Minifirewall ========= Minifirewall is shellscripts for easy firewalling on a standalone server we used nftables designed for recent Linux kernel See ## Install ~~~ install -m 0700 minifirewall.service /etc/systemd/system/minifirewall.service install -m 0700 /usr/local/sbin/ install -m 0700 /usr/local/sbin/ install -m 0600 minifirewall.conf /etc/default/minifirewall ~~~ ## Config Edit /etc/default/minifirewall file: * If your interface is not _eth0_, change *INT* variable * Modify *INTLAN* variable, probably with your *IP/32* or your local network if you trust it * Set your trusted and privilegied IP addresses in *TRUSTEDIPS* and *PRIVILEGIEDIPS* variables * Authorize your +public+ services with *SERVICESTCP1* and *SERVICESUDP1* variables * Authorize your +semi-public+ services (only for *TRUSTEDIPS* and *PRIVILEGIEDIPS* ) with *SERVICESTCP2* and *SERVICESUDP2* variables * Authorize your +private+ services (only for *TRUSTEDIPS* ) with *SERVICESTCP3* and *SERVICESUDP3* variables * Configure your authorizations for external services : DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SSH, NTP ## Usage ~~~ systemctl start/stop/restart minifirewall.service ~~~ If you want to add minifirewall in boot sequence: ~~~ systemctl enable minifirewall ~~~ ## License This is an [Evolix]( project and is licensed under the GPLv3, see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.