite_cgi')) { $fp = fopen($config->getVar('cgi_file'), 'r'); // We have our file pointer. $segment = $this->buildSegmentFromConfigFile($fp, $config->getVar('cgi_file')); $importer = new NagiosCgiImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine queueing up CGI importer until dependencies are valid."); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) { $job->addError("Failed to import."); return false; } } } } if($config->getVar('overwrite_resources')) { $fp = fopen($config->getVar('resources_file'), 'r'); // We have our file pointer. $segment = $this->buildSegmentFromConfigFile($fp, $config->getVar('resources_file')); $importer = new NagiosResourceImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine queueing up resources importer until dependencies are valid."); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) { $job->addError("Failed to import."); return false; } } } } $job->addNotice("Beginning to process " . count($this->objectFiles) . " object files."); foreach($this->objectFiles as $fileName) { $job->addNotice("Parsing file: " . $fileName); if(!$this->parse_object_file($fileName, $job)) { return false; } $job->addNotice("Finished Parsing file: " . $fileName); } if(count($this->queuedImporters)) { $completed = false; while(!$completed) { $completedOne = false; $job->addNotice("After initial pass, we have " . count($this->queuedImporters) . " queued importer(s)."); foreach($this->queuedImporters as $key => $importer) { if($importer->valid()) { if($importer->import() === false) { return false; } unset($this->queuedImporters[$key]); $completedOne = true; } } if(!$completedOne) { // We were unable to finish any of the importers that were // queued. break; } if(count($this->queuedImporters) === 0) { $completed = true; } } if(!$completed) { $job->addError("None of the Queued Importers were able to validate."); return false; } } $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine finished importing."); return true; } private function buildSegmentFromConfigFile($fp, $fileName) { $segment = new NagiosImportFileSegment($fileName); $counter = 0; while ($line = fgets($fp)) { // Lines better not be over 1024 characters in length $counter++; if (preg_match('/^\s*(|#.*)$/', $line)) { // We read a comment, so let's hop to the next line continue; } if (preg_match('/^\s*([^=]+)\s*=\s*([^#;]+)/', $line, $regs)) { $values = explode(',', $regs[2]); foreach($values as $val) { if(trim($val) != '') { $segment->add($counter, trim($regs[1]), trim($val), $line); } } } else { $segment->add($counter, null, null, $line); } continue; } return $segment; } public function addObjectFile($fileName) { $job = $this->getJob(); $this->objectFiles[] = $fileName; $job->addNotice("NagiosImportEngine: Added " . $fileName . " to list of object config files to parse."); } private function parse_object_file($fileName, $importJob) { $fp = @fopen($fileName, 'r'); $config = unserialize($importJob->getConfig()); if(!$fp ) { $importJob->addLogEntry("Failed to open object file: " . $fileName, ImportLogEntry::TYPE_ERROR); if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) { return false; } } $lineNumber = 0; while ($line = fgets($fp)) { $lineNumber++; $line = trim($line); if(preg_match('/^\s*(|#.*)$/', $line)) { // This is a comment continue; } // Need to merge lines that have a \ at the end if(preg_match('/\\\$/', $line)) { // We need to merge, so remove the last character of the line, // then merge with next $newLine = substr($line, 0, strlen($line) - 2); do { $line = fgets($fp); $line = trim($line); $newLine .= $line; if(preg_match('/\\\$/', $newLine)) { // Chop off the \ again $newLine = substr($newLine, 0, strlen($newLine) - 2); } } while(preg_match('/\\\$/', $line)); $line = $newLine; } if (preg_match('/^\s*define\s+(\S+)\s*{\s*$/', $line, $regs)) { // Setup object name $objectName = $regs[1]; $segment = new NagiosImportFileSegment($fileName); continue; } if (preg_match('/\s*(\S+)\s+([^#;]+)/', $line, $regs)) { if($regs[1] != ";") { // Check for a blank line (this is ugly, should fix the regex) // See if the line has a \ on the end $values = explode(',', $regs[2]); foreach($values as $val) { if(trim($val) != "") { $segment->add($lineNumber, trim($regs[1]), trim($val), $line); } } } continue; } if (preg_match('/^\s*}/', $line)) { //Completed object End curley bracket must be on it's own line switch($objectName) { case 'contactgroup': $importer = new NagiosContactGroupImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'contact': $importer = new NagiosContactImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'host': $importer = new NagiosHostImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'hostgroup': $importer = new NagiosHostGroupImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'timeperiod': $importer = new NagiosTimeperiodImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'command': $importer = new NagiosCommandImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'service': $importer = new NagiosServiceImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'servicegroup': $importer = new NagiosServiceGroupImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'hostextinfo': $importer = new NagiosHostExtInfoImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'serviceextinfo': $importer = new NagiosServiceExtInfoImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'hostdependency': $importer = new NagiosHostDependencyImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'servicedependency': $importer = new NagiosServiceDependencyImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'hostescalation': $importer = new NagiosHostEscalationImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; case 'serviceescalation': $importer = new NagiosServiceEscalationImporter($this, $segment); if(!$importer->init()) { return false; } if(!$importer->valid()) { $this->addQueuedImporter($importer); } else { if(!$importer->import()) { return false; } } break; } // switch $objectName = ''; $importLines = array(); continue; } } return true; } } $path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../"; // Include our importers require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosMainImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosCgiImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosResourceImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosTimeperiodImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosCommandImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosContactImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosContactGroupImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosHostImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosHostGroupImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosServiceImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosServiceGroupImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosHostDependencyImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosServiceDependencyImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosHostEscalationImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosServiceEscalationImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosHostExtInfoImporter.php'); require_once($path . 'importers/nagios/NagiosServiceExtInfoImporter.php'); ?>