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2011-08-18 14:54:38 +00:00

357 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

class NagiosHostEscalationImporter extends NagiosImporter {
private static $templates = array(); // Used to support template inheritance when importing this type of obj
private $regexValidators = array('host_name' => '',
'hostgroup_name' => '',
'contacts' => '',
'contact_groups' => '',
'first_notification' => '',
'last_notification' => '',
'notification_interval' => '',
'escalation_period' => '',
'escalation_options' => '',
'name' => '',
'use' => '',
'register' => '');
private $fieldMethods = array('first_notification' => 'setFirstNotification',
'last_notification' => 'setLastNotification',
'notification_interval' => 'setNotificationInterval',
'escalation_period' => 'setEscalationPeriodByName');
// We should gather all the cfg_file and cfg_dir directives and add them to our NagiosImportEngine's object files
public function init() {
$config = $this->getEngine()->getConfig();
$job = $this->getEngine()->getJob();
$segment = $this->getSegment();
$values = $segment->getValues();
foreach($values as $key => $entry) {
foreach($entry as $lineValue) {
$value = $lineValue['value'];
$lineNum = $lineValue['line'];
if(!key_exists($key, $this->regexValidators)) {
$job->addLogEntry("Variable in host escalation object file not supported: " . $key . " on line " . $lineNum);
if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) {
return false;
else {
// Key exists, let's check the regexp
if($this->regexValidators[$key] != '' && !preg_match($this->regexValidators[$key], $value)) {
// Failed the regular expression match (which was provided)!!!
$job->addLogEntry("Variable '" . $key . "' failed the regular expression sanity check of: " . $this->regexValidators[$key] . " on line " . $linenum);
if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) {
return false;
$job->addNotice("NagiosHostEscalationImporter finished initializing.");
return true;
public static function getTemplateByName($name) {
if(!key_exists($name, NagiosHostEscalationImporter::$templates)) {
return false;
return NagiosHostEscalationImporter::$templates[$name];
public function valid() {
$values = $this->getSegment()->getValues();
$job = $this->getEngine()->getJob();
if(isset($values['use'])) {
// We need to use a template
$job->addNotice("This Host Escalation uses a template: " . $values['use'][0]['value']);
$template = NagiosHostEscalationImporter::getTemplateByName($values['use'][0]['value']);
if(empty($template)) {
$job->addNotice("That template is not found yet. Setting this host escalation as queued.");
return false;
// Check time period existence
if(isset($values['escalation_period'])) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(NagiosTimeperiodPeer::NAME, $values['escalation_period'][0]['value']);
$timePeriod = NagiosTimeperiodPeer::doSelectOne($c);
if(empty($timePeriod)) {
$job->addNotice("The time period specified by " . $values['escalation_period'][0]['value'] . " was not found. Setting this host escalation as queued.");
return false;
// Check contact groups
if(isset($values['contact_groups'])) {
foreach($values['contact_groups'] as $contactGroupValues) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(NagiosContactGroupPeer::NAME, $contactGroupValues['value']);
$contactgroup = NagiosContactGroupPeer::doSelectOne($c);
if(empty($contactgroup)) {
$job->addNotice("The contact group specified by " . $contactGroupValues['value'] . " was not found. Setting this host escalation as queued.");
return false;
// Check contacts
if(isset($values['contacts'])) {
foreach($values['contacts'] as $contactValues) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(NagiosContactPeer::NAME, $contactValues['value']);
$contact = NagiosContactPeer::doSelectOne($c);
if(empty($contact)) {
$job->addNotice("The contact specified by " . $contactValues['value'] . " was not found. Setting this host escalation as queued.");
return false;
if(isset($values['host_name'])) {
foreach($values['host_name'] as $hostValues) {
$host = NagiosHostPeer::getByName($hostValues['value']);
if(empty($host)) {
$job->addNotice("The host specified by " . $hostValues['value'] . " was not found. Setting this host escalation as queued.");
return false;
// Check for hostgroup_name
if(isset($values['hostgroup_name'])) {
foreach($values['hostgroup_name'] as $hostgroupValues) {
$hostgroup = NagiosHostgroupPeer::getByName($hostgroupValues['value']);
if(empty($hostgroup)) {
$job->addNotice("The host group specified by " . $hostgroupValues['value'] . " was not found. Setting this host escalation as queued.");
return false;
return true;
private function getTemplateValues($name) {
$job = $this->getEngine()->getJob();
$template = NagiosHostEscalationImporter::getTemplateByName($name);
if(!$template) {
$job->addNotice("FATAL ERROR: Failed to get template by name: " . $name);
// $template is a segment instance
$values = $template->getValues();
if(isset($values['use'])) {
// Multiple levels!
