getJob(); $this->xmlFile = "/tmp/" . $job->getId() . "-nmap.xml"; $job->addNotice("Removing potential old job files."); @unlink($xmlFile); return true; } public function discover() { $job = $this->getJob(); $job->addNotice("Starting discovery..."); $config = unserialize($job->getConfig()); $targets = $config->getVar("targets"); // Each target is valid // We have a list of targets $nmap_flags = "--max-rtt-timeout 100 --max-retries 0 -sS -O -A -v -oX " . $this->xmlFile; $exec_line = "sudo " . $config->getVar("nmap_binary") . " " . $nmap_flags . " "; foreach($targets as $target) { $exec_line .= $target . " "; } $job->addNotice("Executing nmap via: " . $exec_line . "\n"); $completed = false; // Open the process $handle = popen($exec_line, 'r'); // Only need it for reading while(!feof($handle)) { // nmap is running! $line = fgets($handle); if(strlen(trim($line))) $job->addNotice("NMAP: " . $line); if(strpos($line, "Nmap done") === 0 || strpos($line, "Nmap finished") === 0) { // Nmap is finished $completed = true; } } if(!$completed) { $job->addError("Nmap failed to complete successfully. Could be permissions issue (check sudo access). Aborting discovery."); return false; } $job->addNotice("Nmap finished discovery. Now reading in result XML."); $nmapXML = simplexml_load_file($this->xmlFile); // Read in hosts $job->addNotice("Number of hosts: " . count($nmapXML->host)); foreach($nmapXML->host as $host) { $job->addNotice('Found ' . $host->address[0]['addr'] . ':' . $host->hostnames[0]->hostname[0]['name'] . '.'); $c = new Criteria(); $c1 = $c->getNewCriterion(NagiosHostPeer::ADDRESS, $host->address[0]['addr']); $c2 = $c->getNewCriterion(NagiosHostPeer::ADDRESS, $host->hostnames[0]->hostname[0]['name']); $c1->addOr($c2); $c->add($c1); $tempHost = NagiosHostPeer::doSelectOne($c); if($tempHost) { $job->addNotice("Device appears to already be in configuration under hostname: " . $host->getName() . ". Skipping."); continue; } $device = new AutodiscoveryDevice(); $device->setAutodiscoveryJob($job); $device->setAddress($host->address[0]['addr']); if(empty($host->hostnames[0]->hostname[0]['name'])) { $device->setName($host->address[0]['addr']); $device->setDescription($host->address[0]['addr']); } else { $device->setName($host->hostnames[0]->hostname[0]['name']); $device->setDescription($host->hostnames[0]->hostname[0]['name']); } $device->setHostname($host->hostnames[0]->hostname[0]['name']); // Right now, if it exists, we pick the top-level matching os string (since it's the highest scored) if(!empty($host->os[0]->osclass[0]['osfamily'])) { // We found os family data $device->setOsfamily($host->os[0]->osclass[0]['osfamily']); } if(!empty($host->os[0]->osclass[0]['osgen'])) { // We found os family data $device->setOsgen($host->os[0]->osclass[0]['osgen']); } if(!empty($host->os[0]->osclass[0]['vendor'])) { // We found os family data $device->setOsvendor($host->os[0]->osclass[0]['vendor']); } $device->save(); // Add services $job->addNotice("Number of ports for this host: " . count($host->ports[0]->port)); foreach($host->ports[0]->port as $port) { // $port signifies as port / possible service, we'll grab that $service = new AutodiscoveryDeviceService(); $service->setProtocol($port['protocol']); $service->setPort($port['portid']); if(!empty($port->service[0]['name'])) { $service->setName($port->service[0]['name']); } if(!empty($port->service[0]['product'])) { $service->setProduct($port->service[0]['product']); } if(!empty($port->service[0]['version'])) { $service->setVersion($port->service[0]['version']); } if(!empty($port->service[0]['extrainfo'])) { $service->setExtrainfo($port->service[0]['extrainfo']); } $service->setAutodiscoveryDevice($device); $service->save(); } } $job->addNotice("Added devices and services."); return true; } }