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2011-08-18 14:54:38 +00:00

227 lines
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Executable file

* Base Module class to be used when writing Add On Modules.
abstract class Module {
private $_ormModule; // The ORM AddOnModule which represents this module in ORM land
private $_callingModule; // Reference to the Module which is calling this module
private $_context; // The context which is passed by the calling Module
private $__getParams = array();
private $__notUsGetParams = array(); // Parameters from the URL which do not belong to us, but still needs to be passed to future urls.
private $__postParams = array();
private $__uploadedFiles = array();
final public function __construct(AddOnModule $module, $context, Module $caller = null) {
// Checks
$tmpClassName = $module->getClassname();
if((get_class($this) != $module->getClassname())) {
throw new Exception("The creation of this module of type " . get_class($this) . " does not match the classname of the AddOnModule: " . $module->getClassname());
$this->_ormModule = $module;
$this->_context = $context;
$this->_callingModule = $caller;
// Grab our getParameters
$len = strlen("__m" . $this->_ormModule->getId() . "_");
foreach($_GET as $getName => $getValue) {
$pos = strpos($getName, "__m" . $this->_ormModule->getId() . "_");
if($pos === 0) {
// This variable belongs to us
$actualName = substr($getName, $len);
$this->__getParams[$actualName] = $getValue;
else {
$this->__notUsGetParams[$getName] = $getValue;
// Build our postParameters
foreach($_POST as $postName => $postValue) {
$pos = strpos($postName, "__m" . $this->_ormModule->getId() . "_");
if($pos === 0) {
// This variable belongs to us
$actualName = substr($postName, $len);
$this->__postParams[$actualName] = $postValue;
// Build our uploadedFiles
foreach($_FILES as $fileName => $fileValue) {
$pos = strpos($fileName, "__m" . $this->_ormModule->getId() . "_");
if($pos === 0) {
// This variable belongs to us
$actualName = substr($fileName, $len);
$this->__fileParams[$actualName] = $fileValue;
final public function getId() {
return $this->_ormModule->getId();
final public function getContext() {
return $this->_context;
final protected function getParamName($name) {
$newName = "__m" . $this->_ormModule->getId() . "_" . trim($name);
return $newName;
final protected function buildURL($pairs) {
if(!is_array($pairs)) {
throw new Exception("Arguement to buildURL must be an associative array");
$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?";
// Add our not us values
$first = true;
foreach($this->__notUsGetParams as $key => $val) {
$url .= "&";
$first = false;
$url .= $key . "=" . urlencode($val);
foreach($pairs as $key => $val) {
$name = $this->getParamName($key);
$url .= "&";
$first = false;
$url .= $name . "=" . urlencode($val);
return $url;
final protected function getUrlParam($name) {
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->__getParams))
return false;
return $this->__getParams[$name];
final protected function getPostParam($name) {
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->__postParams))
return false;
return $this->__postParams[$name];
final protected function getUploadedFile($name) {
if(!array_key_exists($name, $this->__uploadedFiles))
return false;
return $this->__uploadedFiles[$name];
final protected function getAddOnModule() {
return $this->_ormModule;
final protected function getAddOnUrl() {
$addOn = $this->_ormModule->getAddOnRelatedByAddOn();
$url = $addOn->getPath();
return false;
return $url . "/";
final protected function getCallingModule() {
return $this->_callingModule;
final protected function createModulesByHook($hook, $context = null) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(AddOnModuleHookPeer::ADD_ON_MODULE, $this->_ormModule->getId());
$c->add(AddOnModuleHookPeer::NAME, $hook);
$hook = AddOnModuleHookPeer::doSelectOne($c);
return false;
$registrations = $hook->getAddOnModuleHookRegistrations();
$modules = array();
foreach($registrations as $registration) {
$addOnModule = $registration->getAddOnModuleRelatedByAddOnModule();
if($addOnModule) {
// Okay, let's load up the class.
// First, make sure we include the class file.
if(!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../addons/" . $addOnModule->getAddOnRelatedByAddOn()->getPath() . "/modules/" . $addOnModule->getClassName() . ".php")) {
throw new Exception("The module class file for " . $addOnModule->getClassName() . " could not be found.");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../addons/" . $addOnModule->getAddOnRelatedByAddOn()->getPath() . "/modules/" . $addOnModule->getClassName() . ".php");
$className = $addOnModule->getClassName();
$modules[] = new $className($addOnModule, $context == null ? $this->getContext() : $context, $this);
return $modules;
final protected function getDynamicData($name = null) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::ADD_ON_MODULE, $this->_ormModule->getId());
if($name != null)
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::NAME, $name);
$dynData = AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::doSelect($c);
$data = array();
if(!empty($dynData)) {
foreach($dynData as $segment)
$data[$segment->getName()] = $segment->getData();
return $data;
final protected function deleteDynamicdata($name) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::ADD_ON_MODULE, $this->_ormModule->getId());
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::NAME, $name);
$dynData = AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::doSelectOne($c);
if(empty($dynData)) {
return true;
return true;
final protected function dynamicDataExists($name) {
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::ADD_ON_MODULE, $this->_ormModule->getId());
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::NAME, $name);
$dynData = AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::doSelectOne($c);
if(!empty($dynData)) {
return true;
return false;
final protected function setDynamicData($name, $data) {
if(trim($name) == '') {
throw new Exception("Name of dynamic data to be set cannot be blank.");
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::ADD_ON_MODULE, $this->_ormModule->getId());
$c->add(AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::NAME, $name);
$dynData = AddOnModuleDynamicDataPeer::doSelectOne($c);
if(!empty($dynData)) {
return true;
$dynData = new AddOnModuleDynamicData();
return true;
abstract public function init();
abstract public function render();
interface MenuItem {
public function getTitle();
public function getDescription();
public function getIcon();