Add initial work for output filtering

This commit is contained in:
Tristan PILAT 2020-08-31 09:47:35 +02:00
parent 129b323f80
commit 286fe62de5
1 changed files with 73 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -295,68 +295,87 @@ for x in $SERVICESUDP1p
## External services
# Add set with $DNSSERVERS elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_dnsservers { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $DNSSERVEURS ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_dnsservers {$(echo $DNSSERVEURS | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $HTTPSITES elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_httpsites { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $HTTPSITES ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_httpsites {$(echo $HTTPSITES | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $HTTPSSITES elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_httpssites { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $HTTPSSITES ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_httpssites {$(echo $HTTPSSITES | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $FTPSITES elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_ftpsites { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $FTPSITES ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_ftpsites {$(echo $FTPSITES | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $SSHOK elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_sshok { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $SSHOK ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_sshok {$(echo $SSHOK | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $SMTPOK elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_smtpok { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $SMTPOK ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_smtpok {$(echo $SMTPOK | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $SMTPSECUREOK elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_smtpsecureok { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $SMTPSECUREOK ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_smtpsecureok {$(echo $SMTPSECUREOK | sed 's/ /, /g')}
# Add set with $NTPOK elements
$NFT add set inet minifirewall minifirewall_ntpok { type ipv4_addr\;}
if [ ! -z $NTPOK ]
$NFT add element inet minifirewall minifirewall_ntpok {$(echo $NTPOK | sed 's/ /, /g')}
## DNS authorizations
#for x in $DNSSERVEURS
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 53 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# $NFT -A INPUT -p udp --sport 53 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
# $NFT -A OUTPUT -o $INT -p udp -d $x --dport 53 --match state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_dnsservers udp dport 53 counter accept
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_dnsservers tcp dport 53 counter accept
## HTTP (TCP/80) authorizations
#for x in $HTTPSITES
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 80 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_httpsites tcp dport 80 counter accept
## HTTPS (TCP/443) authorizations
#for x in $HTTPSSITES
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 443 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_httpssites tcp dport 443 counter accept
## FTP (so complex protocol...) authorizations
#for x in $FTPSITES
# do
# # requests on Control connection
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 21 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# # FTP port-mode on Data Connection
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 20 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# # FTP passive-mode on Data Connection
# # WARNING, this allow all connections on TCP ports > 1024
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport $PORTSUSER --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_ftpsites tcp dport {20, 21, 1024-65535} counter accept
## SSH authorizations
#for x in $SSHOK
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 22 -s $x -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_sshok tcp dport 22 counter accept
## SMTP authorizations
#for x in $SMTPOK
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 25 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_smtpok tcp dport 25 counter accept
## secure SMTP (TCP/465 et TCP/587) authorizations
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 465 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# $NFT -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn --sport 587 --dport $PORTSUSER -s $x -j ACCEPT
# done
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_smtpsecureok tcp dport {465, 587} counter accept
## NTP authorizations
#for x in $NTPOK
# do
# $NFT -A INPUT -p udp --sport 123 -s $x -j ACCEPT
# $NFT -A OUTPUT -o $INT -p udp -d $x --dport 123 --match state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
# done
## Always allow ICMP
#$NFT -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
#[ "$IPV6" != "off" ] && $NFT6 -A INPUT -p icmpv6 -j ACCEPT
$NFT add rule inet minifirewall minifirewall_output ip daddr @minifirewall_ntpok tcp dport 123 counter accept