$tempValues = $this->getTemplateValues($values['use'][0]['value']);
// Okay, go through each
foreach($tempValues as $key => $val) {
if(!isset($values[$key])) {
$values[$key] = $val;
return $values;
static function saveTemplate($name, $segment) {
NagiosHostEscalationImporter::$templates[$name] = $segment;
private function __process($escalation) {
$job = $this->getEngine()->getJob();
$config = $this->getEngine()->getConfig();
$segment = $this->getSegment();
$values = $segment->getValues();
$fileName = $segment->getFilename();
// Check if we need to bring in values from a template
if(isset($values['use'])) {
// We sure are using a template!
// Okay, hokey multi-inheritance support for the importer
$tempValues = $this->getTemplateValues($values['use'][0]['value']);
// Okay, go through each
foreach($tempValues as $key => $val) {
if(!isset($values[$key])) {
$values[$key] = $val;
foreach($values as $key => $entries) {
foreach($entries as $entry) {
// Skips
$value = $entry['value'];
$lineNum = $entry['line'];
if($key == 'use' || $key == 'name' || $key == 'register' || $key == 'host_name' || $key == 'hostgroup_name' || $key == 'contacts' || $key == 'contact_groups')
if($key == 'escalation_options') {
$options = explode(",",$entry['value']);
foreach($options as $option) {
switch(strtolower(trim($option))) {
case 'd':
case 'u':
case 'r':
// Okay, let's check that the method DOES exist
if(!method_exists($escalation, $this->fieldMethods[$key])) {
$job->addError("Method " . $this->fieldMethods[$key] . " does not exist for variable: " . $key . " on line " . $lineNum . " in file " . $fileName);
if(!$config->getVar('continue_error')) {
return false;
else {
call_user_method($this->fieldMethods[$key], $escalation, $value);
return true;
private function __addContacts($escalation) {
$job = $this->getEngine()->getJob();
$config = $this->getEngine()->getConfig();
$segment = $this->getSegment();
$values = $segment->getValues();
$fileName = $segment->getFilename();
// Check if we need to bring in values from a template
if(isset($values['use'])) {
// We sure are using a template!
// Okay, hokey multi-inheritance support for the importer
$tempValues = $this->getTemplateValues($values['use'][0]['value']);
// Okay, go through each
foreach($tempValues as $key => $val) {
if(!isset($values[$key])) {
$values[$key] = $val;
if(isset($values['contacts'])) {
$contactNames = explode(",", $values['contacts'][0]['value']);
foreach($contactNames as $contact_name) {
$contact = NagiosContactPeer::getByName($contact_name);
return false;
$relationship = new NagiosEscalationContact();
if(isset($values['contact_groups'])) {
$contactGroupNames = explode(",", $values['contact_groups'][0]['value']);
foreach($contactGroupNames as $contactgroup_name) {
$contactgroup = NagiosContactGroupPeer::getByName($contactgroup_name);
return false;
$relationship = new NagiosEscalationContactgroup();
return true;
public function import() {
$job = $this->getEngine()->getJob();
$config = $this->getEngine()->getConfig();
$segment = $this->getSegment();
$values = $segment->getValues();
$fileName = $segment->getFilename();
// We need to determine if we are a template
if(isset($values['name'])) {
// We are a template
$job->addNotice("Saving internal host escalation template: " . $values['name'][0]['value']);
NagiosHostEscalationImporter::saveTemplate($values['name'][0]['value'], $segment);
return true;
// Check if we need to bring in values from a template
if(isset($values['use'])) {
// We sure are using a template!
// Okay, hokey multi-inheritance support for the importer
$tempValues = $this->getTemplateValues($values['use'][0]['value']);
// Okay, go through each
foreach($tempValues as $key => $val) {
if(!isset($values[$key])) {
$values[$key] = $val;
// Okay, we first iterate through any possible dependent_host_name's
if(isset($values['host_name'])) {
$host_names = explode(",", $values['host_name'][0]['value']);
foreach($host_names as $host_name) {
$escalation = new NagiosEscalation();
$host = NagiosHostPeer::getByName($host_name);
return false;
$ret = $this->__process($escalation);
return false;
$ret = $this->__addContacts($escalation);
return false;
// Need to give it a temp name
$escalation->setDescription("Imported Escalation #" . $escalation->getId());
$job->addNotice("NagiosHostEscalation finished importing Host Escalation for " . $host_name);
if(isset($values['hostgroup_name'])) {
$hostgroup_names = explode(",", $values['hostgroup_name'][0]['value']);
foreach($hostgroup_names as $hostgroup_name) {
$escalation = new NagiosEscalation();
$hostgroup = NagiosHostgroupPeer::getByName($hostgroup_name);
return false;
$ret = $this->__process($escalation);
return false;
$ret = $this->__addContacts($escalation);
return false;
$escalation->setDescription("Imported Escalation #" . $escalation->getId());
$job->addNotice("NagiosHostEscalation finished importing Host Escalation for hostgroup " . $hostgroup_name);
return true;